Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 800: Lightforged Draenei and Mother of Light

Having just experienced a disastrous defeat, the Holy Light Legion is on high alert.

They knew very well that they were the thorn in the side of the Burning Legion, and they did not let their guard down for a moment even when they were recuperating.

Andrea\'s aggressive behavior made this group of frightened birds unable to bear the initiative to attack, but beyond their expectations, this seemingly insignificant bird was extremely flexible, and the powerful main cannon could not hit him at all.

Andrea let go of the control of one of the technicians, and the technician slumped on the ground with some weak legs after breaking free from the restraints.

It took a while for him to stand up with trembling legs. Judging from the terrifying aura emanating from the other party, the "enemy" who broke into the battleship as a single soldier was obviously not a match for non-combatant members like them.

Watching the stumbling draenei technician run up to the upper floor, Andrea put her daughter down, and the two sat calmly on a row of pipes of unknown purpose.

A few minutes later, a soft singing female voice suddenly appeared in the minds of the two.

"Guests who came from afar from Azeroth, please forgive our impoliteness, and please follow Telamon to the bridge."

At the same time as this unknown voice sounded, a draenei who covered the lower half of his face with a face scarf came from the upper deck of the spaceship.

The draenei looked different from the draenei Andrea had seen before.

In Draenei culture, the naaru mark suspended in front of the forehead represents the blessing of the naaru.

As far as Andrea knows, except for Velen, ordinary Draenei do not have the mark of Naaru.

But this draenei who couldn\'t see his face had a golden naaru mark suspended in front of his forehead, and his eyes were a very strange pure gold color.

This golden color is completely different from Andrea\'s golden pupil.

Andrea\'s pupils are only golden in color, and the outline of the pupils can still be seen very clearly.

But the whole pair of eyes of this draenei were full of golden holy light, and there was no trace of pupils at all.

This strange draenei was carrying a draenei-style giant sword, and politely bowed to Andrea and Aurora, "Dear guests, I am the Sword Master Telamon of the Holy Light Legion, the Mother of the Holy Light." Send me to lead the way for you two."

The draenei spoke very poor Titan language, and Aurora almost couldn\'t help but laugh out loud on the spot, and finally stopped her laughter by pinching her hands.

Andrea was much calmer in comparison. He greeted the other party in fluent Draenei, "Achalhecta (good day), please trouble Mr. Telamon."


The corners of Telamon\'s eyes visibly twitched. Although he couldn\'t see the expression under his mask, one could imagine how embarrassed the Juggernaut was.

Golden holy light shone everywhere inside Zenidar, and the entire spaceship was bathed in light.

In the process of following Telamon to the bridge, Andrea saw many draenei with similar characteristics to Telamon.

The golden eye of the holy light, the marks of the naaru of different colors floating in front of the forehead, and the hair of some draenei even glowed with a faint golden light, the whole person seemed to be made of holy light.

Since they had just experienced a defeat, these draenei were bandaged to varying degrees, but they were still full of energy. They looked at Andrea and Aurora passing by with scrutiny.

‘These are the rumored Lightforged Draenei, right? \'

Lightforged Draenei are powerful warriors unique to the Legion of the Holy Light. Through a very strict ceremony, Zela allowed the Draenei who participated in the trial to face the most vulnerable part of their hearts, overcome it, and obtain the purity of the Holy Light. soul.

The Lightforged Draenei are no longer mortals in terms of physical structure.

Their bodies are filled with powerful power of the Holy Light, which makes them live longer than ordinary Draenei, and their combat effectiveness is much higher. They are special individuals specially transformed for combat.

The success rate of the light casting ceremony is very low. Many people who participated in the trial will die during the ceremony. Only the true elite can successfully pass all the tests.

‘I remember, Turayang seems to be in the Legion of Light, right? Why didn\'t Zera send him to meet us? \'

With doubts in their hearts, Andrea and Aurora followed Telamon to the bridge where Zela was.

Zela, known as the Mother of the Holy Light, was the first batch of naaru born during the cosmic ordering period, and has a high status among the naaru.

Andrea could feel that she was much stronger than the average Naru, and even the strongest Naru Adar he had ever seen was not as good as Zela.

Zela was suspended in a platform specially prepared for her, and the bright holy light she overflowed penetrated the top of the spaceship.

Through the specially designed spaceship of Zenidar, the energy naturally emitted by Zela will not be wasted like Adal, but will be turned into energy for Zenidar through internal circulation.

"Welcome to you, distinguished guests from Azeroth."

Zela\'s soft voice sounded again, "I am Zela, the founder of the Holy Light Legion."

"Unfamiliar god, please forgive our rude behavior of reckless attack."

Telamon, who was standing beside Zela, was obviously taken aback, "God?"


Another female Lightforged Draenei who was standing beside Zela coughed lightly and gave Telamon a hard look, warning him not to interrupt Zela\'s communication with the honored guest.

Andrea smiled and stroked her chest, "Hello, Mother of Light, I am Andrea Moonshadow, and this is my daughter Aurora."

I don\'t know if it was because he was facing a god, but Zela didn\'t show the toughness and arrogance in Andrea\'s impression, and communicated with Andrea very politely.

The battle situation on the front line was urgent, and Andrea didn\'t intend to gossip too much with Zela. After a routine exchange of pleasantries, he quickly turned the topic to the main topic.

"Zera, I took the liberty to come here this time to ally with the Legion of the Holy Light and jointly fight against the Burning Legion."

Andrea said solemnly, "I think you should have noticed that the army of Azeroth is fighting fiercely with the Burning Legion in the wasteland of Antoran."

"The defenses of the Antoran wasteland are very tight. UU Reading It is difficult for us to tear the gap leading to the Burning Throne in a short time. The defensive barrier arranged by Sargeras also blocked me and another True God\'s assault plan."

"If this stalemate continues, the Burning Legion\'s reinforcements will sooner or later drag down our army."

"I want to know if there is a way for us to bypass the heavily fortified front and directly attack Antorus from the information held by the Legion of Light."

Zela\'s body turned in mid-air, as if thinking about how to answer Andrea\'s question.

"Unfortunately, although the Legion of the Holy Light has been at war with the Burning Legion for many years, our troops are not strong enough to directly attack the Antoran wasteland, and we don\'t know more about this land than you do."

When Andrea showed disappointment, Zela changed the topic, "But we have indeed done some research on Sargeras\' defensive barrier."

"Sargeras is unparalleled in the control of absolute power, but he is used to the fighting style of spreading his power widely, and his subtle use of power is a bit rough."

"This defensive barrier was not designed by him himself, but from Kil\'jaeden the Deceiver. Sargeras just infused it with power according to the blueprint drawn by Kil\'jaeden."


Andrea\'s eyes flashed brightly, "In other words, Kil\'jaeden knows all about the defensive barrier?"

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