Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 788: Azshara's values

Azshara\'s jade feet look very attractive, the tiny shell-like toes are glowing with a touch of violet, the arc of the arch of the foot is also extremely perfect, and the extended slender calf shows a graceful curve.

She couldn\'t breathe underwater, and couldn\'t smell anything, but Andrea believed that Azshara\'s jade feet would never have any peculiar smell, and the proud queen would not tolerate even one imperfection on her body.

Angrily, she handed Azshara to her face and patted it away, and Andrea rolled her eyes and complained, "Do you think I would do such a stupid thing of giving up my dignity? It\'s better to stop joking."


Azshara took the raised crystal jade feet back, looked at Andrea with a half-smile and said, "Why do I feel that you were shaken for a moment just now? So you are so good?"


Vashj coughed loudly on purpose and cut off the more exaggerated conversation between the two. Seeing Azshara frowning and looking over, Vashj hurriedly lowered his head to remind.

"Your Majesty, please pay attention to your manners."

"Forget it, the fun ends here."

Azshara put down her crossed legs and sat upright, and a serious expression was restored on her face.

"It is not difficult to modify the fertility rate of night elves, but it takes a long time to modify Naga."

"And this work can only be done manually by us as gods. It is basically impossible to achieve the population explosion in the short period of time you think."

Even if Andrea learned to transform the body under the careful teaching of Azshara, only the two of them can undertake the work of genetic adjustment, and it is just an unrealistic luxury to quickly complete the transformation of the whole family.

The purpose of adjusting the birth rate of the night elves is to increase the new population of the whole family. If the body modification technique is only limited to a small area, it will be meaningless to the overall situation of the whole family.

Azshara is very aware of Andrea\'s concerns, and she doesn\'t want to spend all day with nothing to do to adjust the genes of her subordinates.

"Don\'t be in a hurry to put it into practical use. I will try more other methods to see if I can skip the tedious manual process and complete the entire process through mass production."

Azshara already had a rough plan in mind, to replace inefficient manual work by deploying god-level alchemy potions.

However, the selection of excipients for the potion and the batch injection of the genetic modification divine power all take time to study the ratio and process, and Azshara is not sure how much time it will take to perfect this potion.

Watching Andrea launch the shadow shuttle worriedly to leave, Azshara also leaned on the throne and fell into deep thought.

Not only was Andrea anxious, Azshara also hoped to speed up the conversion efficiency of Naga, after all, it was related to the competition between her and Elune for the total number of followers.

Vaschi opened her mouth several times to say something, but she was unable to make a sound because she was worried about disturbing the queen\'s thoughts.

Azshara, who has been promoted to a true god, has a stronger perception of her surroundings than when she was a demigod, and Vashj\'s tangled emotions were quickly noticed by her.

"Vashqi, just say what you have to say, don\'t be so hesitant."


Vaschi asked cautiously, "Queen, do you really intend to choose this spear orangutan as your partner?"

Azshara raised her delicate eyebrows, turned her head slightly and looked at Vaschi meaningfully.

"What? Are you dissatisfied with Andrea?"


Vaschi hesitated for a while, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "Queen, please forgive me."

"Andrea Moon Shadow\'s personal strength and power are indeed worthy of you, but he is a family man after all, so it would be inappropriate for you to step in..."

"Heh~" Azshara smiled indifferently, "I thought you were worried about something, but it turned out to be such a trivial matter."

Standing up from the throne, Azshara looked up at the small open-air window leading to the sea above the Eternal Palace. The dark seabed could not see the moonlight from the outside world at all.

"Washqi, my views on mate selection and values ​​are different from yours. Once I see someone, I don\'t care about other red tape."

"In my opinion, only the strong are qualified to dominate everything."

"Since Andrea can really convince me with his strength, so what if he has a family? Are you worried that I will suffer in the hands of Shandris and that little girl from the Sunstrider family?"

Vaschi hurriedly defended, "Of course not! I just feel that sharing a partner with someone else is not in line with your noble status."

"Is it honorable?"

Azshara sighed softly, "Vashj, do you still think my status is noble?"

"The Night Empire has long been a thing of the past. What the night elves recognize today is not the indifferent queen who treated them as worthless 10,000 years ago, but the Moon Shadow Speaker who is dedicated to fighting for better living conditions for them and leading the whole clan to overcome obstacles."

Azshara looked at the unacceptable Vashj earnestly, "Times have changed. In the eyes of most night elves, Azshara is just the queen of Naga, not the queen of night."

"Until I transform the Naga back into the night elves and reintegrate into the society of the Night Republic, this concept will not change easily."

"That\'s why I unconditionally promised Andrea to develop mass-production genetic modification methods as soon as possible."

Azshara stretched out her slender fingers and slowly slid down Vashj\'s forehead, "As my first human experiment, Vashj, will you feel regret and fear?"

"of course not!"

Vaschi\'s eyes were a little fascinated, but she subconsciously replied firmly, "Everything I have is given by the queen. If it can play a role in your plan, mere danger to life is nothing!"

"very good."

Lifting Vaschi\'s chin, Azshara kissed her on the forehead with a light smile, "As expected of my most heartfelt headmaid, continue to maintain your loyalty, no matter what happens to Andrea and I\'s future, I won\'t treat you badly."


The answer given by Azshara made Andrea somewhat disappointed, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com But it\'s only natural if you think about it carefully.

"Alchemy potion?"

Azshara\'s learning talent is unmatched. She is not proficient in any skills that Azeroth has ever had, and alchemy is of course no exception.

After being promoted to a true god, Azshara\'s various skills should also achieve corresponding breakthroughs. Andrea is confident that she can develop mass-produced potions instead of manual spellcasting.

However, considering that the physique and tolerance of each subject are different, in addition to the research on the ratio of potions, a large number of clinical trials are also necessary. This process is destined to not be completed in a month. years or so.

Fortunately, in the early days of the great interstellar voyage, the night elves, whose technological level was clearly superior to other races, could still maintain a sufficient advantage.

By the time humans, orcs and other races hitch a ride into this competition, the night elves should have seized many planets with high-quality resources under Andrea\'s layout, and they won\'t have to worry about being caught up by latecomers in at least 30 to 50 years. And worried.

There are goblins in the tribe, and gnomes in the alliance. Even if these two races with strong scientific research capabilities have previous experience, it will take a lot of time to catch up.

"Haste makes waste. Since the genetic modification of the whole family cannot be completed for the time being, let\'s think about business first."

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