Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 729: multi-line battlefield

The domain name of this site has been changed to ow Shadow of the Moonlight in Azeroth Chapter 729 Multi-line Battlefield Audio Novel Listen Online


Not only N\'Zoth couldn\'t understand Azshara\'s thoughts, but Andrea also couldn\'t understand the erratic Naga Queen.

At the end of the War of the Ancients, with Azshara and the strength in her hands, there is definitely a chance to fight back.

Whether she joins the Rebels to wash away her sins, or goes all the way to help the Burning Legion, the power in the Queen\'s hands will play a decisive role in promoting the stalemate.

But in the end Azshara did nothing, allowing the Well of Eternity to explode, and Zin-Azshara sank into the sea.

Andrea once speculated that Azshara was atoning for her wrong choice, but thinking about it, it seems unlikely.

Azshara is a natural leader with an extreme ego, even if she regrets what she has done, she will not take this way of evasion to atone for her sins.

Although the naga attacked the coastline controlled by the night elves many times in the following ten thousand years, compared with the current crisis situation, those previous attacks can only be regarded as small troubles.

The stalemate in Un\'Goro crater in the south continued. Ragnaros was unable to advance the front line for a long time, but lost a series of generals under Garrod\'s fixed-point cleanup.

Although Freya\'s ability in frontal combat is not strong, it is based on other Titan Guardians as a reference.

When fighting Ragnaros, Freya Panacea\'s auxiliary ability was brought into full play. She just relied on her strong recovery power and defensive assistance to turn the battle into a bladder game.

Ragnaros, who is good at offensive raids and has always pursued aggression like a fire, is extremely frustrated. The battle is completely dragged into the opponent\'s rhythm, and his every move feels very awkward.

Andrea was not worried about the battle situation in Un\'Goro Crater. Ragnaros chose the place where the Fire Plume Mountain appeared as the source of fire, which was a wrong choice in the first place.

Un\'Goro Crater has indeed been abandoned for many years, but the boundary gate connecting Sholazar Basin still maintains normal operation.

These two basins are ecological experiment fields specially selected by Freya, which can be said to be her back garden.

Someone ran into his back garden to make trouble, and Freya, as the guardian of life, would naturally not turn a blind eye.

Leaving the final work of the storm cliff to the great guardian and other companions, Freya took the lead in leading the reinforcements from the Sholazar Basin to teleport to the crater.

The fire element is extremely aggressive, but the ability to continue fighting after the outbreak is a bit impatient.

Their moves and fighting styles are all about breaking down their opponents in one round. If they can\'t be defeated... then they can only wait to be dragged into a long-term round by the opponent until they are defeated.

Now Ragnaros is in this embarrassing situation.

A round of eruption can\'t defeat Freya. Although she can barely maintain the situation with the help of Huoyushan\'s energy, God knows whether Freya will have reinforcements, in case other guardians are free...

Garald didn\'t let the mortal legion interfere with the immortal fight on the top of the Fire Feather Mountain, and concentrated on directing allies such as the tol\'vir and the tauren to find the fire elemental generals and remove them one by one.

Compared with the south, the situation on Rutherland Island that Shandris is in charge of is relatively clear.

Relying on the connections and outstanding personality charm accumulated in the past, Sunderland attracted a large number of active defectors from the wall of the sky, and gradually lifted the indecisive wind rider Al\'Akir.

With the development of the situation to this point, Al\'Akir has already guessed the next direction of the situation.

Just as the wind rider was planning to hand over the throne of the wind elemental king to his son as a matter of course, N\'Zoth suddenly issued a stern order to him, forcing Alakir to continue to resist and delay the time of the wind elemental rebels as much as possible.

Under the force of N\'Zoth, the inside of the wind element began to stage a repertoire that Azeroth loved to see-father\'s kindness and son\'s filial piety.

The civil strife of the wind element is mainly concentrated inside the wall of the sky. Shandris has already obtained the promise of Sunderland the Windchaser in advance. Once he successfully seizes power, he will join the camp of the defenders of Azeroth and resist the ancient gods. Enslavement, so that the wind element can return to freedom.

Shandris, who was free, left only a small number of defenders to monitor the battle situation, and led the main force of the Second Flying Fleet back to Mount Hyjal to stand by.

The swarming Naga startled Shandris a lot. She has led the sentinel troops for nearly ten thousand years, and she has never seen Naga so crazy.

Shandris asked worriedly, "Andrea, what are you going to do next?"


Andrea looked at the map and pondered for a few seconds, "In this multi-front war that determines the future of Azeroth, every battlefield is very important."

"First of all, the world of four elements. The wall of the sky has basically been settled. With the intervention of Hodir and Thorim, Ragnaros doesn\'t have much time to jump around."

"The problem lies in Maw of the Abyss and Deep Rock Continent."

Andrea tapped heavily on the position of the maelstrom with a pointer, "According to the information provided by the ring of the earth, Deathwing forcibly smashed the pillar of the world in Deep Rock Continent before rushing out of the maelstrom."

"The Pillar of the World is related to the survival of the Earth Elemental World. At the moment when the Elemental World and Azeroth are reintegrated, once the Earth Elemental World collapses, the main material world of Azeroth will also be greatly implicated."

Shandris also looked up at the map. "Can the shaman of the Earthen Ring repair this pillar?"

"Yes, but they need more people and time."

Andrea patted his left hand with the pointer, "Go\'el mobilized all the shamans in the orc clan to the Heart of Azeroth, and the Tauren, Darkspear trolls, Zandalari trolls and Wildhammer dwarves also Respond to the call."

"It should be no problem to temporarily hand over Deep Rock Continent to them, but the water elemental world..."

With a headache, Andrea clicked on the Vashj\'ir Underwater World in the west of Stormwind City, "I obtained King Varian\'s permission through Niyana to arrange for the underwater combat troops to enter Vashj\'ir, and try to compete with Neptulon\'s The water elementals get in touch."

"Vashj\'ir is one of the main activity areas of the Naga, and its defenses are very strict. A large number of water elements are fighting fiercely with the Naga. It may take some time to break through the Naga\'s defense and get in touch with Neptulon. .”

"And then the Emerald Dream."

Andrea sighed and said, "Because of the shortage of manpower, UU Reading Fandral led Valstein and a large number of Cenarion Council druids into the dreamland to assist in the defense. Cenarius and Goldrinn and other demigods also Move out one after another."

"But this time Xavius ​​is obviously planning to fight for his life. A large number of faceless men have invaded the dream world, and the nightmare\'s offensive is extremely fierce."

"Once the Emerald Dream, which is the mirror world of Azeroth, falls, all living creatures of Azeroth will be gradually corrupted by nightmares in their sleep."

"As for Naga..."

Andrea frowned and looked at the coastlines marked in red on the strategic map. "Although saying this may damage morale, we can only take a defensive position for the time being."

Maiev suddenly interjected, "Did you forget something? Deathwing is still trapped in the gravity barrier."

Andrea waved his hands and said, "Don\'t worry about him for now."

"The Gravity Barrier is an indiscriminate attack mode. Attacks launched from the outside will also be affected and cannot be effective. Let\'s just wait and see."

"The elemental armor that Deathwing made to protect himself from collapsing has become his death talisman, and he should not be able to break free from the influence of gravity before his sanity collapses."

Andrea pointed to Northrend meaningfully, "And don\'t forget, the most important thing to Deathwing is not us, but the dragons who are ready to go."</tent>

Azeroth Shadow of the Moon