Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 65: Entrust the future

According to Andrea\'s vague memory, he vaguely remembered that someone stole the dragon soul from under the eyes of the Black Dragon King, but he was not sure if it was Illidan who did it.

About a month ago, Andrea had seen this famous demon hunter at the gate of Zin-Azhali. At that time, he obviously didn\'t hold the dragon soul in his hand.

However, Illidan was once the captain of the Black Rook Castle Moon Guard, which means that he was once a highly skilled arcanist.

Although Illidan completely changed his fighting style after accepting Sargeras\' fel infusion, it didn\'t mean he couldn\'t use arcane magic.

Theoretically speaking, after Illidan failed to force his way through the city gate, he could be teleported directly to Highmountain to steal the dragon\'s soul. With this powerful artifact as a token of honor, he entered Zin-Azshari openly.

Shaking his head and putting aside his messy thoughts, Andrea rearranged the status quo.

\'Whoever stole the dragon soul, it would not be difficult to induce Neltharion, who was insane from the pain of tearing his body, to leave. \'

Andrea didn\'t know if Rhonin could think of this, just in case, he told Malfurion his suggestion.

Malfurion seemed a little hesitant after hearing his method, "Before he betrayed the Dragon Legion, Neltharion had always been the leader of the Aspect Dragon. He has always been calm and well-mannered. Will this groundless inducement work? ?”

Andrea said with a smile, "That was before, I have heard that Neltharion\'s body could not withstand the powerful energy recoil of the artifact and collapsed due to excessive use of the dragon soul."

"Now the fallen Black Dragon King should be enduring the heart-piercing pain of his body being split. I don\'t think he can think calmly and rationally in this situation."

Malfurion nodded dubiously, "Okay, I will arrange for the Arcanist to convey your suggestion to Ronin, and besides..."

There was a sudden pause before the words came out, and Malfurion\'s face showed some hesitation and helplessness, "Andrea, please forgive Tyrande\'s bad attitude towards you. The savior looked at each other coldly."

Andrea was taken aback when he heard the words, then shook his head and said with a smile, "Teacher, please don\'t worry."

"She doesn\'t have any malice towards me, it\'s purely an instinctive repulsion caused by the fact that we both have the same but completely opposite energy from Elune."

As Malfurion said, although Andrea rescued Tyrande from the palace against all odds, the high-ranking priest of the moon **** always had a relatively indifferent attitude towards him.

Andrea didn\'t care about this. Tyrande wasn\'t the only one who could feel this instinctive rejection, he was the same.

And Tyrande, who was the subject of discussion between the master and the apprentice, was sitting in front of the bed of the high priest of Dijana, casting spells silently.

Due to the tense battle, Maiev, the leader of the battle priests, led the members of the Sisterhood to fight on the front line, and only some non-combatant members of the Sisterhood stayed in the camp.

"There\'s no need to waste your efforts."

Dijana stopped Tyrande\'s efforts with a smile, "Many sisters have tried to heal me, and even Archdruid Stormrage has come here several times in person, to no avail."

"The High Priest..."

Seeing his mentor\'s weakness, Tyrande clenched his fists subconsciously with the feeling of powerlessness in his heart.

Dijana patted Tyrande\'s hands on the bedside lightly. "Look up, child."

"Perhaps this is my fate, the goddess\' punishment for my indecision in the first half of my life."

Dijana, who was leaning on the pillow, looked very calm and relaxed, and the sick look on her face could not conceal her dusty temperament that had been very rare in recent years.

"I have explained everything that needs to be explained. After this war is over, you will succeed me as the new High Priest of the Sisterhood."

Frustrated, Tyrande looked up in surprise, "Me? Too soon? I don\'t have any experience, or..."

Dijana smiled and waved her hand. "Experience is something that has been slowly accumulated from scratch. With the oracle sent down by Elune himself as a guarantee, your successor is justified."


"I know what you\'re worried about."

After letting go of everything, Dijana saw everything in the world more clearly than before. She looked at Tyrande with a smile in her clear eyes.

"Are you worried about Maiev\'s attitude?"

"As I said before, everything that needs to be explained has been clearly explained, which naturally includes possible objections that may arise in the future sisterhood."

Dijana held Tyrande\'s right hand with a serious expression, expressing her attitude with a slight increase in her weak strength.

"The Elune Sisterhood will be handed over to you in the future. Maiev will definitely not be convinced in a short time, but I believe she will put the overall situation first."

Tyrande opened his mouth to say something, but seeing Dijana\'s pale face, he finally sighed.

"I know, I will do my best to continue to grow the Sisters of Elune."

"That\'s good, that\'s good."

Sitting up straight, Dijana leaned back tiredly, her eyes gradually drooping due to exhaustion.

Before going to bed, Dijana pulled off a string of pendants around her neck with great energy, and solemnly handed them over to Tyrande.

"This is what I mentioned to you before, the artifact passed down from generation to generation by the Sisterhood - the Tears of Elune."

"I am very incompetent as a high priest. Not only did I fail to fulfill my duty as Elune\'s spokesperson to persuade Queen Azshara, but my personal strength is also lackluster. UU Reading"

"The Tears of Elune are very powerful, but those who are not strong enough will suffer serious backlash when using it. I am a lesson from the past."

Dijana\'s struggling eyes finally closed slowly, "I more...than me..."


Hearing the sound of even breathing from the hospital bed, Tyrande held Elune\'s tear and was silent for a few seconds.

"High Priest, I will definitely not let you and Elune down."

Hanging the Tears of Elune around her neck, Tyrande silently saluted Dijana who was in a deep sleep, and exited the tent lightly.


A slightly frivolous voice came from the side of the tent. A male elf who she instinctively disliked was leaning on a short tree with his arms folded to greet him. Another noble girl whom she met not long ago was also talking to him. She bowed.

Looking at the pendant sandwiched between the majestic peaks of Tyrande, Andrea\'s eyes flashed a hint of understanding.

"It seems that High Priest Dijana has entrusted you with the future, what\'s next?"

Tyrande snorted lightly and said, "It has nothing to do with you, you should do your own work first."

Looking at the back of Tyrande striding away, Andrea scratched her head helplessly.

"Sure enough, it\'s still too young. An overly emotional leader is not a good thing for the future of the sisterhood."

Leticia, who was following Andrea, couldn\'t help but rolled her eyes, "Isn\'t it because you\'re always teasing her, since you can\'t get along with each other, why don\'t you just keep a certain distance?"


Andrea shrugged and said, "I just want to test her capabilities. Now it seems that the future plan that was initially formulated before must continue to go deeper."