Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 48: The rain is coming

Accompanying Leticia to attend the gathering of friends this time, in addition to achieving the main task of directly contacting Dath\'Remar, Andrea also learned a lot of interesting or useful information from these noble girls.

Although these girls are still young, they all come from the major upper elf families after all.

Usually under the influence of ears and eyes, I have more or less accidentally heard some secret news from the mouth of the elders that others cannot know, and these news naturally become the talk of the girls at parties.

Among them was a certain demon hunter who tried to force his way through the city gate earlier.

In the end, Illidan still failed to rush into the city, and Archimonde\'s shocking power when he shot took him by surprise.

Although he knew that the target of that terrifying fel energy ray was not himself, the guilty Illidan finally chose to give up after weighing the gains and losses.

Illidan, who was free to come and go, humiliated the moon guards guarding the city. Captain Driesen on duty was scolded **** by the captain of the moon guards afterwards.

And that captain was the father of one of the young girls who attended the meeting.

When Dath\'Remar returned to the small hall with Seres, who was the host of the party, the little guy was rubbing her eyes in a daze. She had just woken up from a sweet dream.

Celes had no memory of being hypnotized by Andrea at all. After returning to the small hall, the little guy immediately cheered and rushed towards him again, completely ignoring the complicated eyes of his father standing at the door.

As the moon outside the window gradually lowers, the weekly party comes to an end.

When the little sisters were leaving the meeting and preparing to go home, Dath\'Remar had already set off to go outside the city, preparing to carry out the mission he had requested from the Queen.

After a pleasant party, the excited Leticia looked a little tired, and she dozed off on the soft cushions of the arcane sedan chair.

On the way back, the queen had already finished today\'s tour, and the guards along the way had long since disappeared.

Andrea stared blankly at the direction of the Well of Eternity through the small window, and the light of evil energy rising into the sky near the portal was very conspicuous.

‘A scene without aesthetic feeling, what is Queen Azshara thinking? She wouldn\'t really believe those lies that Sargeras made up, would she? \'

Although he did not have a direct face-to-face conversation with Azshara, through the brief contact before, Andrea was very impressed by the majestic and wise eyes of the Queen. He did not think that the Light of Light was a fool people.

Azshara must have her own plan in cooperating with the Burning Legion, but what her purpose is, Andrea has not thought of it yet.

‘Forget it, just be patient for the time being, at least until the injury is completely healed. \'

Andrea looked sideways at the sleeping Leticia. While waiting for Dath\'Remar\'s news, she tried to have limited contact with Leander. This consultant seems to have a lot of dissatisfaction with the Burning Legion, maybe... \'

There is a good saying that plans cannot keep up with changes.

When Leticia\'s arcane sedan returned to the Moonsong family\'s mansion, Leander standing at the door and the familiar woman in gorgeous clothes beside him immediately attracted Andrea\'s attention.

\'I remember. \'

Andrea squinted her eyes as she looked at the beautiful and attractive tall woman, ‘That’s one of the maids who followed Queen Azshara before, right? It seems that she is still the one with the highest status among the many maids, and is qualified to communicate directly with the queen, could it be...\'

A name flashed in his mind, and Andrea continued to pretend to be an ordinary crow without moving.

‘Vashj? How did she come to the Yuege family? \'


The slight vibration of the sedan chair awakened Leticia, who was in a light sleep state, and the girl rubbed her eyes and looked out the window.


When she saw her father and the head maid, Leticia\'s originally confused brain immediately woke up.

"Father, and... Ms. Vashj?"


Just as Andrea suddenly realized, Leander and Vaschi turned their gazes to Leticia who had just stepped out of the sedan chair at the same time.

To be precise, it turned to the crow on her shoulder.

Feeling the scrutiny of the two, Andrea was startled suddenly. He suddenly had a bad premonition, but in order not to startle the snake, he tried his best not to show it.


Leander frowned when he heard the crow\'s ugly cry, and then he asked Vaschi in a gentle and elegant tone, "Ms. Vaschi, let me confirm for the last time, is the queen really calling this crow by name?"

Andrea: "!"

Vaschi\'s eyes were also puzzled, she didn\'t see anything special about this ordinary crow, but she couldn\'t question the queen\'s order.

"That\'s right, the summoning time is tomorrow night, and the queen specially granted the crow\'s owner, Miss Letitia, to enter the palace with her."

Leander nodded, and turned his gaze to his daughter who looked surprised.

"Laetitia, you heard it too, don\'t be rude when entering the palace tomorrow, UU reading I will teach you some court etiquette later, you must learn it as soon as possible."

The processing speed of her brain couldn\'t keep up with the development of the situation, and Leticia\'s eyes were confused. She nodded subconsciously and replied, "I see, father."

After some repairs and Leander\'s explanation, Leticia finally regained some sobriety after taking a bath and changing clothes.

Stretching out her hand to poke Andrea\'s crow\'s body, the girl said to herself with a puzzled expression, "What\'s so special about you? Why does the queen suddenly want to see you?"

Andrea couldn\'t give a clear answer to this question, but he probably had something to do with the unexpected meeting before.

After hesitating for a while whether to tell the girl in front of him his true identity, Andrea finally chose to give up.

\'Forget it, maybe it will be exposed tomorrow, there is no need to add trouble to her before entering the palace. \'

"What did you say?! Got a clue?"

Tichondrius grabbed the low-level Nathrezim in front of him and asked, "Clarify the details!"

The Nathrezim said with difficulty, "It\'s... a commoner child along the street could not bear the torture, and when he was dying, he told what he saw unexpectedly."

"He said that the crow didn\'t fall to the ground after being shot down, but fell into a passing arcane sedan chair."

"Arcane litter? An automatic locomotion of the kind used by the Highborne?"

After calming down, Tichondrius let go of the dreadlord. He stroked his chin thoughtfully and asked, "Have you found out who that sedan chair belongs to?"

"Yes, after torture and repeated comparisons with mortals in the commercial street, it is confirmed that the owner of the sedan chair is a high-level elf girl named Leticia Moonsong."