Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 411: Afterglow of Goria

Although Hataru was very dissatisfied with Andrea\'s behavior of escaping first and letting him suffer the anger of the prophet alone, the archbishop still stubbornly did not confess the real mastermind behind the scenes.

After Andrea\'s previous intentional or unintentional persuasion, Hataru has strengthened his mind, and he intends to gather five archbishops to object to the prophet\'s gentle approach.

Anyway, sooner or later, he will have a showdown with the Prophet. Taking the opportunity of the barb arrow just let him understand his tough position on the outside world.

Seeing the expression on Hatalu\'s face that I\'m going to go despite thousands of people, Wei Lun suddenly felt dizzy.

This wasn\'t the first time he had disagreed with members of the bishop\'s council, but this was the only time that Villen felt uneasy.

The attitudes of Nari and Osar on the battlefield before made him a little uneasy. Coupled with Hatalu\'s tough performance, three archbishops successively opposed his gentle strategy.

‘Is it really that my foreign policy is too cowardly? \'

Velen is not a leader who advocates dictatorship, otherwise he would not delegate power to form a council of bishops to divide his rights.

The questioning of the three archbishops made him reflect on his own approach.

‘The loss of predictive ability does make me feel a little bit bound, but it’s common sense to adopt a conservative strategy in a new and unknown world, right? \'

Although he has reflections and doubts in his heart, Velen still doesn\'t think that his choice is wrong. He plans to find an opportunity to have a frank and honest chat with several archbishops.

When the battle resumed three days later, the ogres of Bastion of Pain thought of a way to deal with the draenei\'s sinister arrows.

They put a group of ogre elite warriors in full armor at the forefront, the solid metal armor that most ranger arrows cannot penetrate.


Akama planted the tower shield in his hand heavily on the ground, and the garrison officers under his command also imitated the defensive posture.

"Shield of Holy Light!"

The shields of all the front row garrison officers flashed golden light at the same time, and the entire shield was wrapped in this golden energy.


The ogre warrior who came forward slammed his weapon heavily on the shield erected by the vindicator.

The garrison officer who was hit hard just leaned back slightly. Although the physique of the draenei was not as good as that of the ogre, it would not be crushed by the disparity in strength.

On the contrary, the ogre warrior who smashed his weapon on the shield was shocked by the strong recoil from the shield and lost his center of gravity.


Under Akama\'s order, the draenei in the back row of the shield pierced out the spears that were also covered with holy light through the gap between the shields.

The sharp spear and huge strength pierced through the crude armor of the ogre, and the momentum of the ogre\'s charge was stopped.

"Maraad, Nobundo, it\'s your turn!"

Two gaps suddenly opened on both sides of the Draenei main formation, and the thunder elephant cavalry in heavy armor began to charge at full speed under the leadership of two leaders.

"Holy light protects us, charge!"

Maraad took the lead, swinging the huge crystal two-handed hammer in his hand, smashing several ogres who were in the way.

The Thunder Elephant\'s powerful breakthrough force tore apart the Ogre\'s attacking formation. Maraad and Nobundo were like two red-hot table knives cutting into butter, and quickly tore apart the Ogre\'s unorganized formation. .

The heavily armored warriors in the front line were washed away, and the ogre\'s weak rear and flanks were once again exposed. Nelly and her rangers had been waiting for this opportunity.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Under the gaze of Velen\'s tangled eyes, the arrows all over the sky fell into the ogre\'s formation again, bringing up a large cloud of blood mist amidst the screams.

As Velen said, he is just the spiritual leader of Delaney now.

Although he can still influence the decisions of the bishops\' council with his strong personality and the majesty of his long-term ruling, if the other party is really determined not to follow his advice, Velen will really have nothing to do with them for a while.

Akama has long seen the disagreement between the Bishops\' Council and the Prophet. Osar has expressed complaints and dissatisfaction in the Bishops\' Conference many times because of the Prophet\'s cowardly behavior.

Akama, who seems to be rough and bold, is actually very good at playing both sides in interpersonal relationships... To put it another way, there is nothing wrong with being double-faced and three-handed.

In terms of facing foreign enemies, Akama is inclined towards the bishops\' council in his heart, but he does not want the Prophet Velen, who has led the tribe for tens of thousands of years, to be frustrated by this. He has not clearly expressed his position and attitude.

Finally able to fight a hearty battle, Osar couldn\'t see the arrogance and restraint of the past at this time, and he shouted passionately, "Shatar! United spell preparation!"

The draenei scholars raised their staffs and gathered everyone\'s mana with the help of the magic circle under their feet. Osar, who was standing in the center of the magic circle, let out a loud shout and put his crystal staff on the ground.

"Flame Storm!"

The ogres are also experts in the use of arcane arts. Feeling the large-scale surge of arcane energy below the battlefield, the two-headed ogres also began to cast spells under the order of their leader.


The two spells, one cold and one hot, met on the battlefield one by one. Both the ogre and the draenei were not used to the cold and hot battlefield environment.

At this time, you can see the role of discipline. Many ogres can\'t stand the harsh battlefield environment, turn around and start to escape from the battlefield of ice and fire, thus engulfing a large number of ogres and fleeing.

While the draenei still gritted their teeth and stood firm, Akama released a large-scale holy shield centered on himself, and the golden energy shield covered all defenders within the range of the blizzard.

Compared with the anticlimactic first battle, the situation on the battlefield today is much more tragic.

Generally speaking, the draenei still had the upper hand, but the ogre also showed its true strength in this battle, and tested the draenei\'s details to a limited extent.

In fact, because of Velen\'s opposition, the Draenei still didn\'t put all their trump cards in. The army of constructs that Hataru sent to the front line was standing in a dormant state in the Draenei\'s front barracks.

After withdrawing his troops and returning to the city, the lord of Pain Fortress, the two-headed ogre mage Hulk suddenly didn\'t want to fight.

The draenei are by no means the soft persimmons they imagined. The cunning Hulk knew that Highmaul and other city-states just wanted to use them. The strength of Pain Fortress.

Hulk could see very clearly that if the ogre city-states everywhere could not unite as one, it would be impossible for any city-state including Highmaul to defeat the draenei alone.

"Notify the other city-states that I request an immediate meeting of the leaders."

Sitting on his lord\'s throne, Hulk said to the two-headed ogre emissary from Highmaul with a gloomy expression, "If Highmaul really wants to regain the old site of Goria and establish its prestige, we must unite in Let\'s send troops together, no one can take this opportunity to use other people as cannon fodder!"



Dazzling arcane light flashed in Hulk\'s hand, and the Highmaul messenger who wanted to refute was strangled by the invisible arcane power and lifted into the air.

"Need I repeat it? Go back and convey my meaning to all the guys watching the show!"

"Ahem... yes."