Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 395: night pearl

Aegwynn\'s character is rather aloof, he has always been used to being alone, and has a contemptuous attitude towards all authority.

Her respect for Andrea is only because this old man has strong personal strength, and she doesn\'t pay attention to Andrea\'s power status at all.

Suramar has just lifted the enchantment that has been closed for nearly ten thousand years. In order to reconnect with the world, Elisande still has a lot to do next.

Facing Aegwynn\'s outspoken challenge, she could only maintain a polite attitude, smiling and shaking her head to decline.

Aegwynn, who is as free as the wind, didn\'t care. She was the first to leave after the matter was over. It is said that she was going back to the Tirisfal Council to report to "those boring old men"... These are Aegwynn\'s original words .

The contact between dragons and mortals has always been meticulous. Except for major events related to the crisis of Azeroth, they will always keep a certain distance from the normal development of mortals.

After returning Fandos and others to Suramar, Arygos quickly bid farewell to Andrea and others with the five slags of Zhan.

Watching the two blue dragons teleport away, Suramar began to formally handle her internal affairs.

Elisande decided to reorganize his advisory group first.

Now that he has learned that there is a problem with the timeline shown by the Eye of Aman\'Thul, the courageous Elisande immediately put it on the shelf and only used it as an energy supplier for the Nightwell.

Elisande, who decided to run himself, was recognized by Andrea. The great magister has been the leader of Suramar since 10,000 years ago, and no one knows the city better than her.

Even considering the wishes of the people of Suramar, Andrea couldn\'t immediately remove Elisande from his position.

However, the advisory group under her command really needs to be rectified.

Fandos became the chicken that was killed for the monkeys to see, who made this guy the most scandalous...

Elisande just checked casually and pulled out a lot of illegal cases related to Van Doss, who had been suppressed by him with his own rights before.

There is nothing to say when the evidence is conclusive. The ashen-faced Pandoras was deprived of his right to consult, confiscated his property, and thrown into a magic prison to await further detailed investigation and final trial.

Unexpectedly and reasonable, Etraeus\'s **** is very clean. Although his political stance is the same as that of Vandos, and he is also very arrogant, this astrologer has not participated in many illegal acts of Vandos .

Aluriel, Melandus, and Talisa were rewarded by Elisande for their devotion to their duties, which improved their status in the advisory group in disguise.

Tel\'arn was ordered by Elisande to temporarily stay at his job for inspection because of his insensitivity from time to time, and Andrea brought this strange, half-vegetative creature to Moonglade for examination and treatment by the druids.

The six-member advisory group has been reduced to four, and three of them are confidantes who are completely loyal to Elisande. An unknown Etraus should not be able to cause any trouble.

Before leaving, Andrea privately told Elisande to be more careful. He always felt that Etraeus was weird, but because Etraeus was very good at hiding his thoughts and protecting himself wisely, he couldn\'t tell for a while. Where exactly is the problem.

Suramar, which has reopened to the public, needs a lot of time to adapt to this brand new world. The night elf stronghold of Falnaar received an order from Andrea to contact Suramar City first.

As for the Moon Guards of the Moon Guard Fortress, their family members were released after Fandros was arrested, and soon returned to the Moon Guard Fortress to tell what happened to them in Suramar.

Because Priscim\'s intelligence control work is very strict, most people in the Moon Guard Fortress don\'t know that their high-level officials have been executed.

After the transactions between Fandos and these high-level officials were exposed, most of the moon guards immediately had a violent public opinion backlash, and they expressed strong dissatisfaction with the high-level dark transactions without permission.

Andrea just took this opportunity to announce that the leader of the Moon Guard, headed by Augustine Moonweave, was involved in treason and had been executed on the spot by the special envoy.

After going through this trip to Suramar and going through several accidents that would cause a heart arrest, Niyana\'s nerves have become a lot tougher, and she has learned to think calmly and countermeasures in the face of emergencies.

Andrea is very satisfied with her growth. As expected, young people still have to experience various changes to grow rapidly.

Niyana also performed quite well when she followed Andrea to participate in government affairs, and occasionally put forward opinions that made the members of the Supreme Council shine so far.

Andrea, who sneaked into Suramar alone, was ridiculed by Tyrande. The high priest believed that he was in a high position now, so he shouldn\'t sneak into Suramar himself to take risks.

Andrea\'s left ear goes in and out of his right ear. Anyway, it\'s not new for Tyrande to find various reasons to diss him, and everyone in the council also treats it as a change in daily life.

After conquering Suramar, the Night Republic not only expanded its territory and influence again, but also had a very good harvest.

magic swordsman

Andrea was very interested in the unique combat role of this Suramar specialty.

It\'s not that there haven\'t been individuals who use swordsmanship and magic at the same time before, but their fighting style is usually self-contained, with a strong personal style, which is not conducive to the promotion of the whole people.

The magic swordsman profession created by Aluriel already has mature experience in Suramar. This profession with diverse fighting styles has not only gradually entered the army, but also aroused the interest of many adventurers and mercenaries. From time to time, people will go to Sulamar Rama asked for advice, which in a disguised form promoted the speed of Suramar\'s opening to the outside world.

As the pearl of the night, Suramar was originally an inland city, but the cataclysm changed the surrounding environment of the city. Today, Suramar has a good naval warship and an excellent deep-water port - Astava Port .

But the so-called good is the calculation method after excluding the Navy of the Night Republic.

Today, Azeroth\'s naval strength is divided into the first, second, and third fleets of the Night Republic from high to low, and Zandalari and Kul Tiras rank fourth and fifth.

In all fairness, even though it has been closed to the outside world for nearly ten thousand years, Suramar\'s naval warships are still quite different from the current naval powers of Kul Tiras and Zandalar.

Although the number is far inferior, UU Reading, but their warships are very advanced in design concept, it is said that they refer to the magic warships of the Dark Night Empire period.

Andrea is different from Tyrande, he will not regard all the legacy of the Dark Night Empire period as a scourge.

As long as these technological heritages are kept under control, any useful magical technology will be thoroughly understood by the craftsmen and technicians of the Dark Night Republic, and they will try to imitate and improve it.

After Suramar reopened to the public, Andrea moved the Third Fleet\'s base on the coast of Azsuna to Astava Port.

On the one hand, let the Third Fleet\'s control station leave the barren Azsuna, on the other hand, it is also to monitor and beat Suramar, so as to prevent some people from having undue thoughts in their hearts.

As a port city, driven by the extremely developed maritime industry chain of the Republic of Night, Suramar has integrated into the world very quickly.

When Andrea also received the news that Aegwynn broke with the Tirisfal Council and left with the power of the Guardians to establish Karazhan, and that the sea fleet accidentally discovered the traces of the Wandering Isle, Sura, who was the transit center between the east and west continents, Ma has shown signs of becoming a night pearl again.