Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 386: Moon County

What Andrea said about taking off was purely literal.

Except for Prism who was still following, the rest of the rogue scouts stayed to clean up the mess, and further dispersed to various parts of the city, waiting for Andrea to give a signal before acting together.

Andrea transformed into a majestic ginger-yellow griffin on the spot, and the dumbfounded Niyana climbed onto the back of the griffin in a daze under Prism\'s reminder.

"... Uncle, what else do you not know, can you tell me in advance?"

A humanized tangled expression appeared on Griffin\'s face, "You\'re asking the right question... There are so many things I don\'t know. First of all, I will never learn to have children."

"Nobody asked you that!"

The Twilight Winery where Andrea and others work is located in the highlands on the eastern outskirts of Suramar, and the real core area of ​​the city is in the innermost lowlands near the port.

Under the cliff on the south side of the Twilight Winery is the Suramar Zoo, where all kinds of strange animals can be seen.

At this time, because of the evacuation order issued by the management of Suramar, the entire zoo was empty, and the animals\' bewildered eyes could still be seen in the cave sealed off with arcane magic. Most of the park administrators had already evacuated.

In the past half a month, Prism would occasionally arrange scouts on shifts to inquire about information from other winery workers, or members of the chamber of commerce who came and went to buy magic wine.

The layout of the city is more information that needs to be inquired about, after all, it is related to the efficiency of action when implementing the plan.

Although Suramar Zoo is still a long way from Andrea\'s target Dark Night Fortress, it is already very close to the core of the city.

From the gate of the zoo, you can face a beautiful canal area, which is called the Moonlight Long Embankment by the locals of Surama, and not far from the west of the embankment is the Gilded Bazaar and Sunset Park.

These two city divisions are the main activity areas of the Highborne. In order to protect these distinguished upper-class people, the defenses near the Moonlight Causeway are very tight.

After landing from the high ground, Andrea quickly reverted to her original shape, and it was obviously not a good choice to continue flying in the air in a heavily guarded area.

Suramar, which has a strong magical atmosphere, has a strong magical air defense force. As one of the main combat forces guarding the city, the magic swordsmen live up to the word "magic" in their titles. All magic swordsmen will launch attacks against Empty spell attack.

Even though it had landed ahead of time, the griffins that suddenly appeared in the city still attracted the attention of many magic swordsmen. Andrea had just landed in a rather dense urban green belt, and immediately there was a team of more than a dozen people Search around.


Holding up the curtain of shadow again, the three of Andrea didn\'t say much, and slipped eastward in silence as much as possible.

The quality of the magic swordsmen trained by Aluriel was very good. When they approached the landing place of the UFO just now, several of them immediately began to cooperate to explore the surrounding area.

If the three of Andrea hesitated for a moment just now, they must have been spotted by the detection and anti-invisibility magic at this time.

To the east of the Moonlight Causeway is the enlightenment platform where the Magisters of Suramar often meet and communicate. Although the guards here are still tight, because the most distinguished mages in Suramar come and go, the actions of the magic swordsmen here Some are restrained.

"Madam Yuejun, please forgive me. We just discovered an unidentified flying creature. In order to ensure the safety of all nobles, we are now working hard to investigate."

A fully armed magic swordsman bowed his head respectfully and stood in front of a female mage in a complicated and gorgeous robe. The three of Andrea who sneaked past could tell at a glance that this woman\'s status was relatively respected.

\'Yuejun? I seem to have heard it somewhere...\'

The high-level elf mage known as Ms. Yuejun nodded noncommittally, and gently shook the magic wine in the cup to remind her faintly.

"Try to keep your movements as small as possible. Today I have distinguished guests to entertain. This earthquake is already disturbing enough. I don\'t want you to ruin the atmosphere again."


When the three of Andrea slipped by not far away, Ms. Yuejun\'s eyes swept over their stealth position intentionally or unintentionally, and Niyana\'s body froze for a moment.

Andrea noticed her strangeness, and gently pulled Niyana\'s sleeve with the other hand that did not cast a spell, and gestured to her with his eyes.

\'Keep going. \'

Both Andrea and Prism knew that the Yue County lady had vaguely noticed their whereabouts, but perhaps considering the distinguished guests received today, she did not take the initiative to expose them.

After successfully passing the enlightenment platform, the three of Andrea finally encountered an area that could not be sneaked through—Fate Square.

The Destiny Square is the dividing line between the civilian area of ​​Surama Yongyue and the gold-gilt noble area, and it is also the only place leading to the Dark Night Fortress.

This is a tall and elegant cylindrical building. The round hall on the lower floor is equipped with solidified multi-detection magic circles, including the anti-invisibility enchantment.

Pulling Niyana to hide in an unobserved corner not far from the stairs on the west side of Fate Square, Andrea dispelled the curtain of shadow.

"Listen, the next action is the most important thing."

Andrea warned Niyana seriously, "You try to follow behind me, and Prism will help you break the back. Don\'t make random shots, so as not to be caught by the opponent. Learn more. Don\'t talk, understand?"


"Very good, let\'s go."

The entrance stairs chosen by Andrea are the side with the least guards. There are only four magic swordsmen and two large quadruped arcane puppets standing at the door.

Sticking his head out from the wall in a blind corner, Andrea first used the group mind blast to hit the four magic swordsmen who were too late to react.

"Find the intruder and start to eliminate it."

As expected, the two inorganic arcane puppets moved at the same time as Andrea launched the attack, UU reading www.uukanshu. At the same time, their hands began to emit arcane light, and two condensed arcane rays extended towards the blind corner where the three of them were hiding.

Prism from Elesalas is not just a thief. Facing the incoming arcane ray, she uses the mage\'s Blink to dodge for a short distance, and then escapes into the shadows to use Shadow Step Move behind one of the golems.

Andrea\'s mode of action was simpler. He stepped directly into the shadow plane and used the shadow shuttle to move to the side of another arcane puppet.

The Elune\'s Tears on the top of Ghanir\'s staff flashed energy light blades, taking advantage of the opportunity that the puppet couldn\'t take back its hands, it cut off its hands with a sword.

There is a special communication channel between the arcane puppets around the Fate Square. When the three of Andrea started to move, all the guards around the Fate Square knew that there was an intruder, and they were rushing in this direction. .

Regardless of continuing to entangle with the arcane puppet, the Shadow Light Blade sliced ​​the puppet that had lost its arm in half, and Andrea immediately asked Niyana to follow, and at this time Prism also took care of the other puppet.

"The intruder has been spotted! Chase!"