Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 37: attacked?


Varimathras had just finished asking, and before the two of them could respond, he took advantage of Yajin and Zulanzi\'s stunned moment and turned into a large group of little bats to escape from the palace.

Youyuan\'s voice continued to come from outside the door, "I have provided you with the information. How you choose is up to you. I sincerely hope that we will have opportunities to cooperate in the future."


Yajin snorted angrily and put the golden scimitar back into its sheath, "Disgusting guy!"

Prophet Zulanz thoughtfully touched his fangs protruding from his lips. These two sharp fangs were covered with a lot of gold decorations.

Zandalari have always been respected by gold, and the more gold ornaments you wear, the more noble your status will be.

Both Jakin and Zulandz were adorned with a great deal of gold and glitter, even their weapons and armor.

"God King, although this demon\'s way of appearing on the stage and its clumsy provocations are very naive, but if there is really a night elf envoy passing through Zandalar and going to Pandaria in the south to ask for help..."

Yakin returned to his golden throne and sat down, nodded to Zulanz in agreement, "I know what you mean, including me, the Zandalari, and even all the trolls would like to skin and dismantle the night elves. "

God King Yajin, who had been very irritable before, appeared extremely calm at this time, "The question is whether helping the demons to attack and kill this envoy is good or bad for us."

"You can\'t just consider the immediate interests."

Yakin\'s eyes sparkled with wisdom, he leaned his left hand on the armrest of the throne, held his chin and meditated, "If the envoys of the night elf rebel army arrive in Pandaria smoothly and get reinforcements, their chances of defeating the demons will increase significantly. .”

The Zandalari have fought the pandaren before, and they know all too well the strength of their old foes.

Don\'t look at those chubby pandaren looking simple and honest, but once they fight, they are not weak at all.

Prophet Zulanz also agreed, "Indeed, this choice may be related to the future of Kalimdor."

"If the Daemons and the Highborne win this war, what do we gain from this one help?"

Yajin shook his head and said, "I don\'t think the proud highborne would thank us for this, and I have an instinctive aversion to demons."

"me too."

Zulanzi stretched out his three fingers of his right hand and waved them in the air. A miniature armored Devilsaur phantom flashed away from his hand. God King Yajin saw the angry gesture of Devilsaur.

"Loa Lazan, the kings, also hates fel energy, a life-absorbing distorted energy, from the bottom of his heart. Most of the other loa are also opposed to cooperating with the Burning Legion."


Yajin tapped his forehead with his fingers, "Then think about it the other way around, if the rebel army mainly composed of civilians wins, can we benefit from it?"

"I think it is possible."

Zulanz stroked his chin and explained with a smile, "If the Highborne who wield powerful arcane arts are defeated, the strength of the Night Empire will undoubtedly be severely weakened. This is definitely a good thing for us."

"Azshara sits on the Well of Eternity. Over the years, with this nearly inexhaustible source of energy, the Night Empire has compressed, compressed, and compressed the living space of our trolls."

Yajin raised his head and looked at Zulanzi, and they both nodded at the same time.

"It is time to end Azshara\'s reign. The Well of Eternity, which cannot serve us, must be destroyed."

"That\'s right, we will continue to wait and see what happens in this war. If necessary, we can even provide some material assistance to the rebels."

"For the Zandalari."

"The Zandalari live forever."


On the route of the Rebel Special Envoy, Shandris, who was sweating profusely, picked up a water bag and poured a few mouthfuls of cold water into his mouth.

Wiping the sweat from his brow, Shandris looked up at the surrounding virgin jungle.

Backed by the huge energy source of the Well of Eternity, the highborne have compiled a large number of spells near the capital circle, and the wide-area constant temperature spell is one of them.

The area close to the capital in the Night Empire has always maintained a climate like spring all year round, and Valshara, where Shandris and Andrea was born and raised, is no exception.

Leaving the territory of the Night Empire for the first time, Shandris seemed a little uncomfortable with the hot and humid southern rainforest climate, and her situation was by no means an exception.

In the envoys, many high-level elves with weaker physiques had already suffered from heat stroke because they could not adapt to the climate change.

Shandris, who has received rigorous training since childhood, has excellent physical fitness, at least she can maintain normal combat effectiveness.

The leader of the envoy, Vota Moonscar, is wearing a set of enchanted light armor, but due to the constant temperature climate in the Dark Night Empire, this armor does not come with additional constant temperature spells, because there is no need at all...

"This **** weather."

The constant temperature spell cannot be maintained forever. Once untied, large beads of sweat immediately began to appear on Wota\'s forehead.

In the main tent of the temporary camp, a group of high-ranking missionaries sweating all over the table gathered around the table to study the way forward.

There are no roads to speak of in the primeval jungle. Not only do they often encounter some ferocious beasts, but the bites of mosquitoes are also a headache for the envoys.

Vota raised his hand and wiped the sweat streaming down his cheeks, "We are now located in the south of the Zuldazar Mountains. Follow the map and continue south. In about three days, we will be able to leave this hot and humid rainforest and enter Kunming in the north of Pandaria. Laishan."

"Due to the higher terrain of Kunlai Mountain, the temperature is much lower than this rainforest. In order to achieve the goal of asking for help, please persist for a few more days."

As a trainee priest, Shandris is not qualified to enter the main camp to participate in the discussion.

At this time, she was leaning against a big rock in the temporary camp, silently looking at the necklace pendant she took out from the leather armor on her chest.

A cyan gem the size of a quail egg is inlaid in the locket, but in fact this stone is not a real gem, UU reading www. is just a beautiful pebble found by Shandris\' mother by accident under the gestation of nature.


Clenching the pendant in his hand, Shandris\' fingers turned white from excessive force.

‘Burning Legion, I must make you pay the price! \'

At this moment, a playful female voice came from behind her, "Santis? You are looking at this pendant again, is it a gift from your boyfriend?"

Shandris, who was awakened, hurriedly put the pendant back into her clothes, "No, Reinera, what do you want?"

"I can\'t chat with you if I have nothing to do? Hey~"

The woman named Lenera was a plainly dressed druid, and she sat down leaning against Shandris unobtrusively.

Shandris rejected this new acquaintance who met on the road with a look of disgust.

"It\'s hot, go away."

Reinera took out the water bag carelessly and took a big gulp, "Ha~ If it wasn\'t given by your boyfriend, why do you take it out and watch it twice every three days, and you still look fascinated every time?"


Shandris felt quite helpless towards the over-enthusiastic druid, she rubbed her temples and explained, "My mother left it to me, but..."

Thinking of the ambiguous expression on her mother\'s face when she presented this pendant to herself, Shandris looked a little uncomfortable.

This cobblestone pendant is not only owned by Shandris, Andrea also has an identical locket wrapped around her left hand, but the color of the stone inside is different.

Reinera noticed something from Shandris\'s suddenly weird expression, and immediately asked enthusiastically, "But what? Sure enough, there is..." behind this locket.

"Enemy attack! Everyone is on alert!"