Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 366: Looking forward to tens of thousands of years of sweet revenge

Realizing that a purely mental attack could not have a decisive effect, Ke\'thun finally entered a desperate state.

With the appearance of that big eyeball, the golden chains binding C\'Thun\'s countless tentacles kept ringing, as if they would be snapped in the next second.

However, these energy chains from the seal of the Titans were finally carried down, and Ke\'thun, who was unable to use all his strength, desperately exposed his core part.

The huge eyeballs emitted countless red death light energy walls, and Andrea and others, who had just woken up from the scream of the soul, hurriedly avoided.

Merlinsera, who was a little slow to react, was brushed aside by the death light, the scales on her right hind leg exploded immediately, and the flesh and blood inside was also torn apart.


Hearing the screams of his companions, Arygos turned his head and sprayed out the breath of the frost dragon, which collided with the death light wall that was chasing him, buying a little time for Melinthra, and the green dragon princess immediately increased her strength and flapped her wings to leave the spot .

Malygos cleaned up the walls of death light all over the hall one by one like whack-a-mole, but at this time C\'Thun\'s big eyeballs continued to shoot prismatic rays at the Blue Dragon King.

Andrea, who was not the main target of the attack, could feel the exponentially increasing panic in her soul, and the pressure on Malygos, who was facing the threat of C\'Thun, could be imagined.

"Finally revealing the real core..."

Relying on Elune\'s favor, Andrea suppressed the messy thoughts boiling in her heart, and quietly took out a one-handed sword with a strange shape from the space package.

Just after leaving the space package, the Dark Empire Sword immediately trembled excitedly.

Not because Xal\'atath was afraid, but because she was shaking with excitement.

"Partner! My future happiness depends on you, go! Fuck him!"

Andrea rolled her eyes, "Pay attention to your words, and don\'t forget your promise to Elune."

"Don\'t worry, there is such a great **** watching from above, I dare not act recklessly, I have died once, but I feel very sorry for my life."

"That\'s good."

Andrea turned her head to look at the five young dragons struggling with expressions, "Arygos, Abyssian! You try to attract C\'Thun\'s attention and relieve the pressure on His Majesty Malygos!"

Not only Andrea could hear the endless whispers, but the five dragons without Elune\'s blessing could feel them more clearly.

Ebisian, who had once faced the edge of Nelthario\'s mad blood corrosion, was the first to recover from his trance. He used the technique taught by his old sister, his chest puffed up, and he took a deep breath.

"hold head high!"

The compressed high-concentration shadow flames spewed out at once, and the sudden burst of ultra-high temperature dragon\'s breath shocked C\'Thun, who hurriedly relaxed the oppression on Malygos, and first built defenses to block Abyssian\'s surprise attack.

Abixian\'s shot made the other four dragons, who claimed to be elites of various races, a little bit embarrassed.

Although they didn\'t say anything because of their good self-cultivation, the four-color dragon clan still has a subconscious prejudice against the black dragon to this day because of Deathwing\'s betrayal.

Arygos felt a little ashamed, and in order to hide the embarrassment in his heart, he reminded loudly, "Don\'t hold back any more, the final moment of the decisive battle has come, compatriots, do your best!"

The dragon\'s breath from the four-color dragon joined Ebyssian\'s attack, and the dragon\'s breath with various negative effects caused a lot of trouble for C\'Thun.

Anachronos\' breath of Sharon slowed down his action and reaction speed, and Melinthra\'s emerald breath was not only full of strong corrosiveness, but also the hypnotic effect contained in the breath also made his spirit appear in a trance for a moment.

The Red Dragon\'s Flame of Life is very effective as a healer, but it can also be as poisonous as an overdose of tonic when used as an attack.

The support of the five juniors suddenly relieved the pressure on Malygos, and he was finally able to free his hand to continue driving the Focusing Iris.

All C\'Thun\'s attention was focused on the offense and defense on both sides, and the fragile mortal was almost completely forgotten and ignored by him.

Using the shadow energy to deliberately weaken his sense of existence, Andrea, who was not noticed, started to act quietly.

Transformed into a silver wolf, he dexterously avoided the remaining red death wall on the field, and used the shadow energy to explosively enhance his physical ability in a short period of time. Andrea crossed layers of obstacles and came to Kesu in just a few seconds. In front of En\'s body.

Stepping on those sticky and disgusting meat **** to climb up the height, Andrea\'s actions were finally noticed by C\'Suen, and the big eyeball suddenly turned to look this way.

"Presumptuous! Go to hell, weak mortal!"

The ray of eyes gave up the pursuit of Malygos, and began to aim at Andrea who was jumping left and right on his body.

Malygos took the opportunity to shout in the air, "C\'Thun! Where are you looking? Accept!"

The accumulated iridescent light shot out again, aiming directly at C\'Thun\'s big eyeball.

There is no need to consider who is more threatening, a mortal or a blue dragon king.

When C\'Thun turned his attention back to Malygos, the long sword in Andrea\'s hand, which had transformed into a human form, finally showed its edge.

"Haha! Come on, stab him, blast him, let him spurt blood!"

"I can\'t wait to eat his soul!"

Avoiding the final counterattack from the smaller eyeballs on C\'Thun\'s body, Andrea jumped high on the fleshy ball under his feet, and the sword of the Dark Empire in his hand pierced into C\'Thun\'s excited shouts. In Su En\'s big eyeballs.


Ke\'thun, who was busy blocking the frontal attack, decided to temporarily ignore Andrea\'s attack. This was his judgment on the severity of the two injuries.

But Ke\'thun didn\'t expect the origin of the sword that Andrea had been carefully wrapping and hiding with shadow energy.

After the sword of the Dark Empire entered his body, C\'Thun\'s soul finally had direct contact with Xalatath\'s remnant soul.

"You! Xalatath, how is this possible!"

"Hahahahaha! C\'Thun, when you shared me with Yogg-Saron, you didn\'t expect today, did you?"

"This is the revenge I have been waiting for tens of thousands of years, die! You will all become the nourishment for my recovery!"

"Do not!"

Just like what Kesuen himself said, UU Reading www. As long as Azeroth still exists and is not torn apart like Y\'Shaarj, their bodies will never be completely destroyed.

As long as there is even a single cell left, the ancient **** will recover with the nourishment from the parasitic planet.

But this is only for their bodies. As experts in manipulating void energy, the Old Gods don\'t think that there is any being in Azeroth who can surpass him in the confrontation at the soul level, unless... the opponent is another Old God.

Even though the soul of Xalatas has long been incomplete, she and C\'Thun have always been of the same origin.

The confrontation between the two sides inside C\'Thun\'s body was extremely fierce, and C\'Thun had completely ignored the situation outside his body.

Malygos\' iridescent light and the five-colored dragon\'s attack broke through the absent-minded C\'Thun\'s defense at this time.

The internal and external attack made C\'Thun exhausted on both sides. Xalatas, who was continuously strengthened by Andrea, finally caught the spiritual loophole caused by C\'Thun\'s distraction, and bit down on his soul. one slice.