Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 359: Oro, the star of destruction

Most of the dragon clan ended their missions at this point, and only Malygos would bring a few rising stars of various clans into the Temple of Ahn\'Qiraj to assist the coalition forces to continue to penetrate.

Although Jarod has excellent commanding ability, his personal combat effectiveness is really worrying, and he will lead the army to stay on the ground just in case.

The night elves sent 200 elite troops and 300 of the most cutting-edge Luna Fist arcane puppets, including Shandris, Fandral, Andrea and other high-level combat forces, into the temple to wipe out the last resistance of the Qiraji Empire.

Zandalari also sent out all the best, including the two loa who followed this time, and sent a total of 400 elites from various professions to sneak into the temple.

The Kalimdor tauren and Gaoling tauren combined sent 700 fully armed tauren warriors.

Including the 50-member investigation team in Dalaran, King Neferset personally led the team to make up the remaining 300 places.

Even though the number of people has been reduced again and again, the team of 2,000 people still feels very crowded after entering the temple.

The narrow underground passage can only accommodate three people to pass side by side, and the front line of the team is stretched very long.

The Luna Fist puppets of the Night Elf Republic and the voodoo colossi of Zandalari were exploring the way ahead. This terrain suitable for ambush made everyone a little nervous.

But to the surprise of Andrea and others, there was no ambush near this spiral downward passage.

However, in the process of descending, the elite of the coalition forces found a fork in the road.

There are two exits on the second and third floors respectively. After discussion, the Zandalari, the Tauren and the Dalaran investigation team will explore the second floor together. The night elves, the tol\'vir and several young talents from the Dragon Clan will enter together. three floors.

Thousands of years have passed, and Andrea has long forgotten the map he walked on when he played the game, but he still has a vague impression that the terrain here seems to be very different from the map in the game.

At this time, it was really helpless to divide the troops. The passage in the worm nest was too narrow. Andrea and others came to a relatively wide square on the third floor and waited for more than ten minutes. The tol\'vir who walked at the end finally left the passage.

While the army in front was waiting, the ground of the insect nest suddenly began to shake, as if some huge creature passed by underground.

Andrea hurriedly reminded, "Be vigilant! Keep your center of gravity steady!"


A gigantic earth-boring worm broke out of the ground, and the dozen or so arcane puppets walking in the front were swallowed by the giant worm in the blink of an eye.

Andrea and the others all had weird expressions, "Isn\'t this guy afraid of indigestion?"

The arcane puppets of the Night Republic are made of alloy armor plates forged with a mixture of thorium and mithril. After extensively developing Northrend and Lake Wintergrasp, a small amount of extremely strong Titan Iron was added to this batch of cutting-edge mechs. .

Even if this big worm\'s ability to digest gastric juice is astonishing, it is impossible to melt the alloy mixed with Titan Iron in a short time.

When seeing this big bug, Andrea\'s already very vague memory finally had a little reaction.

‘This guy seems to be called Oro, right? \'

After swallowing more than a dozen arcane puppets, Oro did not immediately show indigestion.

Its body with a diameter of at least five meters can always cause the ground to shake violently when it sticks out of the ground, which is a test of the elite footwork skills of the coalition forces.


Seeing Andrea levitate into mid-air using the wind force, Fandral froze for a moment, and after being inspired, he hurriedly followed suit.

It\'s not difficult for nimble fighters like Shandris and Leticia to keep their center of gravity stable, let alone Lunara and Tol\'vir who are on the ground with four legs.


At the end of the dismounting of Oro\'s appearance, it raised its head to the sky and let out a sharp scream, which was inconsistent with its bulky appearance. The body sticking out of the ground swept swiftly, and many people didn\'t even react at all.


As the arcane puppets in the front row were swept backwards, many people were hit by their own smart weapons and flew backwards screaming in pain.

Andrea, Shandis and the others have been very focused, and they all avoided Oro\'s initial attack in their own way.

After the ferocious sweep, the underside of Oro\'s ferocious mouthparts bulged obviously, and a large piece of yellow sand swallowed in his throat spewed out towards Andrea who was directly in front of him.

The flying speed of the ejected yellow sand was comparable to that of a sniper rifle bullet. Andrea only had time to set up a shadow defense shield in front of him, and the crackling sand grains hit the shield one after another.

The opening two rounds ended, and Oro was very dissatisfied with the results.

Its head began to retract to the ground again, trying to swallow the yellow sofa again and launch a second wave of attack.

"I still want to run!"

Andrea\'s instant Mind Blast hit, and Oro\'s movement paused, and it seemed to have forgotten what it was going to do after its soul was hit.

The faintly glowing arrow in Shandris\' hand was shot at this moment, and the couple, who cooperated tacitly, quickly completed a joint attack.

Shandris\' moonlight arrow pierced through Oro\'s tough shell, and dark green body fluid shot out from its body.

The pain caused Oro, who was in a trance, to scream. Although he hadn\'t fully regained consciousness, he continued to burrow into the ground with his body instinct. Before Fandral\'s vines could be tied up, Oro had already burrowed into the ground and disappeared.

Malygos, who was hiding behind watching the battle on the battlefield, changed his expression, and he was the first to feel Auror\'s position.

But this time Malygos came to Silithus with the idea of ​​training the younger generation, and he didn\'t say anything to reveal where Oro was going.

Melinsera, whose eyes were always half-opened, suddenly opened her emerald-colored charming eyes, and quickly swooped to the right in the form of a night elf.


Oro just got out from the ground where Melinthra was avoiding, and the green dragon princess would be eaten into the stomach of the big bug one second later.

...But eating it may not be a good thing for Oro, as long as Melinsera returns to its original shape, this guy\'s abdomen is likely to burst.

Andrea sensed Oro\'s movement earlier than Melinsera, who was the target, and at the moment the huge burrower left the ground, he cast three consecutive shadow spells at Oro one after another.

"Mind Blast, Shadow Word Pain, Mind Flay."

The speed of Andrea\'s spellcasting has long surpassed the reaction speed of ordinary people. Although there is a sequence for the three spells, in the eyes of Leticia and others, these three spells act on Auror almost at the same time.

The mentally retarded earth-boring worm lost his mind again due to the severe shock to his soul, UU reading www. And this time it is more serious than last time.

It wasn\'t until the elite of the coalition forces swarmed up and completely cut off Oro\'s exposed body that the big bug got rid of Andrea\'s spell control, but at this time, everything had already been settled.

While the others breathed a sigh of relief, several big shots, including Andrea, remained calm.

\'Oro launched an attack as soon as he came up. It seems that the so-called BOSS order is simply unbelievable. \'

When the night elves easily dealt with the giant bug pet of the Twin Emperors, the Zandalari and the tauren were attacked by a giant ooze monster.

Although it took a lot of effort, but under the protection of the natural spell defense enchantment released by the prophet Gongara with voodoo spells, this little softie was finally frozen into a lump of solid ice by the magic investigation team of Dalaran .

After going deep into the third floor, the passageway facing Andrea and the others became much wider. After passing through a long passageway covered with bugs, for the first time, a real core member of the Qiraji Empire appeared in front of the coalition forces.

"…Lucky Sambo?"