Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 35: Malfurion's Gift

Malfurion patiently answered Andrea\'s questions about druid spells one by one, but other than that, he couldn\'t give more suggestions on the mutated druid spells.

After the information exchange was over, the topic of the two quickly turned to their common concern—rescuing Tyrande.

Mentioning this question, Malfurion struggled for a while, and finally sighed helplessly.

"After this ambush, I made up my mind."

Malfurion said with a firm expression, "I will no longer participate in the rescue of Tyrande. From now on, I will do my best to assist Cenarius and act as a link between demigods and mortals."

Andrea was taken aback. He opened his mouth wide and asked in disbelief, "Teacher, is this really okay? Ms. Tyrande is not yours..."

Malfurion shook his head and said, "It is precisely because of this that I made this decision. The safety of Tyrande has involved me too much energy, and it has even begun to affect my judgment on the overall situation."

"If I continue to spend my days in a daze with half-focused energy, not only will I not be able to fulfill my duties, but I may even hinder the coalition forces, so..."

Malfurion pressed his hands heavily on Andrea\'s shoulders, "Please, Andrea, I hope that you, who are also a follower of the Moon God, can rescue Tyrande instead of me."

"During this period of time, I will definitely do my best to attract the attention of the Burning Legion, so that the assault team you organize can sneak into Zin-Azshari in the best condition."


Andrea scratched her head and said, "Mentor, actually, I don\'t intend to bring anyone else with me when I sneak into Xin Aisalie this time."

Under Malfurion\'s astonished gaze, Andrea explained this.

"I have both the power of shadow and the power of mutated nature, and the power of shadow. Teacher, you should be able to see some clues from the usage of Maiev priests, right? It is the most suitable power for sneaking in."

"If I set off with other druids, not only will it not have much positive effect on my actions, but at some point it will even hinder my infiltration."


Malfurion worried and said, "Are you sure you want to go alone? This is not a joke. Once the demon finds out, your end will definitely be much worse than Tyrande who is blessed by the power of the goddess."

Andrea smiled heartily, "No problem, leave it to me, I believe that Elune will not give me a task that is not sure of success, she must have seen some key factors that we have no way of knowing .”

\'Like... the attitude of Dath\'Remar Sunstrider. \'

Although it was impossible to tell Malfurion out of the principle of keeping the information of the traversers confidential, Andrea speculated that the key to sneaking into and escaping from Zin-Azhali was related to Dath\'Remar, which was established in the original history. got verified.

Dath\'Remar Sunstrider, this strange surname is very rare in the night elf society that worships the moon, let alone a distinguished high elf family.

For any time traveler, the surname Sunstrider will not make them feel unfamiliar, because it is the royal surname of Quel\'Thalas, the kingdom of high elves.

Of course, Quel\'Thalas doesn\'t exist yet, and Dath\'Remar Sunstrider is the future founder and first king of the High Elves\' kingdom.

Although Malfurion was always worried about Andrea\'s request to go out alone, the other party\'s firm attitude and tentatively self-justified explanation made Malfurion, who was mild-tempered and not good at arguing with others, find no suitable reason to refute .

In the end, he reluctantly agreed to Andrea\'s request, but before parting, he gave Andrea a precious gift.

A seemingly ordinary branch was handed to Andrea by Malfurion, and Andrea was full of question marks, but the moment he got the branch, he immediately understood the teacher\'s painstaking efforts.


Looking at the branch in his hand in surprise, the power of nature of high quality is poured into Andrea\'s body continuously from the branch, and after merging with the power of shadow, it slowly transforms into Andrea\'s own unique power.

"Teacher, could this branch be..."

Malfurion smiled and nodded, "That\'s right, it\'s a twig from the Mother Tree Ganir."

"I specifically asked Aviana for it yesterday, and when I learned that it was for you, she set off immediately without saying a word, and returned from Mount Hyjal early this morning, bringing back this freshly picked twig."

The mother tree Garnier grows on the highest peak of Mount Hyjal, and at the same time has a part of the projection in the material world and the Emerald Dream, crossing the connection point between reality and dreams. Druids often enter the Emerald Dream through the Mother Tree.

According to legend, all the plants in Azeroth originally came from this towering giant tree. The demigod Aviana has a symbiotic relationship with the mother tree Garnier. A person who removes leaves from a Garnier tree.

This precious gift moved Andrea very much. Even if Aviana\'s flying speed was fast enough, it would not be an easy task to go back and forth between Mount Hyjal and Zin-Azshari in one day, let alone encountering an accident on the way. The danger of being intercepted by demons.

Being able to work this trip with the demigod messenger is partly because of Andrea\'s outstanding performance in the face of the crisis before, and partly because Malfurion has enough face.

As a direct disciple of Cenarius, Malfurion had contact with many demigods long ago, and he won the approval of many demigods with his own personality charm. Even if other mortals wanted to ask Aviana for help, they would not that qualification. UU Reading www.

Gripping the rough prototype of the wand tightly in his hand, Andrea solemnly thanked Malfurion, "Teacher, thank you for your gift, and please thank Ms. Aviana for me. I will definitely rescue Ms. Tyrande smoothly." Come out and hand her completely into your hands."

Malfurion smiled and patted Andrea\'s arm, "Don\'t put too much pressure on yourself, just keep a peaceful mind."

"Just like what you said, I believe that Elune will not entrust you with unsure tasks. As long as you can find the key to breaking the situation, the rescue operation will definitely get twice the result with half the effort."

"In the next period of time, we will try to launch multiple feint attacks on the demons to attract their attention as much as possible. You must be careful when sneaking into Xin Aisalie alone."

Andrea\'s original weapon was just an ordinary standard oak staff. Although it can increase the effect of natural spells to a certain extent, to be honest, the range is really limited, and it can\'t be used with Garnier\'s twig at all Compare.

Although I haven\'t had time to carve the branch into the shape of a staff, just carrying it on my body can speed up Andrea\'s casting speed, increase the power of spells, and reduce the consumption of spells, and the increase is quite high.

Before leaving, Andrea took a meaningful glance into the camp, and two time travelers who did not belong to this era were looking at this side with complicated eyes.

‘Ronin and Brooks… I’ll come back to have a good chat with you when I have time. I don’t know what kind of me I will be in the future in their perception? \'

It wasn\'t until Andrea\'s transformed golden eagle gradually turned into a small black spot on the horizon that Malfurion withdrew his attention.

‘Andrea, I entrust you with the task of rescuing Tyrande, and may Elune be with you. \'