Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 33: Mighty Mannoroth

It\'s not that Andrea looks down on Cenarius, but there is indeed a gap between the absolute combat ability of this forest demigod and other powerful demigods.

His positioning is more similar to that of a supporter, with a variety of healing, summoning and various control methods, so that Cenarius has a very good combat support ability. It is really difficult for him to be the main attacker forcibly... But he himself has nothing to do with it nothing.

The current battle situation clearly reflects the characteristics of Cenarius.

Although he can use the tough vines to restrict Mannoroth\'s movements, he can also summon nearby ancient treants to help him fight, and even take time to support other demigod allies on the battlefield, but all his attacks hit Mannoroth. Ross is painless.

Whether it is the enhanced version of Wrath of Nature, the Starfire spell that is several times more powerful than Moonfire, or even the Fall of the Stars, which is the ultimate move of the druid\'s balance spell, none of them can cause fatal damage to the Abyss Lord who is full of high-concentration fel energy. threat.

The previous round of Fall of the Stars not only failed to make Mannoroth lose his fighting power in one fell swoop, but instead aroused his fierceness amidst the severe pain.

The several-meter-long double-ended spear slammed at Cenarius under the wrap of fel energy, and once the iron-wood shield constructed by Cenarius was rubbed to the side, it would immediately ignite green flames.

The spell didn\'t work, and after Mannoroth rushed into the close range, Cenarius simply relied on his strong demigod body to fight hand-to-hand with the opponent.

"Annoying planet moth, die!"

Entering the battle rhythm he was best at, Mannoroth became emotionally excited, and the fel double-ended spear slashed wildly at Cenarius with his thick hands.

"Damn you, filthy invaders!"

Cenarius was not to be outdone, his fingers turned into sharp branches, wrapped in emerald green natural force similar to the color of fel energy, and lashed at Mannoroth.

The defense is completely handed over to the thorn shield that slowly rotates around the whole body. If the current rhythm continues, Mannoroth\'s attack should not be able to penetrate Cenarius\' defense in a short time.

However, as Archimonde\'s most valued vanguard general and destroyer of countless worlds, Mannoroth is definitely not someone who only relies on brute force to traverse the battlefield.

Seeing that Cenarius could not be dealt with for the time being, Mannoroth endured the pain of being pierced by the force of nature, roared and raised his double-headed spear to the sky, and a large amount of miserable green evil energy crazily gathered at the tip of his spear.

"Witness the power of Mannoroth the Destroyer!"


The ferocious fel energy stabbed Cenarius head-on and hit Cenarius, who was unable to dodge in time. At the critical moment, Cenarius poured the power of nature into his arms, crossed his chest, and tried to take Mannoroth\'s attack hard.

The ejected beam of fel energy collided with the force of nature that was laid hastily, and the huge impact pushed Cenarius backwards, and his four hooves rooted in the ground plowed several deep marks on the ground .

"It\'s now!"

As a gentle male voice shouted, Mannoroth, who was laughing ferociously, suddenly felt a change in the ground under his right hind leg.

The originally thick soil layer seemed to be hollowed out by a moose, and the ground became much softer. With the Abyss Lord\'s excessive weight, his body was immediately out of balance due to this sudden change.

The beams of fel energy that continued to spew out floated upwards when Mannoroth\'s body was tilted, and some unlucky eagles and evil bats were wiped by the beams and turned into fly ash almost instantly.

This terrifying power made Malfurion and the others who had just completed the assist fearful. Only a demigod like Cenarius could block Manonos\' full attack head-on. As long as ordinary mortals were brushed to the side, they would end badly. It would be much better than a gasified eagle.

The heavy pressure dissipated temporarily, and Cenarius heaved a sigh of relief.

He took a moment to glance at the druids headed by Malfurion, nodded to them with a smile to express his gratitude, and then stepped forward to fight with Mannoroth again.

The kill attack was interrupted, and Mannoroth glared at Malfurion with fiery eyes, "Ants! How dare you sneak attack the mighty Mannoroth!"

The vengeful abyss lord raised his two-handed spear and planned to give the druids a blast of fel energy, but it was obviously impossible for Cenarius to let his disciples face the wrath of the destroyer.

"Devil, your opponent is me!"

Under the control of Cenarius, the Ancient War Tree, which was burning with green flames of fel energy, punched Mannoroth in the face. Although it interrupted the attack of the abyss lord, it also melted due to the excessive amount of fel energy it had endured. for ashes.

The tone of the next battle is thus set. With the assistance of Malfurion and other high-level druids, Cenarius can always escape from death in times of crisis, and he can even find time to give Mannoroth a few blows ruthless.

Although he didn\'t suffer enough fatal damage, the furious Mannoroth couldn\'t kill Cenarius smoothly even under the harassment of the mortal druid, which made the grumpy abyss lord more and more unable to control his anger.

Although the other demigods on the battlefield were also entangled by the generals specially arranged by the Burning Legion and fell into a disadvantage, it seemed that they were not so easy to be killed by the opponent in a short period of time, and the battle situation fell into a stalemate for the time being.


At this moment, the sharp birdsong sounded from behind the encirclement of the Burning Legion, countless birds charged into the battlefield overwhelmingly under the call of a white birdman.

When Malfurion saw the female birdman, a look of joy flashed in his eyes, "Aviana! It seems that she has completed the task of delivering the letter, and reinforcements are coming soon!"

Just as Malfurion guessed, when countless birds were attacking the air force of the Burning Legion, UU Reading www.uukanshu.comThe sound of desolate and distant horns came from the distant mountains and forests.

The roar of battle resounded all over the field, and the shaking of a large number of trees and the flying of dust created the scene of thousands of troops charging.

Mannoroth, who had a relatively simple mind, couldn\'t figure out the current situation for a while. Cenarius, whose morale was boosted, took advantage of the moment when his opponent was distracted, and launched a counterattack, forcing Mannoroth back for the first time since the battle.

A dreadlord flapped its wings and came to Mannoroth, seemingly trying to persuade the raging vandals.

Andrea, who was hiding behind Malfurion, stared at the dreadlord and narrowed his eyes, "It doesn\'t seem to be Tichondrius, but where did this guy come from?" \'

Among the generals of the Burning Legion who fought against the demigods before, there was no Dreadlord, and Andrea, who had been watching all directions, had never even seen a non-squatter Nathrezim from the front of the Burning Legion formation. An unknown big bat is more like...

‘From the direction of the Pioneer Battalion? I see…\'

Andrea showed a dazed expression. He finally knew who was responsible for the courier that Aviana was robbed and killed. This kind of work fits Nathrezim\'s style.


Unwillingly, Mannoroth let out an angry roar. The terrifying sound wave spread outward under the effect of a small amount of evil energy. The impact similar to the sound wave attack swept over the area where Andrea and the others were. tinnitus and deafness.

After venting for a while, Mannoroth pointed the double-headed spear at Cenarius, Malfurion and others.

"Moths and ants, you are lucky today, next time we meet on the battlefield, I swear to the great Sargeras, I will cut off your heads with my own hands!"
