Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 293: 1 Husband

In the last canyon from Chillwind Hills to Alterac Snow Mountain, a battle with vastly different strengths is going on.

Even though Thoradin has been effectively controlling the army and fighting and retreating, the combat effectiveness of the main force of the Amani trolls still exceeded his expectations.

The Amani barbarians, whose physique is far superior to that of ordinary people, lead the troll infantry to charge forward, headhunters and sorcerers provide remote support in the rear, and witch doctors dance strange dances to boost morale and give healing to the frontline soldiers .

Seeing that the success was imminent, Arathor\'s army was bitten by the Amani troll near Chillwind Post.

The trolls, which still had 70,000 troops, had a relatively long battle line. The troops in the rear were harassed by the high elves, and the vanguard was the first to fight Arathor.

The central army led by Sinsa was getting closer and closer to the battlefield, but Thoradin still couldn\'t get rid of the troll\'s entanglement and continued to advance. The huge pressure made the founding king of Arathor scratch his head anxiously.

Ignaeus has a typical straight temper. He smiled honestly and said, "Your Majesty, if you catch him again, you will really be bald."

"you shut up!"

Thoradin was already in a bad mood, and he almost kicked Ignaus, who was carrying the pot without opening it.

When Leticia and Aurora met Thoradin before, the human king\'s hairstyle was Mediterranean, but now... he is not far from being completely bald.

Ignaeus wanted to charge and fight a **** path for the whole army.

But before he fought too hard in East Weald, he marched all the way and didn\'t get enough time to recuperate.

With the level of human medical treatment, Ignaeus has not suffered from other diseases until now because his body is strong enough, and the speed of recovery from injuries is naturally very slow.

The situation was critical, and Lordane, who had been silent before, made up his mind to stand up.

"Your Majesty, please entrust me with the final task, and you lead the main force to retreat first."

"What?" Thoradin said in surprise, "Don\'t be kidding, in this situation, there is no difference between dying and dying, you..."

"Please Your Majesty agree!"

Lordane bowed his head firmly and begged, "The future of the Kingdom of Arathor and even the entire human race is focused on this war. We can\'t fall short on the eve of success. Please evacuate first, Your Majesty!"

Thoradin sternly reprimanded, "No! You are one of the most important generals in the Kingdom of Arathor. Even if you want to die, you should be handed over to someone else!"

Lordane smiled and said with a see-through expression, "Who is willing? Who has enough prestige to make the broken troops fight to the last moment?"

"General Ignaeus is qualified, but his injury has hindered his actions, and I am the only one who is the most suitable for the rear right now."


"His Majesty."

Ignaeus shook his head at Thoradin with a serious expression, "Lordane is right, we cannot be chased and wiped out by trolls here, please make a decision."

"Both me and Lordane are willing to stay and be loyal to the future of the kingdom. The one who survives will lead Arathor\'s army to clean up the mess after the plan is launched."

After all, Thoradin was the founding hero of a generation. After a brief hesitation, he took a deep breath.

"Huh... I see."

Thoradin said to Lordain apologetically, "Your heroic deeds will definitely be remembered by the people of Arathor, and we will make the plan a success, for sure!"

Lordane smiled sassyly, "Your Majesty, I also believe that the plan will succeed. The Kingdom of Arathor and all human beings will usher in a glorious era."

Icewind Post was not far from the Alterac Fortress, so he reluctantly handed over the post-break mission to the 500 elite soldiers led by Lordain, and Thoradin led the main force to continue retreating with his lips pursed.

When Sinsa\'s main force rushed to the narrow valley near Chillwind Hill, the 500 human soldiers who had set up an army formation blocked the road to the rear tightly.

Lordane raised the long sword in his right hand and shouted loudly, "Soldiers who voluntarily left behind! In the name of General Lordane of the Kingdom of Arathor, I pay my sincere respect to you."

"The war we are going through will determine the future of mankind. We are destined not to witness the end of the war and the bright future of Arathor Kingdom with our own eyes, but we will become the last stepping stone for the rise of mankind!"

"The whole army defends! The trolls can only move forward if they step over our corpses, for Arathor!"

"For Arathor!"

Xinsa originally thought that he could wipe out the main human force in this canyon, but he didn\'t expect that there were only 500 dead soldiers who knew they would die.

"Attack! Crush them! Annihilate the main force of the despicable humans before they escape into the fortress, and the glory will belong to Amani!"


The strong Amani barbarians took the lead in jumping towards the human army with roars that did not resemble human voices.

Lordain commanded loudly, "Shields stand firm in formation! Spears face the air, stab these monsters down for me, and archers shoot freely!"

Although there are only 500 soldiers, the united human army has done everything under Lordaen\'s command.

The knowledge that Leticia taught them was finally implemented at the moment of life and death. The 500 human soldiers who were condensed into one body stood firmly in the canyon. The decisive aura made the face of Zandalari advisor Nikolai change.

"Not good, this army has initially formed a military spirit, this battle... I\'m afraid it will be difficult to fight."

Ethiopia is not a military commander, so he asked puzzledly, "How can it be difficult to beat tens of thousands of people against 500 people? Isn\'t it enough for one person to drown them with one mouthful of saliva?"

Nikolai shook his head with a wry smile, "It\'s not that simple, you pay attention to the surrounding terrain."

"On both sides are steep mountains that are difficult to climb. Unless we turn to the foothills to the south and take a long way, the valley guarded by 500 humans is the last barrier to the Alterac fortress."

The high elves were still chasing and harassing frantically, and both Niklai and Sinsa decided to make this war a quick one.

As Nikolai said, although Loa\'s back-breaking troops only have 500 people, in this narrow valley, the large number of people does not give them too many advantages in numbers, and it is difficult for the huge Loa to fight in this narrow valley. The terrain exerts its strength.

The humans at the front kept falling under the coordinated attacks of the trolls, but the rest of the soldiers seemed to have no idea what fear was, and they still firmly guarded the main passage of the canyon as if they were rooted under their feet.

With the sharp reduction in the strength of the defenders, UU Reading www. Lordane also took his own sword and shield and went to the battlefield in person, and he was fighting with Dallo, one of the most valiant generals under Sinsa\'s command, a follower of the bobcat Loaharraz.


The big shield supported the sharp claws on Dallo\'s gauntlet, and Lordane shook the shield calmly to block the opponent\'s attack, and the long sword in his right hand made a vertical cut.

Dallo inherited part of the characteristics of the lynx Loa, moving nimbly to dodge Lordain\'s attack, but at this moment a human soldier with only one arm next to him rallied his last strength and stabbed him with a long spear.

Dallo, who was dodging in a hurry, lost his balance and took a step back. Lordain seized this opportunity and launched a charge.

Lordane, who was in heavy armor, slammed into Dallo\'s body with great impact, and slammed the shield in his left hand on his head. cut off his head.

After beheading the enemy general, Lordane struck heavily on the shield with his long sword.

"Bump! Who else!"