Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 29: Transfiguration

Due to the urgency of time, Vota Moonscar only gave the members of the special envoys three days to recuperate. Under the joint spellcasting of the high-level elf mages, nearly a hundred members of the special envoys disappeared in the teleportation array emitting blue-purple arcane aura.

Andrea was also among the seeing-off crowd, and the last look Shandris gave him gave him a sense of pressure to shoulder a heavy responsibility.

\'Tyrande...? \'

To be honest, if judging by the inherent impression of later generations, Andrea\'s perception of Tyrande is not very good.

This High Priest, who can be said to be almost monopolistic in later generations, is very clear about major issues related to world crises, but she always gets confused about some details.

The most typical example is to use a mocking tone to push away the Nightborne who took the initiative to release goodwill, so that this group of remnants of Suramar had to rely on the introduction of blood elves to join the tribe.

In addition, in order to rescue Illidan who was imprisoned in the dungeon, she impulsively shot and killed Maiev\'s watchman, and since then she has formed an insoluble conflict with Maiev.

However, after communicating with Fandral, Andrea sorted out a train of thought.

It is a typical personal prejudice to apply the inherent impression of the future to today\'s historical figures.

‘Perhaps today’s Grandma Tai has not deteriorated under the influence of years of exclusive power, and is still a girl priest as pure as a white lotus? \'

Now that she decided to join the assault team to rescue Tyrande, Andrea didn\'t stay in the Chinese army camp where Jarod was stationed for too long.

During the few days he stayed in the camp, Andrea spent most of his time learning Druid spells from Fandral. Relying on the residual physical memory of his predecessor, he really quickly regained the skills of spells that had been forgotten by his brain.

These include one of the druid\'s signature spells, Transfiguration.

Today\'s Druid sect is still young, and has not yet formed an institutionalized specialization method, and even the Cenarion Council has not yet been established.

However, at this time, there are already many druids who are fond of the wonderful transformation technique, which can transform them into various beast forms. These people are the foundation and embryonic form of the wild druids who specialize in transformation combat in the future.

Although Andrea could directly reach the frontline barracks through the teleportation technique of the high-level elf mage, in order to familiarize himself with the transfiguration technique he had just mastered, he decided to fly this distance by himself.

Yes, fly by.

Feral Druids can be subdivided into several factions, such as Claw Druids who specialize in the transformation of ferocious animals such as lions, tigers and leopards, guardian Druids who specialize in the form of rough skin and thick bears, and specialize in flying form of raptor druids and so on.

Andrea has not yet determined which direction he will specialize in in the future. After all, his mutated power form is very strange, which is very different from traditional druids.

According to Fandral, Andrea\'s predecessor was good at the claw form of the transformation system, but now he has an instinctive resistance to long-term use of a long body to fight.

During these few days of contact, Fandral discovered Andrea\'s mutated natural force.

Compared with the more staid Malfurion, Fandral of the young faction is more accepting of new things, but he can\'t tell why this mutation is good or bad.

The only thing he can confirm is that Andrea\'s transformation form promoted by the force of nature after mutation is very different from before.

Looking down on the ground from the sky, it is very clear that the capital, Zin-Azshari, is at the center... or the Well of Eternity is at the center, and the corruption caused by the evil energy to the earth is spreading outward step by step.

There are no trees around the original tree-lined Well of Eternity, and the center of the spiral well water is still sucking out demons, and the surrounding ground has become dry and cracked, and it is obvious that it has lost what the soil should have. vitality.

A large number of evil bats and doom guards patrolled the Well of Eternity. With the strength of the Burning Legion\'s defense, it was basically impossible to break through the air.

In contrast, not far from the east gate of Xin Aisa Li, a large number of birds of various colors are also vigilantly patrolling above a dense forest, and there may be a few huge two-headed chimeras among them.

Chimeras, like the elf dragons and dryads, are known as allies of nature. Under the call of Cenarius, they gathered from all over the continent of Kalimdor, and played a big role in advancing the night elves. .

And in the center of these birds, a half-human, half-bird creature wearing snow-white feathers gently flapped its wings and suspended in mid-air.

This peculiar creature has a beautiful female night elf appearance, and most of its body looks like a night elf.

But her hands have sharp claws, a pair of snow-white wings extend from her upper arms, and her slender legs gradually take on the shape of bird claws from her calf.

A large bird of prey covered with gradually dark brown feathers is approaching the direction of the group of birds.

The body length of this big bird is about one meter. When UU reading fully spread its wings in flight, its wingspan exceeds two meters.

The most noticeable thing is the feathers on the nape of its neck, which are very special and rare lanceolate, showing brilliant golden color under the sunlight in the daytime, which is completely different from the feathers on other parts.

The strange bird of prey that suddenly approached naturally attracted the attention of a large number of birds in the flock. Even the strange half-human, half-bird creature turned its gaze around, and curiosity flashed in its agile eyes.

"Oh? Druid, this form is quite interesting."

With a light glance of eyes glowing with faint aura, this strange creature saw through the opponent\'s details.

This raptor is not a real bird, but a flying form transformed by a druid.

However, most of the ordinary druids change into common owls or crows, etc., and the wild druids who specialize in the form of raptors will change into birds of prey such as eagles and eagles.

Andrea also doesn\'t know if Azeroth has the raptor he transformed into, which is called the Golden Eagle.

After approaching the flock of birds that blew their feathers together, Andrea flapped her wings and hovered in mid-air, staring at the half-human, half-bird woman with her sharp carved eyes.

\'Harpy? No, she doesn\'t have the fierce and cruel look of the harpies in her eyes, could it be...\'

Although the appearance looks very similar, the temperament of the bird-man in front of me is completely different from that of the harpy. You can feel the peaceful and peaceful atmosphere from her. Even the golden eagle that is just a druid has a kind of hair The impulse to approach her instinctively.

Under the gaze of the other party\'s curious and friendly eyes, the golden eagle nodded politely to her.

"Respected mother of all birds, Elune\'s messenger, Ms. Aviana, druid Andrea Moonshadow greets you."