Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 282: The Rise of the Kingdom of Arathor

Thoradin was born in the Arathi clan, which lived on the northeastern border of the human territory and fought against the forest trolls of the Amani all the year round.

At a young age, Thoradin showed his talent and boldness. He realized that in order to completely defeat the forest trolls and win a territory where mankind can develop safely, he must unite all human clans to speak out.

In order to achieve this goal, the young Thoradin led the clan warriors under his command to crusade everywhere.

The war with the trolls gradually honed Thoradin into a military strategist and a master strategist. He subdued all the surrounding clans in just six years by virtue of various diplomatic means such as alliances and political marriages.

Thoradin declared that he wanted to create a powerful empire for the future survival and development of mankind, so that no foreign race would dare to easily invade the territory of the human empire.

Although in the context of the current clan system of mankind, his vision seems like a fantasy, but in the end Thoradin integrated all the humans near the Arathi clan with his powerful personality.

So far, under the rule of Thoradin, the first human country, the Kingdom of Arathor, was born.

Strom City, the capital of Arathor Kingdom, is located in the southeast of Tirisfal Forest, the ancestral land of humans, and is now named Arathi Highlands.

Arathi Highlands is adjacent to the Hinterlands where trolls are rampant. This new capital is an out-and-out front-line city, clearly reflecting Thoradin\'s enterprising spirit.

At this time, the Amani Empire invested most of its forces in the Eversong Forest area. The rise of humans did not attract much attention from them. The chief of the Amani Empire only sent a motley army to destroy this emerging human kingdom.

In the process of conquering other human clans, Thoradin, who had great foresight, did not drive out the chiefs of the other clans, but made them the generals who commanded the heavy troops of the Kingdom of Arathor.

Among these generals, there are two who are the best at fighting, and they are especially valued by Thoradin.

One of them is named Ignaus, and the northern clan he led first lived in the cold Alterac Mountains. The harsh environment made Ignaus and his soldiers have a strong body and an indomitable will .

Under Thoradin\'s command, Ignaeus led his northern clan army to fight bravely, keeping the invading trolls from entering the country.

Slaughtering a large number of forest trolls all the year round, Ignaeus was gradually called "Trollbane" by his own people - the natural enemy of trolls.

The other general was named Lordane, and his clan originally lived in the heartland of the Tirisfal Forest, which was the descendant of the large human tribe that Andrea accidentally discovered.

Due to the perennial influence of the power of Tyre\'s order under the Tirisfal Forest, Lordaern\'s troops are well-disciplined and have a chivalrous spirit.

Under the outstanding performance of these two generals, the partial division of the Amani troll was completely driven out of the human border.

But at this time, Lordane and Ignaeus discovered a problem at the same time. The main force of the forest trolls didn\'t care about them at all, but gathered in the northern forest in large numbers, and established the kingdom of Quel\'Thalas with the high elves. Seesawing back and forth, a big battle seems inevitable.

Andrea frowned after listening to Leticia\'s report, "Is it time already..."

Under the influence of a long lifespan, Andrea became less and less sensitive to the passage of time, and he had already gotten used to the long-lived habit of living without counting the number of days.



The loyal leader of the intelligence department suddenly appeared behind Andrea.

"What\'s going on in Quel\'Thalas? Can Anasteria hold it back? How is the Kingdom of Arathor\'s attitude toward trolls today?"

Priscim replied sternly, "Quel\'Thalas is fine for the time being, but Eversong Forest is slowly falling under the impact of the Amani Empire."

"The Kingdom of Arathor has no intention of intervening in the war between the high elves and the trolls. It seems to be the idea of ​​sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight."


Andrea chuckled, "It\'s a beautiful idea, it seems that it\'s time to add fire to them."

"Letty, as my representatives, you and Aurora should make preparations for departure to the Eastern Continent. Tomorrow, I will bring this matter up in the Council."

Aurora, who has been receiving rigorous training, suddenly regained her spirits. She had a hunch that the time to really face the war was coming.

Leticia was used to it a long time ago, she nodded lazily, "No problem, what is our mission?"

Shandris saw her daughter\'s mixed expression of nervousness and anticipation, and gently put her arms around her shoulders and comforted her softly.

Andrea continued, "Convince the Kingdom of Arathor to send troops to help Quel\'Thalas."

"Explain to them the reason why the lips are dead and the teeth are cold. Remember, your mission is to go to other countries. I will not assign too many troops to you. How to use it depends entirely on your ability."


Leticia rolled around on the sofa with some reluctance, "I\'m not good at this kind of task, it\'s okay if you let me lead the army to fight, persuade..."

Andrea rolled his eyes, "Then give full play to your strengths and analyze the situation of the battle to humans one by one. As the first receiver of intelligence, you should have a good understanding of the situation in the Eastern Continent."

"Yes, I will leave the work of persuasion to the little princess~"

Aurora curled her lips in dissatisfaction, looked at the slob who was rolling around on the sofa hugging the little leopard, and complained, "I told you, don\'t call me little princess, and don\'t try to be lazy, I will try to squeeze your abilities as much as possible. "

"Ha... It\'s up to you. Before I leave, I\'ll pet the cat for a while."


In the daily routine meeting of the Supreme Council the next day, Andrea told the three councilors about the situation of Arathor Kingdom and Quel\'Thalas Kingdom.

Tyrande frowned and questioned, "Kalimdor is our core territory. The distance between the two continents is more than ten thousand miles. I don\'t agree to go to war to support the high elves across the sea."

Tyrande\'s objection did not exceed Andrea\'s expectations, and Maiev and Malfurion also agreed with Tyrande\'s opinion.

Andrea waved his hands dumbfoundingly and said, "I asked if there was some misunderstanding between you. I didn\'t say that I would send troops to support it."

"As you said, it takes too long to fight across the sea. Maybe the war will be over by the time our troops reach the Eastern Continent by boat."

"I\'m going to arrange a small number of elites to reach the Eastern Continent through multiple transfers, and try to persuade humans and high elves to join forces to defeat the Amani Empire."

Andrea tapped on the table lightly and emphasized, "Trolls are the blood feud of the night elves, especially the barbaric empires such as Amani and Drakkari that are enfeoffed outside Zandalar. UU reading"

"I suspect that the sudden strengthening of the Amani offensive may have something to do with the Zandalari trolls. Even if they cannot be wiped out at once, at least the trolls cannot continue to dominate the Eastern Continent."

Maiev thought for a while and nodded, "That\'s true. Compared with dealing with barbaric trolls, the high elves are our compatriots, but humans..."

Andrea was well prepared for Maiev\'s questioning, and he put the white paper on the human development process recorded by Prism on the table.

"Here are my scouts\' observation reports on humans over the years. At least from the reports, they are more civilized and easier to get along with than trolls."

Malfurion briefly flipped through the white paper, with a look of surprise on his face.

"If humans are as mentioned in the report, I have no problem supporting humans and high elves to defeat forest trolls."

"Hmph~" Tyrande snorted coldly with his arms folded. "It\'s up to you, as long as you don\'t send troops across the sea, everything is easy to talk about. Let me see how effective your words can be."