Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 274: hunter and prey

Letting the giant eagle rise to leave this dangerous area, Shandris fought back against all the seaweed vrykul who attacked her.

Under the guidance of Elune\'s light, each of the precise arrows almost pierced into the vital points of the Vrykul, but what flowed out from their wounds was not red blood, but an indescribable black mist.

Shandris frowned as he cleared away the nearby vrykul as quickly as possible.

\'What\'s up with these vrykul? A semi-corporeal ghost? \'

The vrykul who were slain left no corpses behind, the only evidence of their existence was the mass of seaweed that fell to the ground.

"Is this the masterpiece of the witch Hela that Andrea said..."

To keep Shandris safe, Andrea told his wife about Stormheim before she set off.

Although Shandris arrived here nearly 3,000 years earlier than the Legion version, Helya\'s influence took root on this land even earlier.

Due to the lack of time before departure, Andrea did not tell Shandris about the grievances and grievances between Hela and Odin in detail, but simply described to her the possible dangers of Tidespear Harbor.

Hela controls a demiplane attached to Azeroth—the abyss of Hell. She can hold back some souls that should have entered the Shadow Realm and use them for her own use.

Tide Scorn Harbor is an important stronghold for Hela in the material world. Andrea repeatedly reminded Shandris that she must try to avoid fighting with the local Vrykul, so as not to attract Hela\'s special attention.

Although Shandris is called a moon **** priest, she has been trained as a ranger since she was a child, and she is very clear about the laws of the jungle in the wilderness.

After killing the vrykul who took the initiative, Shandris immediately chose to act in a low-key manner. With the help of the mist, she began to search for her target along the nearby mountain wall.

There is a mountain wall on one side as a reference, at least to ensure that you will not lose your way in the dense fog, and you can also avoid attacks from the side of the mountain wall, and focus on threats from other directions.

As Shandris gradually got deeper into the outskirts of Tidedefend Harbor, the cries of the vrykul gradually faded away, and there was no movement around except for the slight sound of running water.

This place seemed to be a restricted area of ​​life, and the chirping of insects and birds that should exist could not be heard at all, but the pressure and sense of threat from the dense fog reminded Shandris that she was being targeted.

"Heh~ Interesting."

Excitement flashed in Shandris\' eyes, and she lowered her center of gravity vigilantly, ensuring that she was in a state of being able to attack and retreat at any time.

Although Shandris never relaxed her training, years of peace made her often lament to her husband that she was getting rusty.

The threat of life that can make ordinary people terrified makes Shandris\' blood boil, and she can\'t wait to catch Dakar and fight it.


It is basically impossible to settle in the muddy terrain without making a sound. Shandris, who was walking forward by touching the mountain wall, gradually felt that the sense of threat nearby continued to increase.

\'Near its lair? \'

Shandris didn\'t move forward rashly, she squatted down and paused for a moment, doing certain movements with her hands on the ground covertly.


She didn\'t make any roars, and when the slight sound of breaking wind was caught by Shandris\' long elf ears, she didn\'t care about her image, and nimbly rolled and avoided on the wet ground of Tidedefier Harbor.

Facts have proved that Shandris\'s decisive action was correct.

A huge beast that was several circles larger than an ordinary panther appeared at the place where Shandris was squatting just now. As long as Shandris hesitated for a second, she might have become the opponent\'s meal at this time.

"Very good~"

Excitedly licking the corners of his mouth, Shandris took out two gleaming short knives from his waist and held them in his hands.

"Come on, big cat, and see who\'s the prey."

Dakar glared at Shandris with cold eyes. It didn\'t engage Shandris head-on. It easily broke free from the rope trap that Shandris had set just now, and melted into the mist again silently.

The sense of crisis is everywhere in the dense fog, and the environment where you can\'t see your fingers will cause great psychological pressure on the people in it.

Shandris took a deep breath, calmly waiting for Dakar\'s second attack.

She repeated her tricks and set up a seemingly useless rope trap under her feet.

Dakar jumped out of the fog again almost silently, but Shandris, who was alert, still didn\'t give it any chance.

This time, within a few tenths of a second of when the rope trap tied Dakar, Shandris brushed Dakar lightly with a short knife, but unfortunately failed to cut through its tough fur.

This battle between hunter and prey is a test of patience and psychological quality.

Several times in succession, and the opponent took the opportunity to draw a few unbroken wounds on his body, Dakar gradually became irritable.

Once again dodging Dakar\'s sneak attack, this time without any hesitation, Shandris kicked the ground explosively with her slender and powerful legs, and a pair of short knives began to glow with faint blue arcane light.

Just as Dakar was about to break free from the trap, he was shocked to find that he could not move.

The right front paw that stepped into the trap was restrained by a strange black vine, and these vines were even absorbing the energy in its body.


Roaring for the first time since the battle, Dakar flicked his right front paw anxiously, and the gray-white death energy crazily gushed out from his body.

But these sturdy vines persisted and were not broken by it. The power of death covering them failed to penetrate deep into the vines to extract its vitality, and was blocked by a layer of purple-black energy to produce no effect.

"Finally hooked!"

Shandris calmly prayed to Elune to usher in the light, and the cold moonlight lit up a large area surrounded by thick fog. UU Reading Shandris quickly waved the two knives in his hands .

The activated dual enchanted knives finally cut through Dakar\'s skin, and a strong smell of blood poured into his nostrils, making Dakar struggle even more angrily.


The vines that Andrea handed to Shandris were not broken free, but Dakar, who was so fierce, pulled the vines out of the ground with brute force.

However, it was obviously too late to resume action at this time, and Shandris jumped up to avoid Dakar\'s protruding left paw and the **** maw that followed closely behind.

Stretching his body in the air and adjusting his posture, Shandris swung his hands outward like a roc spreading its wings, and the dazzling arcane light formed an X-shaped light and shadow, slashing heavily at the back of Dakar\'s neck.

Landing firmly, Dakar stayed in place and froze for a few seconds.


As a large amount of blood spurted out, the head of the black panther slipped from its neck, and the huge body of the panther fell powerlessly to the ground.