Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 259: Confident Dragon Rider

Loken who fled the scene was extremely panicked, he didn\'t even bother to think about how Thorim knew about his crime, he just wanted to escape back to Ulduar and never come out again.

Ulduar is now not so much the guardian\'s holy city, but rather the lair of Yogg-Saron.

Hiding back to Ulduar in horror, Loken breathed a sigh of relief.

Recalling Thorim\'s performance before, Loken who regained his composure gradually frowned.

"Thorim is a simple-minded idiot with well-developed limbs. He has never doubted me for tens of thousands of years. Why did he suddenly come to ask me today?"

As his thinking deepened, Loken recalled more details that he hadn\'t noticed before.

If Thorim had really determined that he was the real culprit of Sif\'s death, with his violent temper, it was impossible for him to just come to confront him, and he would definitely knock the thunder hammer directly on his head.

"In other words, Thorim hasn\'t confirmed yet, but just has doubts?"

Loken pondered, "Who on earth told him the truth that he still can\'t ascertain? Could it be..."

At this moment, Loken thought of the mortal who had always given instructions at Thorim\'s feet during the confrontation and battle.

"Night Elf…"

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and Loken walked back to his lightning hall and sat down to review the details carefully.

"Do you want to use the steel army? No... that will attract the attention of other guardians who have not yet completely fallen, or we can only rely on plundering the Dragon Vrykul."

Loken descended with a gloomy expression. The map of planet Azeroth suspended in the Lightning Hall, "You can\'t pin all your hopes on the stupid vrykul. You must start preparing for the other hand early."

Loken, who fled in a hurry, was in stark contrast to Thorim, who was still standing there. The **** he believed in abandoned the believers and fled.

Loken\'s escape further affirmed Thorim\'s guess. He wanted to brandish his warhammer many times to rush into the army of Loken\'s family to vent his anger, but considering the mistakes he had made, Thorim finally endured. down.

Seeing that the defeat was complete, Voldron\'s vrykul commander was shocked and angry.

After beheading more than a dozen deserters one after another, this warrior, holding a two-handed battle ax in each hand, used a heroic leap to jump to the front of the battlefield.

Taking a vigilant look at Thorim, who seemed to have no intention of making a move, the Vrykul military commander pointed the battle ax in his right hand at Andrea at Thorim\'s feet.

"Night Elf, I! Udyr the Dragonrider challenges you!"


Andrea pointed at herself in surprise, "Are you sure?"

"That\'s right, it\'s you!"

Udyr made a crisp sound when his battle axes collided with each other. With a bloodthirsty smile on his face, he said, "One-on-one duel, the loser will leave Grizzly Hills."


Andrea laughed angrily, "You have made a good plan. Now that the battle situation in Grizzly Hills is basically clear, it should belong to us. Are you trying to do nothing?"

Looking contemptuously at the so-called dragon rider, Andrea said mockingly, "If you want to turn the tables, at least take out more chips, don\'t treat us as idiots."

Udyr was just asking for the price, sitting on the ground and haggling, and when he heard Andrea\'s answer, he raised his bargaining chip again.

"If I am defeated, the Vrykul will not only withdraw from the Grizzly Hills, but also retreat to the Skorn area. The north of Skorn will belong to you, how about it?"

Now that Gjalerbron has been devastated by a raid of marines sent by Andria, the territory north of Skorn is nothing to the vrykul.

Once Voldron fell, it was only a matter of time before the night elves pushed their way to Skorn.

Andrea sneered, "Not enough, you are still playing word games with the territory that already belongs to the night elves."

"Let me make a request. Once we win, the territory north of Skorn and between Lake Winter\'s Rest and Lake Kedmir will also belong to us."

Winter\'s Rest Lake is between Gjalerbron and Skorn, and it will belong to the night elves anyway, while Kaedmeer Lake is located at the foot of the Frostblade Mountain to the east of Winter\'s Rest Lake.

To the east is the Plain of Giants, where the Vrykul live scattered, and to the south is Bayerheim, the large settlement of the Vrykul.

If this territory is captured as Andrea said, the night elves will be able to complete the blockade of Skorn and Utgarde Castle from the north, and the range of activities of the Vrykul will be greatly restricted.

The seemingly reckless Udyr is actually not stupid, and Andrea\'s request made him a little unacceptable, but observing the opponent\'s weak caster figure, Udyr is still relatively confident in this battle.

"Okay! One word is settled, one battle will determine the outcome!"

Udyr didn\'t know who he had picked, and it was the first time Andrea had come to the front of Voldron since the war with the Vrykul.

The Vrykul leader who claimed to be the Dragon Rider just wanted to pick a soft persimmon, and Andrea, who was relatively thin and armorless, stood at the front, looking like a fat sheep.

As one of the vrykul warriors, Udyr has no lack of experience in fighting spellcasters, and he is confident that he can easily win.

When the two sides stood still, Udyr took off his full body armor, exposing his muscular upper body, and only wore a pair of thin linen trousers on his legs.

"Night elf, don\'t say I bully you, you don\'t need to wear armor at all!"

Andrea sneered, "Don\'t put gold on your face. Your armor is not resistant to magic. It\'s just a burden to wear when fighting spellcasters. Isn\'t it natural to take it off?"

"come on."

Andrea\'s feet were naturally separated, and he took a fighting posture with his left sword and right staff.

Soldiers from both sides gathered around the battlefield, and the vrykul with loud voices cheered Udyr excitedly.

The night elves were relatively calm, and Nawaz looked at Udyr with pity.

\'Poor guy, you have no idea who you\'re up against. \'

"Are you ready? Hehe~ Then I won\'t be polite!"


Udyr raised the twin axes high, leaped high in the air with his legs, and smashed towards Andrea as strong as a cannonball.

\'go straight? Are you so contemptuous? \'

Andrea pouted, and boldly waited until Udyr approached within 5 meters of his body before activating his skills.

"Psychic scream. UU reading"

Udyr, who was in mid-air, suddenly showed panic on his face, and his originally regular movements were also deformed in the air.

Andrea easily sidestepped to avoid Udyr who fell to the ground in embarrassment, and the blade of the dark empire in his left hand took the opportunity to wipe the other side\'s abdomen, leaving a bloodstain.

The muscle strength of the Vrykul was somewhat beyond Andrea\'s expectations. Although the Dark Empire Blade is not known for its sharpness, it is still a dark artifact, and it only left a strange streak on Udyr\'s muscles. deep wound.

However, this is not the point. Udyr, who was hit by the blade of the dark empire and the scream of the mind at the same time, soon started his own performance.

"Oh oh oh oh!"

The veins on his forehead popped up, and the battle ax in Udyr\'s left hand fell to the ground, and he roared wildly upwards with his head in his arms.

Xalatas sneered and said, "Hmph~ What an ignorant person is fearless. Although the taste of this guy\'s soul is not very good, the quality is still good. Andrea, let\'s harvest him."

"Hehe, as you wish."