Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 257: Wrath of the Storm King

"Mortal, I am Thorim, the guardian of the storm. Since you can break through my dragon knight protection, I allow you to report your name."

Andrea bowed respectfully, "Dear Titan Guardian Thorim, I am from the night elves, and my name is Andrea Moonshadow."

"Night Elf…"

Thorim nodded noncommittally, "I\'ve heard that you broke through the siege and came to my temple not just for an unplanned adventure, tell me why you came."

Andrea smiled and spit out the word "Sif."

Hearing this name, Thorim\'s originally calm expression suddenly changed.

"...Mortal, where did you hear this name?"

Thorim\'s expression was a bit gloomy, a look mixed with anger, sadness and nostalgia.

Sif is the wife of Thorim, a female vrykul.

Thorim\'s beloved Sif is not so loyal to him, she cheats on Thorim and Loken in marriage.

Under the impetus of Yogg-Saron, Loken\'s love for Sif gradually deteriorated and turned into a paranoid possessive desire. He tried to make Sif disclose their relationship to the public.

But Sif resolutely opposed Loken\'s proposal. Although she had a personal disadvantage, but from the perspective of justice, Sif did not want to cause the original good relationship between the guardians to fall apart because of her own reasons.

Realizing that Loken\'s love has become more and more dangerous, Sif completely cut off all contact with him and warned Loken not to disturb her life any more.

Loken, driven mad by Yogg-Saron\'s whispers, killed Sif in a jealous rage.

However, just as Loken fell into the anxiety of being guilty of his lover and how to explain to Thorim, Sif\'s soul suddenly appeared in front of him.

In fact, this so-called Sif soul is just an illusion created by Yogg-Saron in order to completely corrupt Loken.

Under the guidance of Yogg-Saron, Loken slid step by step into the abyss. He abandoned Sif\'s body in the ice field of the Storm Peak and told Thorim the bad news.

When the grief-stricken Thorim came to the door, Loken took the time to tell him that Angrim, the king of the ice giants, had killed Sif.

At that time, the bond between the guardians was very deep, and Thorim did not have any doubts about Loken\'s words. Driven by anger and hatred, Thorim killed Angrim involuntarily.

But Thorim\'s impulsive actions sparked a protracted war between his storm giants and frost giants, with heavy losses on both sides.

Under such circumstances, Loken stood up again. He severely reprimanded Thorim for being blinded by personal grievances and instigating war for his own selfishness. He also told Thorim under the guise of Sif that if Sif saw His behavior must be extremely disappointing.

Thorim, who blamed himself, regained his sanity from his anger, and faced the disappointed eyes of other guardians without a face. He left Ulduar alone and came to settle in his temple on the Storm Cliff for a long time.

By accident, Thorim, who escaped from Ulduar, was lucky enough to escape the corruption of Yogg-Saron. For thousands of years, he has been sitting alone in the Temple of Storms, allowing self-blame and regret to eat his heart.

Andrea smiled calmly, "It doesn\'t matter where I heard it from, what matters is, do you really think Sif was killed by the frost giant?"

Thorim\'s lightning-covered eyes shone with wild anger. He stood up from his throne, stretched out his left hand, and a thunderous hammer flew from outside the Temple of Storms, and landed on Torim. in Tom\'s right hand.

"Mortal, don\'t try to challenge my bottom line, I will give you one last chance to tell your true intention!"

Under the power of thunder and lightning raging in the temple, the hairs all over his body stood on end, but he still maintained a calm expression on the surface.

"My intention is to tell you the truth about the deaths of Sif and Tyr, so that you can find your real enemy."


Thorim frowned, and his power weakened slightly.

"What does Sif have to do with Tyr\'s death? Mortal, what are you talking about?"

"Well... that\'s a long story."

It took more than three hours for Andrea to tell Thorim the truth about the deaths of Sif and Tyr in detail.

During this process, Thorim\'s face kept changing.

He initially firmly refused to believe that Sif betrayed him and had an affair with Loken, but under the guidance of Andrea, his original firm belief began to waver.

What happened to Tyre became the last straw that broke the camel\'s back.

"If you don\'t believe it, you can go to the Tirisfal Forest to see for yourself. Zakaz is still sealed in Tyr\'s tomb."

"Or you can go to Uldaman to wake up Azadas and Elonaya, and get the truth about Tyr\'s escape from them."

Thorim\'s strong steel body was a little shaken. Although he couldn\'t accept Andrea\'s truth emotionally, as more clues were revealed, Thorim\'s heart began to shake.

"Loken...killed Sif, and colluded with Yogg-Saron, corrupted the other guardians, and killed Tyr?"


The huge body slumped back on his throne, and Thorim put his hand on his forehead, his expression struggling and painful.

"Andrea Moonshadow."

For a long time, Thorim looked blankly at the tiny mortal in front of him.

"What is the purpose of telling me these shocking news, what do you want from me, a fool?"

Seeing that Thorim finally took the bait, Andrea\'s eyes flashed imperceptibly.

"Dear Stormkeeper."

Andrea saluted Thorim respectfully, "Now Loken just left the shelter of Ulduar and Yogg-Saron, and went to the Grizzly Hills alone to help his family fight for the territory."

"If you want to face him face to face without being plotted by Yogg-Saron, now is the best chance."


Thorim was stunned for a while, UU Reading Thinking of Sif\'s hatred and Tyr\'s unexplained death, the Storm King\'s eyes flashed with lightning again.

Grabbing the hammer and slowly getting up from the throne, Thorim shouted to the sky with a majestic voice, "Villanas! Come to me!"

"hold head high!"

Following Thorim\'s call, a huge blue proto-dragon took off from the mountains in the distance, and soon landed in the vast hall of the Temple of Storms.

Gently stroking the proto-dragon\'s back with the light of wisdom shining in its eyes, Thorim raised his warhammer and stepped on the opponent\'s back.

Looking down at Andrea, Thorim looked very serious, "Come on, mortal named Andrea."

"Although I don\'t know where you learned these hidden truths, there are no obvious loopholes in your words based on logic."

"Loken...I\'m going to question him personally about the truth."