Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 15: Tick? Twist?… Dios

A complex look flashed in Delier\'s eyes, mixed with genuine disgust and deliberately feigned awe.

In order to conceal his inner emotions, Major Moon Guard slightly lowered his head and confessed to the devil, "Master Tichondrius, I am ashamed..."


The demon waved its sharp claws at Delier, "I didn\'t expect much from you trash, step back, and let me clean up the mess for you."

The battle priests had broken through the defense line set up by the moon guards at this time, but the demon guards suddenly surrounded them blocked their way forward.

Maiev glanced sideways at the sisters who fell from the sky to the ground, only a small number of them survived by using the levitation technique at the last moment, and the remaining dozen or so priests who lacked actual combat experience fell into a pool of blood and lost signs of life.

Gritting her teeth heavily, Maiev looked at the demon blocking the way with her eyes blazing, "Why did the Burning Legion appear here?!"

Andrea narrowed his eyes and looked solemnly at the demon leader who looked like a big bat.

"If I\'m not mistaken, the Burning Legion was worried about the strength of the Moon Guard\'s defense from the very beginning, and specially arranged for an army to ambush behind them."

The number of partial divisions of this Burning Legion is not large. After a rough glance and calculation, there are only about a hundred ground troops of various types, plus 8 medium-sized hellfires that fell from the sky before.

\'The most troublesome thing is their leader, the dreadlord...\'

With Andrea acting as the Amnesiac, he was unable to tell Maiev and the other Battle Priests what he knew about the enemy.

The Dreadlord, also known as the Nathrezim.

They were one of the first races identified as demons in the Twisting Nether, cruel and cunning by nature.

The frontal combat ability of the Dreadlords is not strong in the Burning Legion. Their strength is to use illusion and rhetoric to confuse the target, thereby creating suspicion and distrust in the enemy\'s stable rear, disrupting the enemy\'s determination and will to resist the Burning Legion .

‘The Moon Guard Commander called that Dreadlord Tichondrius just now? \'

Andrea cautiously descended from the air to Maiev\'s side, her gaze never shifting from the mocking Dreadlord.

"If it is really him, it will be very difficult to escape from these demons..."

Tichondrius is the leader of the Nathrezim and the second-in-command of Kil\'jaeden the Deceiver, one of the Triumvirate of the Burning Legion.

Compared with Mannoroth, the vanguard warrior valued by Archimonde the Polluted, Tichondrius\'s combat ability is far inferior, but if he plays tricks and infiltrates behind enemy lines, ten Mannoroths are not his opponents .

Seeing the appearance of the Dreadlord, Andrea first began to wonder if this guy had a deeper plot to hide and spy on him.

The current situation is rather embarrassing. The battle priests led by Maiev and the main force led by High Priest Dijana failed to meet, and the two sides were separated by strong demon guards.

The priests who were frightened by the tragic death of their sisters finally set off again under the loud urging of Shandris, and one by one landed in the woods in shock to join the large army, but Maiev and Andrea were still very worried about the rookies on the battlefield safety.

"Boom! Boom!"

The hellfire that fell to the ground climbed out of the huge pit, and slowly approached Andrea and Maiev under Tichondrius\' lazily waving movements.

Andrea is not a genius on the battlefield. In the face of this sudden situation, although his brain cannot be said to be blank, he can\'t think of any coups to break the situation for a while.

Maiev turned her head to observe the situation of the battle priests, hesitated for a moment, and then ordered, "Turn around, prepare to break through the demon\'s defense, first meet with the high priests, we can\'t leave them to break through."


The support for the "God Envoy" within the Moon Guard was polarized. Some cheered and surrounded Tichondrius to flatter him, while the other stayed where they were with complicated expressions.

Including Commander Delier, this part of the moon guards wanted to understand something.

The Burning Legion didn\'t feel at ease with their dispatched troops at all, they just used them as cannon fodder and bait to reduce the combat effectiveness of the Elune Sisters as much as possible, and then Tichondrius led his own demon army to jump out to take advantage .

One of the moon guards, who still looked immature, walked up to Delier and said unwillingly, "Major, we..."

"I know what you mean, so it goes without saying."

Delier glanced at Tichondrius not far away from the corner of his eye. Although many of his colleagues surrounded the demon lord and tried their best to flatter him, the big bat seemed completely uninterested in their flattery.

‘These demons don’t take us seriously at all, what for the glory of the Highborne and the queen is just superficial rhetoric. \'

When Delia was struggling, Maiev led the troops to collide head-on with the Burning Legion.

The fel energy constructs like Hellfire moved very slowly, so Maiev ignored them for the time being, and charged directly towards the small forest to the west.

Andrea didn\'t express his opinion in the large army for the time being, but he accidentally discovered some interesting phenomena in the process of observing Tichondrius.

‘There seems to be something wrong with the attitude of the Moon Guard Commander? \'

Andrea\'s eyes swam back and forth between the big bat and Delier, and he vaguely realized that he had discovered one of the key elements to break the game.

The troops brought by Tichondrius are mainly demon guards. These demon infantry with huge two-handed weapons are quite strong.

Although the overall physical fitness of the night elves is among the best among the mortal races, compared to the demon guards in front of them, the night elves can only surpass them in flexibility.

Maiev is not a foolish and reckless person. Through the size of the enemy, she initially judged the strengths and weaknesses of the demon guard.

"Try to keep guerrilla warfare! Don\'t go head-to-head with these demons, bow and arrow ready... salvo!"

At the same time, Dijana in the woods was also directing the panicked priests to arrange a defensive formation, but the results were not very satisfactory.

Lacking actual combat experience and systematic military training, this group of priests could not even be ordered to prohibit them in the face of the imminent crisis. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

If the high priest hadn\'t used his prestige to forcibly suppress everyone\'s objections, some of the priests who witnessed the tragic death of their sisters would have fled in all directions.

Looking at the hundreds of chattering mobs with a headache, Dijana turned to Shandris with a wry smile.

"Sandris, I\'m afraid we can\'t count on the fighting power of these sisters."

Shandris was also worried about the current situation. Hundreds of demon guards marched in two directions. Some blocked Maiev\'s battle priest troops and slowed down their speed as much as possible, while the other walked towards the woods in neat steps.

"The commander of the demon seems to be planning to attack each of us before we meet."

Shandris looked at the demon guards in a defensive formation in the distance with piercing eyes, "Our team is treated like a persimmon. The demons intend to hold back Maiev Priest\'s troops and take the opportunity to eat us first."


High Priest Dijana hesitated again and again, and finally sighed deeply.

She took out a pendant necklace from the neckline of the loose high priest\'s robe, and a dark blue vertical diamond-shaped gem was hung on the pendant.

"While I would prefer to settle the dispute peacefully, these demons obviously won\'t give us a chance to talk."

When the gemstone on his chest became more and more radiant, the High Priest stared firmly at the bright crescent moon in the night sky.

"Elune, please forgive me. In order to protect the sisters behind me, today I am doomed to fail to carry out your benevolent beliefs."

The faint blue light gradually covered Dijana\'s whole body, and the high priest clasped his hands together and bowed his head in prayer under the light.

"Lovely Goddess of the Moon! Please grant me the power to remove obstacles in the way of the Sisterhood!"