Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 142: 1 Sulfur 2 Nitrate 3 Charcoal


Lunara shook her head in disbelief, "It shouldn\'t be possible. I don\'t know what\'s going on in that area. Even Nordrassil\'s constant temperature blessing can\'t work. There are extremely cold snowflakes all the year round. The temperature is very low."

"Sartre has no reason to give up Felwood, which has a comfortable climate, and hide in Winterspring, which is not suitable for intelligent life."

Andrea smiled and explained, "Since you all think so, I think the possibility of them hiding in Winterspring has increased."

"Using the misunderstandings caused by your inertial thinking, Sartre can hide in Winterspring Valley to rest and prepare for war."

"do not forget."

Andrea seriously reminded, "Half of Sartres are demons, and their life forms are different from ours. Have you ever considered the possibility that they are not afraid of severe cold?"


Andrea\'s reminder caused Shandris to contemplate, while Lunara focused her attention on Moonglade.

"Moonglade does not occupy a large area, so it is relatively easy to search for it. I will notify Remulos, who lives there, to help him find traces of Sartre."

Since the Cenarion Council has not yet been established, the current Moonglade is still a barren and uninhabited mountain.

Surrounded by mountains, Moonglade is only connected to the outside world through a passage dug by the furbolgs of the Timbermaw clan, at the junction of Felwood Forest and Winterspring.

Remulos was a keeper of the forest, one of the sons of the demigod Cenarius.

Different from his father, he prefers a quiet life, away from the night elves\' noisy core living area alone, and came to live in seclusion in the moonlight forest.

For years, Shandris and the Sentinels had their attention drawn to Felwood, sporadic satyrs blocking their vision.

As the so-called bystander knows, seeing Shandris getting more and more anxious under Tyrande\'s urging, Andrea, who has been busy building Moonlight Town, finally took the time to help his girlfriend analyze Sartre\'s whereabouts.

Clues and speculation are better than no clues, and Lunara and Shandris set off soon after cutting off the communication.

Andrea was also in the office looking at Winterspring on the map in a daze.

"It\'s really strange. Winterspring Valley is very close to Mount Hyjal, so why isn\'t it affected by the World Tree\'s blessing?"

Just as Andrea was turning countless possibilities in his mind, there was a sudden knock on his office door.


"Lord Andrea, I\'m Markley, and the special minerals you ordered to find have been found."

"Oh? Come in and tell us about the situation in detail."

Andrea came back to her senses all of a sudden, and greeted Markley into the room with great interest.

Looking at the off-white spar on the table with bright eyes, Andrea rubbed his hands and asked, "Where is the sulfur? Did you find it too?"


Makele meticulously placed a bottle of yellow-green powder on the table.

"Sindra found this bottle of powder near the hot springs in the southeast of Feralas according to your request. It was just shipped back to Moonlight Town by merchant ship. This bottle is just a part of the sample."

"This ore, which you call saltpeter, was found by the tauren in the southern Stonetalon Mountains, and it has also just been brought back by an overland trade party."

"very good!"

Andrea excitedly waved the vial in front of her eyes, "Thank you for your hard work. Tell the Tauren and Syndra to ask them to mine saltpeter and sulfur in large quantities. I will buy these two materials from them as commodities for a long time."

After Markley left, Andrea also hurriedly left the office with saltpeter and sulfur samples, and flew straight to the weapons research institute in the town.

While Andrea was helpless with chemically produced yellow powder (TNT), relatively primitive black powder was easy to make.

One sulfur, two nitrates and three charcoals, this mantra was familiar to him when he read historical novels in his previous life, and it was about the ratio of black powder materials.

With the materials and the correct formula, Andrea is confident that he can formulate black powder in a short time, bringing Moon Night Town officially into the era of meat... hot weapons.

When passing by the Temple of the Moon God in the northern part of the town, Andrea was suspended in the air for a moment.

Different from the gray and white building materials of ordinary Elune temples, the exterior color of the temple built by the Church of the Shadow of the Dark Moon is blue and black, giving people a deep and solemn sense of majesty.

At this time, a huge statue was being built on the large square in front of the temple, and it was the statue of Elune that Andrea had delayed starting for a long time.

The other parts of the statue have been basically completed. Due to Andrea\'s special requirements, every detail of the statue has been perfected. It took more than 100 years to build it to this point.

But there was one last problem to be solved before the statue was finished—the appearance.

Andrea didn\'t want to deliberately carve Elune\'s face very blurry like other Elune temples.

After much hesitation, he decided to try to contact Elune just as the statue was about to be completed, and asked her personally what kind of facial sculpture he wanted.

Now the body part of the statue is almost complete, but the head is still blank.

"Hmm... It seems that the issue of contacting Elune is also on the agenda."

One month later, there was a loud rumbling sound from the sea to the west of Moon Night Town.

Due to the long distance, it had been weakened layer by layer when it reached the ears of the residents of Moon Night Town. The busy town residents were not too frightened, and just looked up and continued their work.

On an isolated island in the sea dozens of miles west of Yuyue Port, as the rising black smoke dissipated, a huge sinkhole appeared in the center of the rocky island.

Nawaz, the leader of the warriors, grinned in surprise, "Those black powders...are they so powerful?"

Delier pondered for a while, then turned his head to look at Andrea, "Master Andrea, although this... gunpowder is powerful, but how do you plan to use it? It would be a waste if it is only used to open mountains like this." Bar."

"Oh~ Of course not."

The experiment was successful, and Andrea, who was in a happy mood, explained with a smile, "Gunpowder has more uses besides mountain opening and fixed-point blasting. Now let me keep it a secret."

When the group returned to Yuyue Port by boat, UU Reading\'s new ship, whose keel had just been laid, was under intense construction.

The keel of this ship is very different from what Nawaz and others remember. Instead of using wood, it is laid with refined steel as a material.

Even Deliye, who has always been quick-thinking, can hardly imagine the scene of a lump of iron floating on the sea. The group looked at each other for a while, and Nawaz, who is more straight-tempered, hesitated for a while, and finally asked his question asked out.

"That...Master Andrea, are you sure you want to use steel to lay the keel? It won\'t sink if it enters the sea, right?"

Andrea glanced at the few people behind him, all of whom had doubts on their faces.

"Don\'t worry, you will know when the new warship is launched."

"It\'s not just steel keels. With the advancement of technology and rich experience, there may be warships made of pure steel in the future. You can look forward to it."

Everyone: \'I can\'t look forward to it at all...It will definitely sink. \'