Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 110: Hammer of Khazgoros

Andrea\'s abrupt question made Hu En stunned for a while, and under the eyes of the chiefs of each clan with different meanings, Hu En who came back to his senses showed a hearty smile.

"Of course, the Gaoling tribe has been formally established. Even without me, I believe that the united tauren will continue my philosophy and embark on a path leading to a bright future."

Andrea pondered for a moment, "I understand, Chief Hun, let\'s set out to meet Iglul first, and when we reach the seal of the Holy Hammer...I will tell you the price of using it."

Five years after the end of the War of the Ancients, due to the complete separation of the Broken Isles from the main continent of Kalimdor, the trolls that threatened the survival of the tauren were no longer seen, and in disguise, the tauren of the Gaoling tribe had a chance to recuperate.

In the past five years, Neltharion has been busy fixing the torn body. He has tried many materials, from solid wood to various mineral metals, but none of them can withstand the lava emanating from the body of the former guardian of the earth. flames.

This unexpected situation annoyed Neltharion very much, even with extremely high-strength Thorium armor, it was difficult to resist the erosion of lava for a long time.

The poor physical condition made Nelthario reclusive in recent years, but his temper became more and more irritable with the failure of various material experiments.

In the past year alone, hundreds of drogbars who helped fix the armor plates died under his sudden rage, and even other black dragons who lived in Highmountain did not dare to approach his lair at will.

Thanks to this, the tauren in Highmountain got five years of precious development time, but both Hun and Igrul knew that this superficial tranquility was only temporary.

Regardless of whether Neltharion could find the right materials, once he rushed out of the lair again, no one was confident that he would be able to escape the mad wrath of the fallen Black Dragon King.

When Hoon sneaked close to Neltharion\'s lair with a small group of elite tauren, Drogbar, who was in charge of responding, quickly brought them in.

Seeing Igrul again, the temperament of the drogbar leader seemed much calmer than last time.

Five years of hard work and forbearance have made Igrul grow up a lot, at least not as explosive as Andrea last time he saw him.

"Chief Hu En, Your Excellency Moon Shadow, thank you for agreeing to my invitation."

Igrul\'s face was very heavy. "Just yesterday, another 23 compatriots were killed by Neltharion. Our patience has reached the limit."

Hu En sighed, and patted Igrul\'s shoulder heavily with his powerful hands.

"Brace yourself, we are here to solve the problem, the great problem Neltharion afflicting all the natives of Highmountain."

Iglul nodded, packed up his mood and returned to his previous ability. "Although Neltharion has fallen, he still controls the power of the guardian of the earth."

"If we attack him head-on without preparation, our chances of winning are very low. We must rely on the help of some kind of holy object."

Hu En said without any surprise, "I know, it\'s the holy hammer you mentioned before, right?"

"Yes, one of the Pillars of Creation bestowed upon the Guardian by the Titans, the Hammer of Khazgoros the Shaper."

Titan Khazgoros is known as the Shaper, proficient in various crafts including architecture, engineering and forging. The earth spirits and mountain giants in Titan\'s creations are all designed and manufactured by him.

The so-called Hammer of Khazgoros is actually the warhammer used by this titan.

After long-term use by Kazgros himself, the power of the Titans gradually soaked into the hammer.

In ancient times, the Titan Guardians headed by Odin and Raiden, relied on the Pillar of Creation bestowed by the Titans to destroy the dark empire founded by the ancient gods in one fell swoop.

After the war, in order to prevent the excessive power of the Pillars of Creation from being abused, the guardians of the Titans sealed these powerful artifacts separately, and they were never seen again.

By coincidence, Neltharion discovered the location where the Hammer of Khazgoros was sealed. He built his lair next to the Hammer so that he could study the Pillar of Creation at any time.

However, Neltharion\'s research did not yield any results.

Because of a certain chief administrator\'s prejudice against the guardian dragon, he added magic to the Pillar of Creation, and no dragon clan could break the seal of the Pillar of Creation.

"right here."

Led by Igrul, Andrea and Hun came to a cave where a large number of giant discs were piled up.

The material of these discs is neither gold nor wood, they look like deliberately polished stones, and the lines carved on the surface are also very clear.

Andrea looked at these discs and touched his chin with interest, "Platinum discs, but it\'s a pity that they can\'t be read without special equipment. \'

These discs are the data storage carriers used by the Titans to record the development history of Azeroth, which is equivalent to the computer hard drives that Andrea is familiar with.

To read these discs, you must use special equipment. Andrea knows where there are, but every place where the reading device is located is an out-and-out den of dragons and tigers, at least not for a short period of time.

In front of these platinum discs, a green warhammer protected by a translucent barrier stood suspended in mid-air.

From time to time, some lightning-like arcane arcs would spill out from the warhammer, and just by the energy leaked unconsciously, one could intuitively experience the powerful power of this warhammer.

Iglul looked longingly and unwillingly at the warhammer suspended in mid-air and said, "The Hammer of Kazgoros, the powerful Pillar of Creation, if we can get the help of this warhammer, we will be able to defeat Neltharion smoothly. "

"Then what are we waiting for?"

Hu En collided his fists and said eagerly, "Activate the seal, we must pass the trial."

"Wait first."

Andrea pressed Hu En\'s shoulder and said, "Let me first explain to you the risks of using the Pillars of Creation."

Taking off the staff behind him, Andrea put the head of the staff in front of Hun and Iglul.

A blue-purple gem replaced the original core of the Staff of Garnier, which was now spinning freely under the constraints of the staff\'s energy field.

"Tears of Elune."

Andrea said solemnly, "It\'s also one of the Pillars of Creation. I used it once when I broke into the Well of Eternity during the War of the Ancients."

Strictly speaking, this gem was forcibly removed by Andrea in front of Tyrande, and Tyrande asked him many times afterwards but failed to take it back as he wished.

Hu En and Iglul showed shock on their faces at the same time, they didn\'t expect this seemingly inconspicuous gemstone to have such a big background.

Igrul asked excitedly, "If there are two Pillars of Creation, UU Reading we can defeat Neltharion..."

"It\'s not that simple."

Before Igrul could finish speaking, Andrea shook his head and interrupted him.

"Listen well, the Pillars of Creation are not for mortals to use, even if the Titan Guardian uses them, it will consume a lot of energy."

"I did use it once during the War of the Ancients, but that time I shared the consumption of Tears of Elune with Tyrandewind, the current High Priest of the Moon God."

"Even so, as the favored ones, we have been emptied of the energy in our bodies by the tears of Elune. Until now, I dare not activate the true power of the tears of Elune again. I just installed it as an amplification device in the law on the stick."

Andrea looked at the two seriously and reminded, "If you plan to use the Hammer of Kazgros, please make sure you are prepared to die because of it."

"Once its own energy is sucked dry, the next thing the activated Holy Hammer will your vitality."