Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 102: Dictators are not so easy to be

The peak of the holy mountain of Hyjal, the root of the World Tree Nordrassil.

A team of about a thousand people gathered to wait for their leader to say his last farewell to his old friend.

Fandral Staghelmet looked at the dark crowd in front of him, sighed softly and asked, "You really want to go after you think about it?"

"Well, it\'s decided."

Andrea nodded firmly and said, "I don\'t get along with her in terms of personality, strength, political views, etc. Reluctantly staying will only make the conflict gradually sharper. The night elves who have gone through hardships cannot bear the burden of civil strife again in a short period of time." turmoil."

Patting Fandral\'s muscular upper arm, Andrea said earnestly, "After I leave, I will leave it to you to restrain her. She must not be allowed to act recklessly."

"You should know her ability to govern."

Fandral agreed with a sullen face, "I know, but I can\'t guarantee that I can stop her every time. After all, you also know the relationship between the mentor and her."

Andrea smiled understandingly, "Do your best. If she goes too far, you can go to the Emerald Dream and sue your mentor."

"Can it work?"

"The mentor may indulge her in small matters, but once it involves big issues that concern the entire night elf family"

"I understand, may the wind of nature guard your journey."

"You too, Elune is with us."


In the Great Moon Temple of Anasis, Tyrande slammed his fist on the stone table, barely suppressing the anger in his heart and asked in a cold voice, "I seem to be hallucinating, please say it again."

Shandris repeated indifferently, "Andrea Moonshadow has left."

"What does it mean to leave"

"Literally, he secretly recruited about a thousand followers from Anarchis, and quietly left Mount Hyjal early this morning."


Tyrande was so angry that his chest couldn\'t stop heaving, and he took several deep breaths before gradually calming down.

"Why is he leaving"

After calming down, Tyrande asked Shandris with a gloomy face, "You are his closest person, I want to be honest."

"In the situation where Malfurion and most druids have been indulging in the Emerald Dream for a long time, he, a non-mainstream druid who doesn\'t like to enter the dream, can be called one person and one person above ten thousand people. What dissatisfaction do you have with rights?"

A gleam of unclear meaning flashed in Shandris\' eyes, she shook her head slightly and said, "Andrea is not someone who is greedy for power, on the contrary, he left Anakis to avoid possible conflicts in the future."

Although Tyrande\'s brain circuits often turn in strange directions, but Shandris has talked about this, and she is really a stick if she doesn\'t understand.

After thinking about it for a while, Tyrande, who had never gotten along with Andrea, quickly understood the deep meaning of Shandris\' words.

"Well, tell me, who did he take away?"

"All walks of life."

Shandris wrenched his fingers and listed one by one, "Luna priests, druids, some arcanists, former noble private soldiers, carpenters, tailors, farmers, blacksmiths and other craftsmen, he has almost every occupation we can think of. Solicit."

Tyrande leaned her elbows on the stone table and propped up her cheeks, her brows furrowed deeply.

"In other words, he took away a miniature night elf society, what the **** is he trying to do?"

Shandris shook her head and said, "I don\'t know, I only found out a few days ago that he was planning to leave Anakis."


Tyrande patted her forehead with a headache, then she waved weakly to Shandris and said, "You go ahead and build the framework of the sentinel troops as soon as possible. With the elite troops directly under us, we can deal with all emergencies."


Watching Shandris leave with steady steps, Tyrande looked at her back with flickering eyes.

You didn\'t take Shandris away on purpose, you wanted her to stay by my side as my eyes and ears, you\'re so confident that you have more status in her heart than mine

Thinking of this, Tyrande\'s stubborn temper came up.

"Hmph, that\'s good, let\'s try it, I want to see what tricks you want to play."

As the shadow consul of the capital Anarchis, Andrea gradually gained fame with her practical actions in the three years after the end of the War of the Ancients.

Although named Shadow Consul, Andrea\'s work is actually no different from that of the real leader.

Tyrande really likes to show her authority with great fanfare, but her political program is actually quite broad and rough. It is nothing more than controlling the political power with theocracy, making her position above all people.

But in order to set up the last archway for his power, Tyrande simply pulled the tiger\'s skin as a banner, clearly stating that he was only carrying out the will of the moon god.

With the identity of Elune\'s family member as a shield, even if someone secretly suspects it, they can\'t question it face to face, otherwise a hat that doesn\'t respect the moon **** will be put on your head in minutes.

There is a saying that is good, the mouth of the people is better than Fangchuan.

Even if the people\'s mouths can be blocked by high-pressure surveillance, things like rumors are not so easy to completely eradicate, and they will eventually spread when it is time to spread.

Andrea was able to recruit a team of thousands of people from all walks of life to take him away, which proved how many people were dissatisfied with Tyrande among the people, and this was only a very small part of them who were willing to stand up.

Andrea took these thorns away, at least for a short period of time, alleviating the undercurrent of Anarchis.

Without the leaders who resisted the most, most of the remaining people will choose to swallow their anger until they can no longer bear it.

Although it was said to be a thorn, UU Reading, but Andrea did not look at the group of people he recruited with colored eyes.

For several years, he personally inspected all walks of life of the night elves for a long time, comprehensively considered all aspects, and finally selected this part of the more energetic people as followers.

With the end of the War of the Ancients, the night empire led by Queen Azshara collapsed, and the upper elves as nobles lost their original privileges. It stands to reason that the night elves should enter a period of vigorous and rapid development.

But the fact is just the opposite, suddenly lost the nobles who scolded him for his actions in the past, and most of the people did not know how to live for a while.

The transformation of the social system is destined not to be completed overnight.

Tyrande wants to gradually transform the aristocratic feudal system of the Dark Night Empire into a dictatorial system.

But she only has this broad ambition, and how to implement it specifically. Tyrande, who has never served as the leader of the country, has a black eye and can only cross the river by feeling the stones.

And the Highborne, who are the tears of the times, obviously won\'t just be content with the status quo.

If it weren\'t for Andrea and Dath\'Remar\'s repeated mediation in recent years, God knows how the group of high elves with noses that grow into the sky will face the sense of gap brought about by social changes.

While Tyrande was struggling to think about how to further intertwine theocracy and political power, the expedition led by Andrea finally arrived at their destination after months of journeying.

The Seat of the Sky, the ruins of Lasallazar.