Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 1: Philosophy 3 ask?


In the middle of the night, the glimmer of light from computer screens is still flickering in the apartment buildings that can be seen everywhere.

In front of the computer desk, an ordinary-looking young man in his 20s yawned lazily.

His left hand was pressing aimlessly on the mechanical keyboard in front of him, and the virtual character displayed in the center of the monitor was also swaying around with his fingers.

Looking boredly at the empty city of Boralus on the screen, the man\'s eyes looked a little dull.

"8.0 is really worthy of the \'disaster\' that the developers themselves admit."

"In order to fight the fire and forcibly reduce intelligence, in order to balance the strength of the two camps, they did not hesitate to abandon the rationality of the plot. It really deserves to be the legendary interstellar team."

Annoyedly throwing away the wireless mouse, the young man leaned on the back of the computer chair and sighed.

"It\'s almost time to AFK."

Thinking of the disgusting secret realm created by the 7.0 Diablo team and the increasingly mindless plot, the young man looked at the ceiling and silently remembered the monster that made him spend the whole night.

"Go to sleep... I have to go to work tomorrow."

The exhausted young man didn\'t bother to quit the game slowly, he directly pressed the power off button on the main box, moved his body with difficulty and threw himself onto the big soft bed.

Before falling asleep, the last vague thought flashed through the young man\'s mind.

"Warcraft that carry the fond memories of many young people, can they really only live in the past?"

There was a strong smell of blood on the tragic battlefield, and green and red liquids mixed and seeped into the ground.

There are a large number of mutilated corpses scattered all over the land that has been dyed in a strange color, and broken limbs and arms can be seen everywhere.


Under the continuous shouts of killing on the battlefield, faint groans came from under the pile of corpses.

A "corpse" that should have died suddenly pushed away the heavy object that was pressing on it, and opened its shimmering golden eyes to look around in bewilderment.

Under the light of the bright moon hanging high in the sky, the appearance of this "corpse" that suddenly resumed its action can be vaguely seen.

Strange violet skin, more than two meters tall, long and pointed elf ears.

These characteristics alone are enough to prove that this person is not human, but some kind of fantasy creature that often appears in fantasy works.

A wound about half a meter long, with bone deep visible, was cut on the chest of the "corpse" by an unknown weapon. Initial scabs had begun to form around the wound, but the dark red half-dried blood almost completely stained the upper body of the "corpse" red.


The action of pushing away the pile of corpses caused a pained expression to appear on the bewildered face of the man with silver short hair reaching the ears and a beard.

"Where am I?"

The man looked at the long wound on his chest in horror. In order to avoid further tearing the wound, he lay in the pile of corpses and did not dare to move for the time being. He could only slightly shake his head to observe the surrounding situation.

As a veteran Warcraft player, the man simply glanced around, and the pupils of his eyes suddenly tightened.

"Night elves?! And... demons?"

Stretching out his hands and flipping back and forth in front of his eyes, he finally realized something was wrong with his body.

"This is not my body, who am I? Could it be time-traveling?"

Although he wanted to slowly sort out his chaotic thoughts, but now that he was on the battlefield, he didn\'t have so much time for him to think too much.

A doomsday guard with a ferocious face noticed the movement here from above, flapped its fleshy wings in mid-air, turned a corner, and rushed straight towards the direction of the traverser.

The demon guard raised the broad-bladed two-handed giant sword in mid-air, with a bloodthirsty grin on his face.

"Small mortals, your world will burn for Sargeras!"

The visitor from another world who had just crossed over, endured the pain and rolled to the side at the critical moment.

The severe pain in his chest distorted his face covered by the white beard, but fortunately he managed to escape the opponent\'s powerful slash at the last moment.

If he was struck by this sword, he should not have to think about the wound anymore.


The dull sound of the giant sword cutting into the pile of corpses came from the side, and the man hurriedly covered his chest that was bleeding again, and stood up crookedly from the pile of corpses.

I don\'t know if it was because the corpse he had reborn still had some residual thoughts, and he couldn\'t control the extremely deep hatred towards the demon in front of him.

This kind of hatred is not only aimed at the one demon in front of him, but extends to the entire demon group.

His physical instinct made him subconsciously pull out a wooden stick stuck on the ground beside him, hold the center of the stick with one hand, and subconsciously lay it across his chest in a defensive posture.


The doomsday guard glanced contemptuously at the long wooden stick held by the night elf on the opposite side, roared angrily and raised the two-handed giant sword high above his head, and launched a fierce jump and chop at the position where the night elf man was.



Just as the traverser\'s muscles tensed up and he was about to roll to the side to avoid it again, several arrows pierced the night sky and precisely pierced into the body of the doomsday guard in mid-air.

The added force in the arrow caused the Doom Guard to lose his balance in the air. While roaring in pain, he passively changed his jump trajectory, and slammed heavily on the ground about five meters beside the night elf man.

The strange red and green soil was splashed by the impact of the Doom Guard when it landed, and a ball of it just flew into the face of the traverser with a somewhat dull expression.


Before the doomsday guard got up, another arrow pierced through the air, and it was firmly nailed to the forehead of the struggling demon, finally causing the doomsday guard to lose any signs of life.

A large purple bird flapping its wings flew across the air, and a slim figure jumped off the bird\'s back, just in front of the traveler who was confused about the situation. UU reading

Before the traverser could see the face of the other party clearly, the female night elf wearing the light armor of the battle priest first asked anxiously, "Andrea, are you alright?"

\'Andrea? Is it the name of this body? \'

The time traveler\'s heart tightened, he didn\'t have the original memory of the body he traveled through.

Even if he can get away with it right now, sooner or later he will leak his feet in some details that the other party is familiar with.

After weighing again and again, the traverser finally chose to speak out.

"Who... who are you? Where am I? What are we doing?"


The young night elf with purple facial lines and long blue hair tied into a high ponytail showed surprise on his face.

"Andrea Moon Shadow, have you been beaten to the head by a demon?"

"I am Shandris, your friend Shandris Feathermoon, and this is the battlefield near Mount Hyjal."

The traveler was terrified. Although he still didn\'t get any memory about the other party from his predecessor, as a traveler, the name Shandris Feather Moon would definitely not make him feel strange.

"San... Tees?"

Taking a closer look at Shandris\'s slightly youthful and beautiful face, the traverser looked up at the **** battlefield under the worried eyes of the other party.

In the distance, a huge wild boar is rushing left and right among the demons, and no demon can block its way.

Under the command of a snow-white half-human half-bird creature, the overwhelming birds in the sky fought fiercely with the demon\'s evil bats and doom guards in the air.

The scene in front of him caused the traverser to show an extremely complicated expression, "So... we are really fighting the Burning Legion, is this the War of the Ancients?"