Apollo's Heart

Chapter 106

Chapter 106 – Run Away (1)

The hospital room was empty. There was no sign of Yuri sleeping on the bed, just a pulled-out IV needle lying on the middle of the sheets, where specks of blood spotted the linen at random. A few droplets of red also stained the cold flooring of the room.

Tae-jun stared at the sight before him. Perplexed, he rushed quickly towards the intercom, pressing the buttons impatiently as he called for a nurse. “Where is the patient?” he asked, panic lacing his voice.

Jin-ho came running into the room, a nurse on his heels- alarm etched on both of their faces.

“What happened?” Tae-jun asked anxiously, his voice loud enough to reverberate around the space.

Jin-ho glanced at the empty bed. “She was sleeping when I did my rounds thirty minutes ago.” He was just as confused as Tae-jun.

“Where did she go all of a sudden? How about the CCTV?” Tae-Jun asked, his head craning towards the camera situated at the corner of the room.

CCTVs were installed in all quarters of the hospital in case of emergencies. Although the footage was recorded without fail, the person in charge of the surveillance did not monitor the screens continuously so as to give the patients their privacy.

Tae-jun and Jin-ho went straight to the security room. Roy, who sensed the gravity of the situation, trailed behind them silently.

Upon reaching the security room, Tae-jun hastily turned the knob and pushed the door open. Startled at the sudden intrusion the personnel jumped to his feet.

Jin-ho approached the security officer who was in charge of the VIP ward and instructed him to fetch the footage from thirty minutes ago. The staff obediently followed the doctor’s orders, quickly going to the computer screens as he turned the dial counterclockwise. After rewinding the knob to the specified time slot, the monitor displayed the recorded film onto the big screen.

Jin-ho said Yuri was still sleeping on her bed when he made his rounds. Ten minutes later, a nurse had gone in and checked on Yuri’s fluids.

Jin-ho tapped on the screen, zoomed in slightly and they saw Yuri’s eyes fluttering open minutes after the nurse left the room.

“I guess she woke up.” Tae-jun was relieved to see Yuri wake up, even if he was only able to see it through the monitor.

His relief was short-lived, however. Yuri seemed to be confused; her head turned sideways as she took in her surroundings. After a few minutes, she pulled the needle out of her arm and sat on the bed. Having laid down on her back for four days straight made her slightly dizzy on her seat. She stood up slowly, her body shaking from the effort after relying only on the supplements the IV provided.

Tae-jun took a hitched breath.

“She is not totally awake yet.” Roy muttered, looking at the screen intently as he observed Yuri.

“What do you mean?” Tae-jun asked, turning to Roy.

“Her consciousness has yet to awaken completely. Right now, she is in a state where reality and dreams blend cohesively, she cannot differentiate one from the other.” Roy stated.

The screen showed her looking at the ground as if searching for something. Was she looking for shoes? Observing the footage, Tae-jun fell into a realization: She wants to get out!

“Check all the CCTVs at the emergency exits, elevators … the entrance as well!” Tae-jun shouted, his head snapping frantically as he eyed at the various screens in front of him, looking for any sign of Yuri.

All of them watched the monitors like hawks, in a few minutes one of the security officers uttered loudly- “East emergency stairs!”

“Which floor?”

“Second floor. Wait! She went down to the first floor,” the officer said as he followed Yuri’s form through the screen.

Fortunately, Yuri was still inside the building. It’s rather difficult to move around with a weak body, especially when she had been bedridden for four days.

“Contact the security guard on the first floor.” Tae-jun ordered the officer to his left.

The guard took out his walkie-talkie, ready to relay Tae-jun’s instructions when Roy grabbed his arm, prompting him to lower his device down.

“Are you trying to make the guards grab her?” Roy asked.

Tae-jun nodded. “Yes. I can’t risk her going outside, given her condition.”

“You can’t! This happened once before. She intentionally tried to hurt herself when a hospital guard grabbed her. You can’t make them do this.” Roy explained, hoping Tae-jun would understand the possible consequences of his order.

Dammit! Tae-jun’s lips quivered. He took a series of deep breaths, looking at Yuri’s moving figure as she tried to get out of the building.

I need to get out. I need to run away.  Yuri chanted those words in her mind over and over again. She wobbled continuously, thinking how much dosage was injected inside her veins as she struggled to keep herself upright. She was out of breath, her legs felt heavy as if her limbs weighed ten pounds heavier. Her bare feet started to hurt from the ground beneath her, but she still went on without hesitation.

You can’t get caught.

She leaned her back against the nearby wall, wheezing horrendously as she fought to regain her breathing. She was fed up with the unsolicited touches that groped her body, and she hoped that no one would notice her gone. She took in her surroundings, checking in to see if anyone’s following her. Even though she was able to escape, she still needed to keep a watchful eye in case they came after her when she least expected it. This was her only opportunity to escape, and getting caught was not an option.

“Hey, are you okay?” someone asked, the man slowly approaching her staggering form.

Still in a frenzied state, Yuri shook her head agitatedly as she scrambled away from the stranger. She ran with all the energy she barely had.

I have to get out. I have to run away.