Apocalypse Rebirth: Commander, Don't Move!

CH 408

Scared by this appearance, Bai Ling hurriedly put her small backpack on the back of the car. In the next second, a soft and chubby little guy like a glutinous rice ball came into her arms, chubby with a plum blossom mark. Without saying a word, the little hand tugged a few times in her leather pocket.

"Little guy, you can\'t eat that!" Unexpectedly, he remembered it so clearly. It was the lotus pod that she turned over here before.

The next second, the little guy raised his head, his black grape-like eyes stared at her nimbly, the corner of his mouth twitched, as if he understood Bai Ling\'s words. He seemed unhappy, he twisted his body, and turned his back on her?

Li Zhenghao, who was driving, saw this scene through the rearview mirror, and a huge smile rose from the corner of his mouth. This little guy is so funny.

As if speaking to Bai Ling, the moment Bai Shan saw the little yellow duck in the child\'s hand, a complicated look flashed in her eyes. She said, "He still remembers it!"