Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 22

The original tense atmosphere suddenly changed because of a sentence of eighteen. Shang jiudi's mouth was puffed, but finally he didn't speak. Master Chen wanted to laugh, but he couldn't laugh at the moment of his life and death.

"Jump down!" I don't know who suddenly said such a sentence.

"Yes, jump! This is the second floor. Tie it with ropes or something. Let's climb down! "

Chu Han jumped in his heart and looked out of the window. Then he grabbed the corpse of Ye Tianlong on the ground and stood by the window, regardless of people's inexplicable eyes.

The night sky is very cloudy, the moonlight seems to be covered by a bloody fog, with a trace of strange red light reflected on the square below.

It is a group of zombies, crowded together, one by one rotten white head, so that people without dense phobia do not dare to look at one more look, no human characteristics of gray and white pupil like hell from the devil.

"What do you want to do?" Shang jiudi frowned and asked in a voice. Suddenly her eyes lit up: "attract zombies with corpses? Yeah, I didn't think of it! So you can rush out -- "

" No Chu Han's exit interrupted her, "a corpse is not enough. They are so many that they will soon eat the corpse. We have no time at all."

The survivors were startled. Anger and fear instantly made them extremely sensitive.

"You, what do you mean?"

"What is not enough for a body?"

"What do you want to do to us? Kill us, feed zombies, and help you escape? "

"You son of a bitch!"

"I thought you were a policeman

As if they had agreed, they gathered together in an instant and stood far away opposite Chu Han and others with varying degrees of vigilance and hostility.

Chu Han is expressionless. After ten years in the last world, he doesn't care about the emotions of these people. Even he doesn't waste time explaining to these people the fact that he is not a policeman.

"Do you have any strength?" Chu Han began to order, pointing to a pool of blood on the ground: "suck those blood with the bed sheet, and then give it to me."

"Oh, oh, yes!" Young master Chen was also scared out of his wits by the sentence "a corpse is not enough". But now that Chu Han asked him to do something, he still chose to obey him at the first time. Although he did not know why he had to listen to Chu Han, he did not know why Chu Han wanted him to do so.

"I need a gun and a lot of bullets." Chu Han's eyes are fixed on Shang jiudi. The gun belongs to two women.

"Brother Chu Han?" All of a sudden, 18's voice rang out. With a trace of uncertainty on her face, she put the gun and a large number of cartridge clips into Chu Han's hand, "mine is for you."

Chu Han slightly a Leng, then took over: "thank you very much."

Eighteen one turned his mouth: "if you can survive this time, you will return it to me later."

The corners of Chu Han's mouth jerked. I'm afraid there is no such chance

He looked at Shang jiudi, and the woman also looked at him at the first time.

"Keep an eye on him for me. Don't let him do stupid things." Chu Han seems to be explaining the future.

"Boss?" Holding the bed sheet, young master Chen who just sucked the blood on the ground was scared, "what are you going to do, boss?"

Kuang Kuang -

the zombies at the stairs and entering the final desperate stage, the wall of corpses piled up has collapsed downward, and many corpses' limbs and rotten meat have rolled down. People can clearly see the gray pupil of those zombies opposite.

The wall will not hold up, and a large number of zombies will pour in!

Chu Han breathed out heavily and glanced at the same crazy people downstairs who were hammering at the corpses on the concrete walls.

"Fat man." Chu Han turned his head, his eyes with a rare warmth, "don't be so timid. No matter what happens in the future, you should face up to it bravely. Your potential is very strong, and you should believe in yourself."

"You, you?" Young master Chen's voice suddenly choked, and a very bad premonition rose in his heart.

Chu Han quietly arranged the magazine, tied the gun in his arms, and then picked up Ye Tianlong's body in one hand, and took over the blood stained bed sheet of young master Chen in the other hand.

"Blood will attract zombies. The blood on the ground has been cleaned up. I will take the smell of blood outside, and those zombies will move with the smell, and you -" Chu Han looked at the people around him in varying degrees of astonishment and said, "as long as you keep quiet, those zombies at the stairway will gradually disperse."

All the whispers stopped suddenly. Everyone looked at Chu Han in disbelief. A moment ago, they were still blaming and even classifying Chu Han as a beast like Ye Tianlong. But at the moment, they never thought Chu Han would say such a thing.

He wants to attract zombies alone?!

Eighteen petite body suddenly a shudder, the vision is extremely complex.

Shangjiudi's pupil suddenly contracted, her eyes widened, and she resolutely objected: "too arrogant! You're going to die! And you -- "

" I know. " Chu Han interrupted her, eyes one by one over 18, Shang jiudi and Chen Shao ye: "and even if I die, I will not necessarily succeed.""Then why do you return it?" Shang jiudi can't understand Chu Han abnormally. She even thinks that Chu Han's intelligence quotient is negative, so she makes this kind of thing that is obviously sent to death and has no benefit at all.

Chu Han smile, smile has never been warm and beautiful.

"At least I can buy you some time."

Words fall -


Chu Han's body suddenly soared into the air and jumped down to the wide open window. However, a trace of treachery flashed through his eyes.

Buy time? That's weird!

"Boss -" the voice of young master Chen's near collapse was deafening.

Shangjiudi and eighteen's heart both stopped suddenly, this man, he even jumped down! And the reason is just to buy them time?

The window on the second floor of the rest station was immediately occupied by many people. They stretched their necks and looked in horror at Chu Han, who was wrapped in a quilt and jumped down.

This rest station is not a residential building. Every floor of the building here is very high. The second floor of the rest station is almost equal to the third and fourth floors of the ordinary floor. If you jump directly from this height, even if it is wrapped in thick quilt, it is useless, let alone Chu Han's holding only a thin sheet.

Even if Chu Han doesn't fall to death, he will be disabled!

Many people cry, regret, heartache, they just had such a dirty thought, they even doubt Chu Han's motive!

There are a lot of zombies in the open space outside. They immediately find that human beings falling from the sky are like stimulants. These infected people are so excited that they can't help but howl in their mouth. They match the extremely subtle expression of eating like a beast.

A piece of paper with a big mouth cracked to the root of the ear, covering a third of the face, showing extremely sharp teeth and a rotten tongue that had almost turned into rotten meat and lost its normal function.

Roar -

roar -

the zombies yelled, desperately waving their arms, jumping, trying to catch the falling human.

All eyes are full of tusks!

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