Apex War God

Chapter 117

As one of the top ten kings of the barbarians, Shi shafeng was awarded the title of the strongest warrior. He was the commander of the barbarian army. He was not afraid at all. Instead, he bowed and said, "after saving Princess Mingyu and Lord taigeng, Shi shafeng is willing to die."

Huangfu zhanxiong calmed down his anger and asked, "OK, I\'ll let you ask for guilt after this is over. Now tell me what conditions Da Xia wants. I\'ll do everything according to them, as long as Mingyu can be safe."

Shi Sha Feng made a long story short and told Huangfu Zhan Xiong the whole story.

"A little summer boy is so powerful. Is it that the other party comes from those great forces in the town?" Huangfu Zhan Xiong said to himself after wiping off his doubts, paused for a moment, and waved: "first prepare compensation according to his compensation method. As long as Mingyu is safe, this revenge can be repaid in the future."

"It\'s the king!" said Shi Sha Feng.

Later, Shi shafeng ordered him to raise compensation. Less than half a day later, he was ready. He took the compensation team to the wolf smoke mountain at full speed.

This time, the troops were quite large, and even the pretty emperor went out in person, which shows that the pretty emperor attaches great importance to his daughter.


In the middle of the wolf smoke mountains, a waterfall is like an upside down star river, which is colorful and startling at night.

Under the waterfall, a topless boy stood there to accept the constant attack of the waterfall, but he stood there as a pile, allowing the majestic waves to impact endlessly.

The meridians in the young man\'s body are surging like a river, and many water mysterious forces infiltrate from his feet and the skin and flesh of his body. These forces keep falling into the peach pit Dantian, which has thousands of holes and clouds to feed back the purest power.

In recent days, Yang Wu has been practicing under the waterfall. His internal strength has accumulated to the peak. 365 acupoints and orifices have been completely completed. At this step, he can completely "turn Qi into armor", which is a sign of becoming a general environment.

In fact, Yang Wu was able to use more than 200 holes and orifices to turn Qi into armor not long ago. Now he has 365 holes and orifices, and it is even lighter and one stroke to achieve this step, but he did not impact the realm towards people. Once the impact, 365 holes and orifices become one, and other hidden holes and orifices will not be penetrated again, In the future, the weekly operation will revolve around the 365 acupoints and orifices, and the foundation will be fixed in this step.

Xiaohei asks him to open 720 acupoints. Yang Wu has found that many acupoints have not been connected through his body through internal vision for many times. He decides to do it according to Xiaohei\'s words and wait until 720 acupoints are opened.

Other acupoints and orifices are hidden mysteriously, and some are insignificant. It seems insignificant. Many people will directly ignore them, and it is very difficult to get through them. This is also the reason why many people have an impact on the general environment after only passing 365 acupoints and orifices.

He has been suffering under the waterfall these days, and more and more understand that the potential of the human body is great. If he lays a solid foundation, he will go further in the future.

On this day, without the blessing of Xiaohei\'s liquid medicine, he had great difficulty in getting through two more insignificant acupoints.

These two are not big holes in the human body, but they are more powerful than those big holes. He did it after many explorations.

He came to a conclusion that the orifices of these large acupoints in the human body must rely on strange meridians to get through.

The eight odd meridians, he has opened the two Ren Du Meridians, Chong meridians and Dai meridians. With these four odd meridians, opening up is the key for him to open up other acupoints and orifices, that is to say, if he wants to open 720 acupoints and orifices, he must open up eight meridians before he can do this step.

All this has a long way to go.

At this time, Yang Wu gave a cry of surprise and gathered all his forces on his arms. The whole person seemed to roar like a dragon and a turtle. His arms went up and beat out. The powerful force beat the water waves that rushed down against the current.

This amazing scene fell to the eyes of all the people not far away.

The waterfall is as high as 100 meters. The falling momentum is absolutely powerful. Even if Yang Wu can\'t carry such a force, he can\'t even carry it. He even makes the waterfall go against the current. What a powerful force.

"Is it a misfortune or a blessing for our barbarians to have such a potential enemy?" Huang Fu taigeng sighed lightly.

"He is really powerful. I\'m afraid no one of our barbarian young generation will be his opponent." Huang fuming said with a jade lip.

Now, she is in a state of confusion. The more outstanding the summer boy is, the more she feels like him, but there is a state of hostility between the two countries, which is impossible.

"However, there is no way to deal with such a young man. If Princess ah Yu can sacrifice one or two, or he can be used by us." Huangfu taigeng looked at Huangfu Mingyu and thought for a while.

He is a person from the past. It\'s easy to see through a girl\'s heart. He can feel Huangfu Mingyu\'s love for Yang Wu.

"Grandpa Ba, what do you want me to do?" Huangfu Mingyu asked.

Huangfu taigeng said meaningfully, "heroes are sad, beauty pass!"

Huangfu Mingyu blushed like the sunset.


Yang Wu finished his cultivation and went back to Xiaohei.

These days, Xiao Hei is always haunted. He went to find a lot of old grass and was preparing for Yang Wu.

When Yang Wu came over, Xiao Hei said with satisfaction, "now you are in good health and can accept the second extreme quenching."

"Come on!" Yang Wu said with longing.

With the continuous growth of strength, Yang Wu feels better and better. He can\'t wait to get rid of his current identity.

"You have a good fighting spirit. You can stand it later." Xiao Hei smiled and spit out the Shennong xianding. According to the last way, he put the water and old medicine into the Ding one by one, and then spit out the flame to boil the water in the ding.

Looking at the hot potion, Yang Wu swallowed his saliva and bit his teeth and jumped into the medicine tripod.


The scream was so sad that Huangfu taigeng and Huangfu Mingyu were shocked. They could all be sure that it was Yang Wu\'s voice. They wanted to see what was going on, but they were all watched by the old turtle. They couldn\'t see the opposite situation at all without leaving them within two feet.

The scream continued for half an hour, and Huangfu Mingyu felt that his heart was about to break.

When everything was quiet, Yang Wu\'s seven orifices and flesh exuded terrible blood, which completely mixed with the liquid medicine, and looked so eye-catching and startled.

"It\'s really good that the boy has carried the ten thousand needles of ten thousand thorn vines!" Xiao Hei said with appreciation.

The boiling heat in the medicine tripod is not the most terrible. The most terrible thing is a strange medicine called "ten thousand thorn vine". It will greatly increase the irritation when mixed with the liquid medicine. Its efficacy will make Yang Wu feel ten thousand needle pricking, which is by no means affordable to ordinary people.

In addition, there was the power of the turtle demon\'s blood essence. The pure demon blood penetrated into Yang Wu\'s blood and physique, which also gave him a sense of biting pain.

Extreme quenching, forcing potential, is definitely not just verbal.

After this toss and turn, the medicine in the medicine tripod can give full play to the efficacy of these drugs.

After these drugs penetrated into every part of Yang Wu, Yang Wu\'s body got a new round of evolution. The most obvious thing is that two meridians were opened at the same time, namely Yang and yin meridians. Six of the eight meridians have been opened, only the last two are missing.

In addition, eighty-eight unknown acupoints and orifices have been connected, making Yang Wu\'s acupoints and orifices open to a total of 455. Some potentials have been completely aroused and awakened. These potentials include hand and foot potentials, as well as visceral potentials. These potentials will increase the vitality of the human body and have incomparable advantages over ordinary people.

For example, some people are born with thousands of miles\' eyes, ears, or heavenly dog nose. These are the performance of tapping their potential to the extreme.

Now, Yang Wu doesn\'t have thousands of miles\' eyes or ears, but his eyesight and ears are absolutely superior to ordinary people. In addition, his potential under his feet can be called Fengshen legs, because most of these penetrating acupoints are under his feet, opening the ultimate potential of his feet.

In addition, his divine flower buds have been further expanded, and his spiritual power has become very important. Maybe one day he can use his spiritual power to launch attacks, and this potential is called "soul power potential", which is an extremely rare potential talent.

With this expansion, Yang Wu felt reborn again, and his temperament was different from the past.

Now, he has the heart to believe that he can win any warrior in the territory, even in the face of the real king, he will not be forced to move by the momentum of others.

"Xiao Hei, thank you!" Yang Wu twisted his bones and looked at Xiao Hei very seriously.

"Well, well, helping you is also helping the Immortal Emperor. Don\'t say anything sensational." Xiao Hei replied, paused for a moment, and then said, "next, you continue to temper. After your strength has been consolidated for a period of time, I\'ll give you the third stage of quenching."

"No problem, I\'ll go and see the thin monkey first." Yang Wu nodded.

"The boy is fine. Don\'t worry. When things are over here, the Immortal Emperor will find the soul medicine king, which will make him recover as before or even stronger!" Xiaohei promised.

Yang Wu nodded, then walked towards the position of the thin monkey, looked at the thin monkey who had been sleeping and sighed: "brother, don\'t worry, I will let you wake up again."

Then Yang Wu took out the seal beads from shisha peak and said to Xiaohei, "Xiaohei, let me untie the seal here."

"You can\'t chew too much. You\'d better practice several low-level combat skills you get, especially the \'soldier Fist\', which contains the idea of reducing complexity to simplicity, which is more realistic than other combat skills." Xiao Hei replied.

Without reluctance, Yang Wu listened to Xiao Hei\'s words in his heart and began to recall the cultivation diagram of "Bingquan".

While he was practicing, a group of uninvited guests broke into this place, and these uninvited guests were not barbarians.