Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 897: 899 rebuke

Chapter 897: 899 Rebuke

"East Emperor Taiyi, what do you mean?"

Before waiting for Xiaoyaozi to speak, Lin Tianyao asked first. When this guy said this on this occasion, the taste was particularly intriguing.

Xiaoyaozi is also cold-faced, and the East Emperor Taiyi has an irreversible gap between them. Even if Lin Tianyao is here, the relationship between them is still struggling, like a tight bow and arrow, the air is filled with invisible smoke.

Seeing that both of them were driven by their own words, Donghuang Taiyi sneered and said sneered, "Lin Daxia, this matter will be cleared when you reach the Yin and Yang family."

The simple answer is full of mystery, catching people's curiosity to the highest point. According to what he meant, everyone must definitely bear this idea, and then went to the Yin and Yang home with a treasure hunt.

"Eastern Emperor Taiyi, Lin Shaoxia is here, haven't you made it clear? Are you mean villain, what conspiracy?"

Even though Taoism is practiced, it is pure and quiet. But seeing the Emperor Taiyi, Xiaoyaozi had an uncontrollable anger in his heart. He really wanted to teach this disgusting guy right now.

Who would have thought that Donghuang Taiyi didn't care about Xiaoyaozi's warning at all, he sneered again and again: "Lao Niu Nose, you think you can scare me? If you do it with me, whoever deer is not sure, anyway, this secret, I just don't Tell you, hold you alive!"

He said so, Lin Tianyao's slight curiosity suddenly disappeared. Even if this is a secret, it is only related to Xiaoyaozi. Now that he is here, these two guys can't do it, they succumb in their hearts, and they can only stimulate each other by changing the law.

Right now, Tianming's Six Soul Horror Curse has been lifted, so next, the trip of the Yin and Yang family is the next step that needs to be settled.

Thinking, Lin Tianyao asked Donghuang Taiyi: "Donghuang Taiyi, where is the sect gate of your Yinyang family? Presumably not far from here?"

When asked by him like this, the former Emperor of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi completely disappeared. He reluctantly moved his proud eyes away from Xiaoyaozi, and then turned to Lin Tianyao.

Seemingly hesitant, he whispered: "Lin Shaoxia, in fact, the sect of the Yin and Yang family is thousands of miles away from here. If you want to calculate according to your feet, it will take at least half a month."

This answer actually surprised Lin Tianyao. The last time Emperor Dongyi blocked Yan Dan, but the kung fu disappeared in a blink of an eye. For the distance of thousands of miles, it takes at least half a day for him to use the technique of flying thunder.

With doubts, Lin Tianyao continued to ask: "When you fled with Yan Dan last time, why did you return to Yin and Yang's house in the blink of an eye, what is going on?"

The hesitation on the face of Emperor Donghuang gradually disappeared with this sentence, and finally he sighed long and long: "Lord Lin, don't hide it, last time the ancestors used the teleportation array to get us back. That method For a while, my magical energy is not enough, so I don’t want to say anything."

It turns out so!

Lin Tianyao nodded gently, he knew what East Emperor Taiyi meant. He wanted to hide this method, but he didn't want to hide it. Instead, he said that he could not drive this teleport magic circle by himself.

Speaking is equivalent to saying nothing, and giving others a hope and then breaking it, which is even more annoying.

The Xiaoyaozi on the side saw it, and began to gloat and rejoice: "Oh, the villain has benefited, but it is only a short time. Do you know what Le Ji is sad, Donghuang Taiyi, I see you, everything understands!"

"Damn the old cow's nose, don't be too pretentious. When you arrive at the Yin-Yang home, I promise to make you cry!" Taunted by Xiaoyaozi, the Emperor Dong Huang shouted viciously.

Just when the two were arguing, Lin Tianyao suddenly slapped his hands together and said with a look of joy: "I have a way!"

He called so suddenly attracted everyone's eyes. Even Xiaoyaozi and Donghuang Taiyi, who were arguing, stopped the dispute at hand.

Ignoring the questioning eyes of everyone at all, Lin Tianyao took the stone boarding the East Huang Taiyi from his arms. He stretched his finger on the stone and flicked it, and the latter's soul shuddered.

The thing of the soul is as illusory as internal force and magical energy. Attacking itself has no effect at all. But as long as the object he hosts is attacked, his soul will be shaken and unstable.

After being bombed by Lin Tianyao, Emperor Dong Huang uttered a scream, and then repeatedly begged for mercy: "Mr. Lin, what are you doing? My soul is about to be broken up by you."

Lin Tianyao glanced at him and said, "You deserve it even if you fall apart. With my eyelids lowered, you are so arrogant, are you still thinking about using the formation method of the Yin and Yang Family Sect to frame Xiaoyaozi?"

He had actually guessed the trick of Donghuang Taiyi. Intentionally stimulating Xiaoyaozi with the same kind of words as before, and then waiting for the yin and yang family's ancestors to use other magic circles or institutions to kill Xiaoyaozi. That is also an accident and has nothing to do with him.

Yang Fengyin violated, and it was this abacus in his heart.

Sure enough, after being disassembled by Lin Tianyao, Donghuang Tai quickly shut up. He smiled with a smile on his face: "Lord Lin, nothing can hide your eyes. But I am with this old cow nose, I can't stand it!"

Lin Tianyao sneered, "Can't stand it, it can't stand it, there is no eternal enemy. If you can reconcile, then the Yin-Yang and Taoist families still have to fight for your life and death?"

Seeing that Emperor Dongyi was reprimanded by Lin Tianyao, Xiao Yaozi called a Shu Shuang in his heart. Only then did the former take the opportunity to ridicule, he was already angry. Even an unnatural smile appeared on his face.

"What are you laughing at?" Lin Tianyao glared at Xiaoyaozi with a fierce glance: "You two have fifty steps and a hundred steps, no one is proud. The situation in the future will be even more critical. Lost!"...