Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 891: 893 Xiaoyaozi (Part 2)

Chapter 891: 893 Xiaoyaozi (Last Part)

Yan Dan didn't understand Lin Tianyao's meaning, he couldn't help but ask: "Lin Shaoxia, find Xiaoyaozi and come back again? Are we not going to go to Songhai City?"

Lin Tianyao was really speechless to this guy. As a giant, how could there be so many shortcomings? He said before that he planned not to go to Songhai City.

But after all, Lin Tianyao explained patiently: "We found Xiaoyaozi, and then figured out a way to cure Tianming. Next, we went to the Yin and Yang home, and there was a crisis in Sanghai City. We hurried to suffer. of!"

This straightforward explanation finally made Yan Dan understand it.

The crisis that the authorities now call has been lifted, and many troubles have been avoided during going in and out. From the scale of the government to Can Yuegu, the distance is quite long. At Yandan's speed, it takes at least a few days to get to the place.

With the help of Shiratori, it is a lot faster to go to nature. But Lin Tianyao asked Bai Feng to ride the white bird to the Chu Kingdom to find the grandson of Chu Huai Wang.

Master Class and the wooden bird of the organization went to Daze Township to contact Chen Sheng and Wu Guang. At this time, two fast means of transportation were dispatched, which was really a delay.

After hesitating for a while, Lin Tianyao simply blocked Yandan with a space blockade. Then he directly opened the technique of flying thunder and hurried away.

If he took Yan Dan directly to use Flying Thor, this guy would definitely not be able to eat it, and he would vomit in the second half.

The instant movement of the flying thunder god's technique consumes itself very little, and the speed is extremely fast, which is suitable for hurrying.

Just over an hour later, Lin Tianyao appeared in the Cannon Moon Valley.

The place where he slaughtered Qin Jun that day was now silent, and there was nothing but whistling wind and dust blowing around.

The bright moonlight sprinkled on the ground, and the sand on the ground glowed with silvery white light. At first glance, it seemed to be walking on a pearl.

The moment he released Yan Dan, he couldn't help but shouted: "Lin Shaoxia, your abilities are simply terrifying, weeping ghosts and gods. Just one hour, we walked for a few days!"

Lin Tianyao looked at him, his eyes motionless, and only two words were revealed in his eyes-Turtle.

Despising Yan Dan for a while, he said: "There is a special way of contact between you and Xiaoyaozi, please hurry him out."

Yan Dan nodded, and then pulled out a strange wooden box from his arms. Then he reached out and pressed on the box. The wooden box seemed to be alive and began to deform.

This scene made Lin Tianyao unnaturally think of the American cartoon, Transformers!

After the box was deformed, it turned into something similar to half of the compass. Then the pointer above began to turn around randomly, and below the pointer, there was a small circular figure.

The center of the circle is a red dot, and on the side, there is a black dot that can be moved. As the pointer turned, the black dot began to move.

"radar……" Lin Tianyao is about to vomit blood, is this the ancestor of the Mo family traversed in the real world? Why are these strangely shaped institutions so similar to the real world of high technology?

After a while, the pointer suddenly stopped and pointed to the front left of the crowd. The black dot stopped like the pointer, almost overlapping the red dot.

Yan Dan saw this and said to Lin Tianyao: "Lin Shaoxia, Xiaoyaozi is nearby, less than a mile away from us."

Needless to say, Lin Tianyao actually understood this radar-like mechanism. He grabbed Yan Dan's arm and disappeared instantly.

When he appeared again, it happened to be in a small canyon below a hillside. Here, there is also an old Taoist priest who is sitting on the fire, sitting with his eyes closed sitting by the fire.

This old hair is already gray, but there are not many wrinkles on his face, and he still maintains the appearance of a middle-aged person. When he was sitting still, there was a sword air around his body, obviously it was not shallow.

The appearance of Lin Tianyao and Yan Dan seemed to alarm him. His eyes suddenly opened, and the back of his sword pointed directly to the direction in which the two landed, and a sword burst into breath.

This sword energy is not powerful, even if it is hit, it is only a small injury as big as a broken skin, which is the role of temptation.

Lin Tianyao gently waved his arm and directly lifted the sword. Yan Dan just stood firm and said: "Dao Xiaozi, don't get me wrong, it's me!"

Xiaoyaozi also saw the two clearly. He nodded gently to Yan Dan and then turned his gaze to Lin Tianyao: "This is this?"

Yan Dan was about to explain, Lin Tianyao's lips gently moved: "Lin Tianyao."

With only this glance, he could see that the old Taoist was somewhat arrogant. Even the tone of the speech has a high sense of supremacy.

Yan Dan is also a giant of the Mo family, even though his strength is not as good as him, but the status of the two is equal. He is such an understatement, it makes people uncomfortable.


Xiaoyaozi was also surprised by Lin Tianyao's indifference. He felt the arrogance of the young man in front of him seemed to be stronger than him.

Rather than saying so, it is better to say that Lin Tianyao looked down on Xiaoyaozi. This is the photo alone, the latter is a little displeased. Lin Tianyao is so young, he naturally becomes a junior in his eyes.

Even Yan Dan took the people who came with such disrespect for his predecessors, Xiaoyaozi could not tolerate it.

He carried his hands on his back, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he said with a smile in his tone: "This little friend seems to be dissatisfied with the old man?"

This tone, although with a smile, contains a thin rage. There is a sense of cynicism.

Lin Tianyao can tolerate anyone, that is, people who can't tolerate persecution. Especially Xiaoyaozi, who has the suspicion of relying on the old and selling the old.

He reached for his chin and touched his chin in a flat tone: "Are you a Xiaoyaozi?"

"Good!" Xiaoyaozi's tone suddenly became cold and said: "The old man is the head of the Taoist sect."

Such a cold tone clearly showed that he was already angry. ....