Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 873: 875 Yandan's plan

Chapter 873 875 Yan Dan's Plan

"Han Fei and I were in jail in the Qin Kingdom. It was the first sight! Yingzheng caught us and actually knew the identity behind us. His purpose was to convince us to be his stray dog!"

Speaking of which, Yan Dan's eyes flashed a bitter look: "We naturally won't agree. Yingzheng also seems to know that persuasion won't work, and then he finds people from the Yin-Yang family and performs mind reading on us. ! Trying to set out the secrets in our hearts!"

The technique of mind reading is actually a psychedelic array in magic. To confuse people's hearts and make the other party seem to fall into a dream, in which, follow the guidance and let them tell the truth.

In this way, against these ordinary people, it is simply a weapon without any disadvantages!

The Yin Yang family is nothing more than a running dog of the Great Magister. That old guy. He has made such a great effort early in Yingzheng!

Yan Dan continued: "It's a pity that people are not as good as God. Han Fei has secretly sent the killers of the quicksand organization to prison. In the end, I was rescued, but Han Fei died in order to give me time to escape. In the hands of the Yin and Yang family!"

After Yan Dan's narrative, the secret was finally revealed to the world. Moreover, from his previous look at Wei Zhuang's eyes, and the strange expression of the latter, it seems that Wei Zhuang also participated in this matter.

With an inquiring look, Lin Tianyao glanced at Wei Zhuang. As expected, he nodded gently.

It turned out that Wei Zhuang himself saved Yan Dan from Qin's prison!

However, since this guy rescued Yan Dan and inherited Han Feizi's death aspirations, he took over the quicksand organization. Why is he now reduced to Qin's minions?

The moment this question appeared, before waiting for Lin Tianyao to ask, Yan Dan seemed to already know what he was going to say, when he first explained: "Lin Shaoxia, my plan was born at that time. I let Wei Zhuang The reason for surrendering to Qin State is to cover people's eyes and ears, and then wait for the opportunity to defeat the Yin and Yang family!

This explanation made Lin Tianyao finally know the content of Yan Dan's plan. Before Han Feizi's death, there must have been a lot of teachings to Wei Zhuang. Although the latter was cold, he was definitely a person with a strong sense of love.

According to the situation at that time, the identity of the Great Magister must be unknown. Moreover, the world was not unified at that time, and Yingzheng was equivalent to using the power of the Yin-Yang family to suppress the other hundred schools, and then annex the six countries.

Yan Dan and others are not fools, knowing that Qin Guo’s Tieqi can’t stop it, he will simply break the pot, and after Qin Guo unifies the world, he will try to unite his resistance.

Some people may not understand why other countries do not unite when they still exist, but they have to wait for the Qin State to unify the world before acting. Isn't this obviously weakening its own strength?

This point, the generation of Su Qin Zhang Yi, is the most obvious example. The so-called combination of verticality and horizontality will undoubtedly fail.

Su Qin's joint efforts of the six nations to fight against the Qin is to join forces with other six nations to deal with Qin. The Qin state is certainly not hostile, but there are also conflicts of interest between the six countries. In the face of interest, such an alliance is eventually cracked.

And Zhang Yihang six countries photoprint, after absorbing Su Qin's failure, he is based on their own interests to achieve the purpose of unity. That is, as long as Qin State attacks any country, other countries send troops to support, and the interests are divided after the war. Under such actions, there are still countries that opportunistically use a small number of soldiers and horses to pretend to be an army, and then go to divide the loot.

The final result is undoubtedly a failure. Qin State eventually annexed the Six Kingdoms.

Yan Dan and others knew that the union could not solve this kind of difficulty, which was tantamount to drinking thirst and quenching thirst, but the symptoms were not cured.

Therefore, simply let the six countries be destroyed by the Qin state, and then unite the remaining forces to support a new country.

This new country does not seem to have any difference from Qin's reunification. However, compared with the brutal rule of Yingzheng, the new country will naturally have a lot of protagonists.

The hundreds of schools are nothing more than the general existence of a military division that promotes morality. No country is different from them. As long as morality can exist, it is the kingdom of the Lord.

The tyranny of the tyranny of government is tantamount to hindering the implementation of these morals and causing public anger!

After analyzing these situations, Lin Tianyao couldn't help but secretly praised Yan Dan. This man is far-sighted and deserves to be the Crown Prince of Yan.

But since this plan is implemented, why has the situation changed so much?

Lin Tianyao seems to have almost calculated the situation behind this. Tianming fled from Qin, this is a wedge of Yan Dan's plan.

Wei Zhuang and Qin Jun came out to hunt down. The matter is related to the Mo family, and the Yin and Yang family will inevitably participate.

At this time, Zhuzi and Baijia joined forces to naturally block the Yin-Yang family and even defeat it. In this way, the minions of Yingzheng are abolished, and there is hope for revival.

It is a pity that the appearance of Lin Tianyao broke this situation. Even Julian Magister had to show up.

Although this appeared, it disrupted Yan Dan's plan, but it also saved them in disguise.

If it weren't for Lin Tianyao's appearance, no one knows the existence of the Great Magister. Then the result of Yandan and the hundreds of schools against the Yin and Yang families is only one word-death!

After Lin Tianyao told Yan Dan about the speculation in his heart, the other party nodded seriously, revealing a look of admiration.

You can see so much from just a few words. Lin Tianyao's analysis and reasoning ability, even Yan Dan, is absolutely inferior.

"Mr. Yan Dan, there is something you haven't implemented before?" Lin Tianyao asked with a mouthful.

He now sees an opportunity, an excellent opportunity. The Great Magister said that he would destroy the remaining forces of the Six Kingdoms within three days. But now, his plan is probably going to fail!

Because Yan Dan accidentally gave Lin Tianyao a chance to help. This opportunity is enough to save him a lot of effort. In the midst of all, the hundreds of schools of children have united! ....