Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 850: 852 you can't escape after all

Chapter 850: 852 You Can't Escape After All

This euphemistic approach, in the eyes of the Great Magister, is the most appropriate.

For Lin Tianyao, it was only a loss. At least, with enough time, the function points can still be earned.

Moreover, in this way, the Grand Magister can be relieved, or even a new beginning.

However, Lin Tianyao chose to shake his head again at this time.

His voice said flatly: "Old guy, if you can give me the whole thing, I might consider it. After all, we are all selected by the system. Unfortunately, you are all in this position and still hide from me. !"

In this way, the Great Magister was a little stunned. He exclaimed: "Lin Tianyao, am I not clear enough? For you, this is just a loss of some functions. But it is about my life! If you can fulfill me, I will be grateful. If you don't, we must kill the net!"

"Fish dead net broken? Do you think you have that kind of ability?" Lin Tianyao frowned: "You have these words, there are true and false, don't think I can't tell. The magic arrays of the previous copies, maybe really and You are related, but it's definitely not what you said. Since you don't confess to me, then I have no need to continue to ask you."

After finishing this sentence, Lin Tianyao flew into the air suddenly. At the next moment, the internal force in his body poured out madly, and the flying immortal of the sword sword Yiyitiantian was ready to go.

This is the rhythm of the fight, and the back of the Magister began to sweat. He could never tell the truth of that matter. Otherwise, even if he can leave this copy, he will definitely face even more troublesome troubles after that.

If he didn't show a showdown with Lin Tianyao, he would never believe in himself. The Magister now feels as if he is standing on a single wooden bridge, with a wolf in front and a tiger in the back, a dilemma.

If you let ordinary people choose, you will definitely choose to go step by step. Can't leave this copy, everything is in vain. However, the Magister knows that if he chooses to compromise now, the situation in the future will definitely be worse than it is now, and it will be difficult for him to make a choice.

The more you think in your heart, the more the Magister feels bigger. Looking at Lin Tianyao, who was ready to move in front of him, he was like a mess in his head. If Lin Tianyao really stands on opposite scenes, what can he get? It's just that the result of failure has been delayed for a long time.

"Wait a minute!" He suddenly stretched out his hand to Lin Tianyao: "Lin Tianyao, do things really have no room for relaxation? You just want to put me to death?"

Lin Tianyao gave him a cold look and said: "I gave you the opportunity, but you still choose to hide from me. Everything needs to pay the same price, and the price you paid is not enough!"

After a brief conversation, Lin Tianyao saw that even if the Magister was dead, he would never choose to compromise. Seeing that he was about to make a move, he had no tendency to be frank.

In this case, there is no room to continue bargaining with him. At the next moment, Lin Tianyao launched Tian Wai Fei Xian, and the internal force excited around his body immediately condensed in the air, forming small spots and flying towards the Great Magister. Those light spots quickly condensed into a fairy shape while flying. Fighting against opponents of the level of the Great Magister, there is not so much time for the move, you must make the highest attack effect in a very short time.


Looking at the immortal flying fairy that appeared in front of him, the Magister insulted involuntarily.

Now that Lin Tianyao's move has arrived, he has no need to continue negotiations. The next moment, he stretched his hand to the void in front of him, and then a spit of blood spurted from the palm of his hand.

After the blood appeared, a huge magic circle was formed directly, and on top of that circle, there were so many evil spirits emerging. As the evil spirits emerged, they directly swallowed the light spots of the flying fairy outside the sky.

The magician really kept his back. When he played against Lin Tianyao before, the magic circle he used was completely incomparable with this magic circle.

However, Lin Tianyao is not in a hurry right now, because he can clearly find out through his perception ability that while this magic array is swallowing the flying fairy sword gas, his own load is also increasing.

When the load exceeds the critical point, the magic circle will definitely be unable to bear and collapse.

Sure enough, after the fairy condensed by the flying fairy was swallowed by most of his body, the magic circle finally began to tremble, and cracks began to appear on the pattern.

With the appearance of the cracks, the evil spirits that appeared constantly began to disappear quietly.

Finally, after only listening to "bang", the magic circle finally collapsed.

While the magic circle collapsed, Lin Tianyao shot again. As early as when he launched Feixian, he was brewing his tricks. While the phalanx was blocking, he took advantage of this ample time to expand the power of the kill.


At the moment when the magic circle collapsed, a huge golden flaming sword gas was sent out directly in front of Lin Tianyao, and at a speed that was difficult to see with the naked eye, he cut directly towards the Great Magister.

Compared with the previous Jian Qi, this move is simply a far cry. On the way of Jian Qi, the surrounding space seemed to be cut instantly, and a crack similar to a gully appeared in the air. Such a move, I am afraid that even ordinary temporary copies are unbearable.

"Lin Tianyao, since you won't let me live, then I won't make you better! Do you really think that I will lose so easily in your hands?"

Although Jian Qi's attack speed is extremely fast, he can still see clearly in the eyes of the Great Magister with Lin Tianyao's strength.

With such power, he has felt the threat from life. After a roar that was almost violent, the mutation became prominent! ....