Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 842: 844 Huge

Episode 842

After the magician gathered the magical energy, he did not shoot Lin Tianyao.

To be precise, his goal is not Lin Tianyao, because this method is not used at all to enhance the effect of the magic circle.

Lin Tianyao, who was in the sealing circle, saw this scene and frowned quietly. He knew very well that this was another trap.

The real purpose of the Great Magister is for this trick now. The real purpose of his murderous and sealed formations was not to deal with him, but to delay time.

At this level, it is simply impossible to hurt Lin Tianyao.

Taking advantage of the time when the Great Magister gathered magic power, Lin Tianyao's demon emperor Yan Tian tactics operated in madness, and the internal force suddenly increased suddenly.

At the same time as the output, Suzuno's huge figure also expanded again.


There was a loud noise, and Suzuno's arms suddenly rushed towards the top of his head, and he slammed firmly on the sealing circle.

After the seal circle was struck by great force, it began to tremble violently, just like the mirror was smashed, and it was covered with cracks.


Another fist smashed out suddenly, and the seal circle that was originally covered with cracks and crumbling was finally unable to withstand this powerful bombardment and collapsed directly.

Looking at the seal array above his head that had turned into a little light, Lin Tianyao's eyes turned to the murderous array under his feet.

Without the shackles of the Seal Array, the Murder Array is completely useless. With this point of attack ability, it does not pose any threat to Lin Tianyao.

But this thing continues to exist, maybe it will play some interference in the next battle. So Lin Tianyao controlled Xu Zuoneng Hu Ye and defeated it.

After the two magic circles were eliminated, his attention was drawn to the Magister.

Obviously, the roles of the homicide formation and the seal formation have already been effective. The magic power of the Grand Magister has been gathered successfully.

The moment Lin Tianyao broke through the magic circle, a roar in his mouth that didn't lose to humans.

The roar was like the outbreak of a beast that had been hidden for many years after breaking free. With his roar, a huge magical power burst out, causing the surrounding ground to tremble with a burst. The air waves created by the magical power began to spread from the body of the great magister, and you can clearly see that there is a ripple in the space quickly spreading from around his body. Then it instantly hit the surrounding stone walls.

This qi wave was like the sword qi issued by Lin Tianyao. After hitting the stone wall, a huge gully with a depth of five meters was formed on it.

If here is not a deep mountain, but a house, then the result of the impact of the air waves will naturally collapse.

The disciples of the Mo family around him have already seen it, and even some people have been scared to incontinence.

In their perception, have you ever seen such a terrifying force? In their eyes, the Great Magister and Lin Tianyao can no longer be regarded as human beings, but two gods from heaven.

"His hiss..."

The black robe shrouded in the Great Magister's body suddenly swelled up after the air burst. In this way, it was as if his body had turned into a balloon, expanding indefinitely inside, and then splitting his clothes.

This is just the beginning. After just a few breathing times, the body of the Great Magister has become completely larger and turned into a behemoth. The size of the body was almost the same as that of Suzuno.

With this appearance, Lin Tianyao finally saw his face clearly.

The head of the Great Magister has changed into a huge bull head, and the pair of sharp horns seems to wear the sky.

His body remained humanoid, but the black hair like steel needles all over his body completely covered his skin.

His feet also began to transform into a pair of sturdy cattle hooves with the change of his body, and with those hands, Lin Tianyao had a feeling of deja vu, clearly a pair of magic claws extended from the previous murderous array!

Lin Tianyao figured it out clearly after seeing the full face of the monster incarnate in front of him.

This guy is using magic magnification! In this, he still used summoning. This is clearly to summon the devil in **** and then merge with himself.

The consequences of doing so are also terrifying. If he cannot control the power of this devil freely, then he will definitely not be able to return to his original state and become a half-human half-devil.

After the demonization was completed, the huge head of the big magic guide suddenly lowered, and a pair of blood-red eyes stared at Lin Tianyao. After that, he opened his huge beak and said, "Lin Tianyao, you should have seen the magic of magnification? Have you ever imagined that the old man can summon, magnify, and magnify?" Three kinds of magic are completely integrated? In front of magic, you are just an apprentice!"

It is undeniable that the magician's understanding of magic is indeed much better than that of Lin Tianyao. But even so, what can it do? Fighting is the strength, not the ability to understand things!

In response, Lin Tianyao waved his hand in disdain: "Old man, do you want to scare me by becoming a monster? You can only use this low-level method to deal with children. In front of me, you don't feel too naive ?"

"Childish?" The Great Magister laughed aloud, and two blood-red magic mists sprayed from the huge cow nose: "You hide such a powerful skill as Suzuno, but you just use force to win. Negative! And after I demonize now, can your Suzengenghu take advantage?"

After saying this, the Great Magister yelled, and no matter what else, he directly waved the Devil's Claws and grabbed Xu Zunenghu's heart behind Lin Tianyao.

"It turns out that you are holding this idea. Since that is the case, I will let you know what is despair!"...