Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 840: 842 Inside Story

Episode 840

The question that Lin Tianyao asked can be said to have captured the core of the entire incident.

The Great Magister spent so much time thinking that Donghuang Taiyi and Weizhuang and Mojia spent so much time. Isn’t that the reason?

After he asked this question, the Great Magister did not speak, and his face was always facing Lin Tianyao, as if looking at non-attacks.

After a while, he slowly lowered his head and said in a hoarse voice: "Since you have already thought about it, why should you ask more? As of now, I will not continue to hide it. Your main line task, I know it all! "

A word stirred up a thousand waves. This sentence was plain and plain from the mouth of the Great Magister, but after Lin Tianyao heard it, he felt a Mars hit the earth.

Although he had already had this kind of conjecture, he could not believe it anyway. This turned out to be true!

If this is the case, isn't this great magister the same as him, it doesn't belong to this copy world?

Under such association, after a copy of the pupil of Chong Chihong came out, the series of conjectures became reality. The system really picked a lot of people, but he was just one of them!

But even so, why does the Great Magister know his mission? This main task, when the system is distributed, do all people who have experienced copy experience know?

If that is the case, why does he know nothing about the Great Magister?

Under such contemplation, Lin Tianyao's head was big. This happened not only inconceivably, but the hidden feelings were even more difficult to understand, and there was no logic at all.

In Lin Tianyao's amazement, the Great Magister suddenly began to sneer.

His hoarse voice caused the sneer to become creepy. It made people feel uncomfortable.

"Lin Tianyao, I told you at the beginning, I know all of your details. But I don't want to be an enemy with you. The result of the battle between us is that both defeats will hurt and no one will please!"

In addition to revealing the threat in the words of the Great Magister, there is a warning in it.

What he meant was obvious, if he could, he did not want to use extreme means to solve this matter. If he really wants to fight, he is not afraid of Lin Tianyao.

It is precisely because he is very clear about Lin Tianyao's affairs that he has enough weight to say such words.

Know the roots and the bottom, so if you dare to do it, then you must be sure of not losing! Even if the Great Magister's own strength is not as good as Lin Tianyao, then he said that there is a part of psychological suppression, giving Lin Tianyao a feeling of uncertainty.

It seems that I am very satisfied with saying this, or that the purpose is achieved, and the sneer of the Great Magister is more intense.

At the next moment, he suddenly reached out to Lin Tianyao: "Give me the non-attack, although I want your mission props, but after I have used it, I will still give it back to you!"

"is it?"

Lin Tianyao narrowed his eyes and asked the Magister with a nearly joke-like tone: "Do you think that you want to scare me based on the sentence you just said?"

At this moment, he even thought the Grand Magister was a little funny, as if he were a clown.

In Lin Tianyao's dictionary, words like threat and fear are completely non-existent. No matter what happens, he will not have any fear.

The Great Magister said this to him, not only did it not have any threatening effect, but in fact disguised Lin Tianyao's desire to fight.

The copy of Qin Shimingyue, the top master in it, is just something that can be wiped out with a flick of a finger in the eyes of Lin Tianyao. The appearance of the Great Magister makes his originally boring copy adventure more interesting. This level of opponents, he is too excited to be too late.

Regardless of the reason why the Great Magister appeared, he and Lin Tianyao stood completely opposite this time. That being the case, why can't such a capable master pull over to practice?

The Great Magister apparently didn't expect Lin Tianyao to answer him this way. At this moment, he seemed to step on the trap set by himself.

Instead of threatening Lin Tianyao’s words, he did not make a difference. Instead, he was pushed into a dangerous situation by a refutation from him.

Now the choice of this battle is pushed by Lin Tianyao to the Great Magister. To put it another way, if he wants non-attack, he can only use the method of snatching. But the result of this is a war!

It seems that the anti-exhibition that didn't anticipate things turned out to be such a result. The Magister reached out his hand and patted his forehead, showing a helpless look.

Then he said: "Lin Tianyao, it seems that you are determined to do the right thing with me. I just took your mission props and used them. Why are you so strong? Fighting with me, you definitely can't get any benefits!"

Speaking of the latter half of the sentence, the Great Magister almost used a tone of anger and corruption.

No one will feel comfortable falling into the trap of their own design.

Lin Tianyao said: "Great Magister, do you still want to choke me with this tone? The non-attack is in my hand, come over and take it if you want, otherwise you will have to roll me as far as you can. Show me in front of me!"

Having talked to this extent thoroughly, there is no room for manoeuvre. The Great Magister now has only two options, either leave or go to war.

If you let him go like this, wouldn't it be a busy life?

The Great Magister has been busy for so long, the purpose is to get Lin Tianyao’s mission props, which is now abandoned halfway. Even if other methods are used in the future, the battle is still inevitable.

"Lin Tianyao, since you insist on doing so, then I won't talk to you too much. You won't go there if there is a way to heaven, and you will break in without hell. I will destroy you now!"

The Great Magister snorted coldly, raised his right hand slowly, and stretched out in the direction of Lin Tianyao.

As he reached out, the surrounding space fluctuated. While fluctuating, countless light blue light spots also began to emerge, and the entire space was spread in a blink of an eye. ....