Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 835: 837 on the verge

Chapter 835: 837

Gu Nie's thoughts have always been hidden in his heart. It can be said that he has discovered the clues long ago, but he will not speak easily without certain conclusive evidence.

He dared to say these words this time, which naturally shows that he has confirmed it.

His guess is not wrong. The purpose of Lin Tianyao is to control the Mohist and then play with Yingzheng.

It's just that Gane's description still has some problems, and some details are not in place.

For these, Lin Tianyao did not want to explain more, saying too many meaningless words is useless.

He put down the teacup in his hand and smiled at Gaieni: "Since Mr. Gai has guessed, what else can I explain?"

"No, I didn't guess." Gaiene shook his head gently: "If you are such a person, I might have disdained to be with you. You are with Tianming, with Duan Murong, including the back and ink Kirin is together. This all shows that you are not a bad person in your heart."

"Isn't it a bad person?" Lin Tianyao laughed at himself and said, "If I'm not a bad person, why would I push the Mo family into the fire pit? Mr. Gai's words are somewhat contradictory."

Gaie Niewen said with a long sigh: "Yeah, I am contradictory. But you, Lin Shaoxia, you are more contradictory than me. I know you are serious and righteous, and you also need the power of the Mohists. Just Things are impermanent, and many things will not develop as expected. The Mo family, compared with you, are far more hypocritical."

"Too much hypocrisy, then they should pay the same price. This time they chose it themselves, and I won't care anymore." Lin Tianyao's tone began to become serious, without the previous meaning of talking and laughing.

Gaie then waved at him at this time: "No, Lin Shaoxia. You mustn't take it easy this time. You need this power, don't let it be easily killed."

Lin Tianyao froze for a moment, and then immediately realized what Gainie wanted to say. He shook his head and said, "I have helped them many times, but these ungrateful little ones, they don't know what is grateful. In their eyes , I am a good old man, savior!"

"In this case, you have to continue to be the savior. The Mo family is concerned about the survival of the giant. If you rescue the Mo family giant, I believe that the giant will not be the kind of short-sighted person. If you can It was a different ending with him.

"I've thought about these for a long time."

Lin Tianyao paused and said: "But it is difficult to save the giant back. Because the details of the great magister are not even clear to me."

This is already a very euphemistic statement. In fact, he has always been dreaded by this mysterious magister.

He knows most of this copy of Qin Shimingyue. However, this great magister is clearly like him, and does not belong to this world at all.

It was because of this uncertain factor that he couldn't let go of many things. If something goes wrong and the main mission fails, the consequences are very serious.

This thing, he can't say anything to Gaie naturally. Therefore, it can only be explained in a more normal way.

After Gainie heard this statement, he thought a little and asked: "Lin Shaoxia, if you are to fight against the mysterious old man, what is your chance of winning?"


Lin Tianyao directly gave the answer. Although the great Magister is very mysterious, he really has to do it. Lin Tianyao will not be afraid of him. It's just that if the old guy has any hole cards or the like, there might be a big hidden danger if he hurries.

Gaie then asked: "If you are allowed to rescue the giant Mojia in the hands of the mysterious man, how sure are you?"

Speaking of which, Lin Tianyao began to understand the meaning of Gaie. His purpose is to make Lin Tianyao temporarily not stand with the Great Magister, and stabilize his position first. Dissolve the short-term crisis in front of me.

However, this method is easier said than done. Because if you really rescued the giant of the Mo family. The Great Magister's action ended in failure. If he became angry and angry, the situation would be difficult.

This difficult point is still related to the main task. What the Great Magister wanted before was all Lin Tianyao wanted.

This is what he has been taboo before. Does this character who accidentally inserted into this copy world have any unspeakable secrets?

The Great Magister said that he knew Lin Tianyao's details, so would he just make trouble and prevent Lin Tianyao from completing his mission?

This idea appeared when Lin Tianyao was in action in Weizhuang. However, he just thought it was a delusion of his own and did not pursue it. But now it seems that this idea is really very likely.

Lin Tianyao still felt unreliable after thinking twice about Gaie's words. Gaie was able to tell him so much, indicating that he had thought about this issue very comprehensively.

As an outsider, he was so extraordinary that he could see so much.

It's a pity that both the Great Magister and Lin Tianyao are alternatives, so Gaie's suggestion doesn't play much role.

Lin Tianyao’s decision will still not change. All he has to do is make the Mo family suffer. Anyway, these miscellaneous fish are also cannon fodder, so why give them so much face?

Looking out the window again, the night was already showing signs of fading. At the edge of the sky, fish belly has gradually appeared. It was like a black giant whale in that sea. After a sleep, he turned over.

Entering the forbidden area was originally a fast-track customs clearance, but it took almost one night to expect. After dawn, it will be a new challenge, perhaps, the enemy is already on the road.

Lin Tianyao's mood is diametrically opposed to the weather, he has gradually sunk from light to darkness.

He made this decision, partly because of Duan Murong. ....