Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 825: 827 kite flying stream

Chapter 825: 827 Kite Flying Stream

Looking at the exact level in front of him, Lin Tianyao was a little confused.

If this level is exactly the same as the previous Tiger Leaping Cliff, it is absolutely impossible. How can the Mozu ancestor make such a forbidden land test?

But if it is said that this is also an illusion, it does not make sense. With such a real feeling, Lin Tianyao has a deep experience, and there is absolutely no possibility of fraud.

When in doubt, Lin Tianyao used the same method as before to throw a handful of stone powder towards the cliff.

Although he had expected what kind of results would appear, when he spilled the stone powder and watched the powder fall down, his mood was a bit complicated.

If it were really the same Tiger Leaping Cliff, he would feel strange, but at least it would save time.

However, I am afraid that this seemingly the same level, but looks like a different level. Because of the difficulty hidden in it, he was even more elusive.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that this Mozu ancestor master set the purpose of the level. The same level is passed in two different ways, which is really vexing.

Now that Shifen has detected that the cliff in front of him does not have any focus, the rest can only be spent out of thin air.

In such a place, it is necessary to have the opportunity to pass the talents with the best merit. In today's world, I am afraid that apart from Bai Feng, it is difficult for others to pass.

However, if it is really only light work, how did the Mohist tycoons pass? If all of them are masters who are extremely capable, it is absolutely impossible.

Since such a level appears, there must be a way to pass it. Moreover, the method adopted must be hidden somewhere around. He needs to discover through observation.

After searching for a long time around, there was nothing else to use except the bare stone ground, and Lin Tianyao was suddenly in trouble.

In desperation, he directly began to use the technique of flying thunder **** to prepare to force through. But at the moment he flew, an invisible wall appeared in front of him, blocking him.

The technique of flying thunder can reach instantaneous movement, but if something is obstructed in the space, it cannot be carried out.

This time, he was a bit stunned. The stone powder was sprinkled before, and it was clearly empty in front of me. Why, in a blink of an eye, something blocked?

He tried to push in the direction of the cliff with his hand, which could be passed through directly, and there was nothing to block.

As he retracted his hand in wonder, the little finger suddenly touched something.

With a clear sense of touch, Lin Tianyao stretched his hands back and forth again, and as before, there was no obstruction. However, when his hand swayed from side to side, he encountered a hard object that blocked his movement.

The left and right hands swayed back and forth, with something blocking both sides. The width between them is only about twenty centimeters.

Found this situation, Lin Tianyao began to move along the cliff. Similar to the previous situation, every 20 centimeters, there will be a block with a width of about five centimeters.

Having figured out the situation, Lin Tianyao completely saw through this clue. In front of his eyes, there was a transparent barrier similar to a fence. The gap of twenty centimeters, at most, is just to allow the arms to pass. But this fence cannot appear in plain sight, and there must be a switch to turn off this organ around.

But the surrounding area is still bare, where is there any switch or something?

Suddenly, Lin Tianyao remembered that when he set foot on this open space, he encountered the stone tablet with tiger jumping cliff inscribed on it.

Thinking of the stone tablet, he looked back immediately. Looking at it from this angle, his pupils shrank suddenly, because what he sees now is exactly the back of the stele.

On the back of the stele, three large characters are also engraved: Kite Feijian!

This kite flying stream obviously refers to the cliff in front of us now. He walked back and came to the stone tablet in the same position with a small line engraved on it.

‘If you want to pass this stream, you need to be brave and take risks. ’

A simple sentence, but reveals an unpredictable taste.

What does it mean to be brave and take risks?

There is a fence in front of it, and even movement is blocked. Even if you can do light work, it is impossible to fly over.

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Tianyao suddenly stared at the four words.

He looked at Tiger Leaping Cliff for a long time, and suddenly it seemed like he had thought of something.

The names of these two places seem to have revealed the method of adoption. Tiger jumps off the cliff and needs to jump to pass. And this kite flying stream, really need to fly over?

There was a fence blocking it, and flying didn't work, but Lin Tianyao now bit the word flying.

Because in his mind, he thought of the organ woodbird that Master Class had posed before. The real name of the wood bird is called wood kite!

The flying principle of the wood kite is controlled by the wind direction. When taking off, it is almost the same as a kite and needs to rise against the wind.

In the flat ground, there is no such strong reverse wind. Therefore, the only way is to fall from a height and use the principle of gliding.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianyao walked to the cliff again, then raised his head and looked towards the sky.

Kite flying is a way from high to low. Then if this place is to fly over, it must also fly from high to low.

If he guesses well, the key to flying the kite is at the top of the cave.

At the next moment, Lin Tianyao's body had disappeared on the spot, and the technique of flying thunder **** made him reach the top of the cave almost instantly.

From here, he reached forward again, and then swayed left and right. But the difference is that this time his hand did not encounter any obstacles.

"Sure enough, as expected, this fence is only a section below the ground and does not extend to the top of the cave!"

Lin Tianyao slightly smiled at the corner of his mouth. When he grabbed the cave wall and looked towards the opposite side, he could see another scene in this position. ....