Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 820: 822 confusing

Chapter 820 Chapter 822

The disciples of the Mo family belong to the Mo family after all. As the leader of the master class, everyone agreed.

After several leaders voted, Qi Qi turned his attention to Duan Murong. At this moment, she became a wall of grass.

If she disagreed, she would be rejected and completely reduced to Lin Tianyao. If she agreed, she would naturally stand with the Mo family, but as a woman of Lin Tianyao, the consequences of her doing that would be very serious.

For a time, Duan Murong was dumbfounded. She did not expect that persuasion could not be achieved, but instead became a fuse, causing these people to completely break away from Lin Tianyao.

The Mo Qilin outside was staring at Lin Tianyao all the time. If she slacked off at this time, or did something that hurt Lin Tianyao, it would be tantamount to sending her own man to the arms of others.

At this moment, Duan Murong felt like a thorn in his back, and his eyes seemed to shoot her through.

"Girl Rong, you have to think about it!"

Master Class coughed and snorted.


Duan Murong's silver teeth bit her lower lip lightly, her heart ambiguous, and she didn't know what to do.

At this moment, there was a burst of laughter outside the house. The laughter came from Wei Zhuang's mouth.

Lin Tianyao did not kill him, but surrendered him. This is where the leaders of the Mo family are most afraid. The person who almost destroyed the organ city was the enemy of the Mo family. Turning an enemy into a friend is not so easy to accomplish, let alone a dead enemy?

Hearing Wei Zhuang's laughter, everyone looked cold. If it were not for Lin Tianyao's strength, they could not help but kill them now.

"Weizhuang, what are you laughing at?"

Gao Jianli glanced towards the door with a cold tone.

Wei Zhuang held the shark's teeth in his arms and glanced into the room: "What am I laughing at? I laugh at you guys for some reason."

"You guys, who doesn't know what to do?"

Xue Nu couldn't help it anymore, although she remained silent. But Wei Zhuang now scolds Gao Jianli, she can't bear it.

Wei Zhuang naturally does not know women in general. He naturally has nothing to say about Xue Nu. But Chi Lian on the side did not agree.

She reached out and squeezed the hair next to her ear, and her body twisted enchantingly: "Oh, I said, you little nizi, you started protecting the man so soon? You look like a calf. Disciple!"

Xue Nu was unwilling to show her weakness: "You're so sorry to say that others, aren't you the same?"

The two women were tit-for-tat and instantly resolved the tense atmosphere. Obviously it was a factional battle between the two parties, which instantly became a woman's calf. Almost among colleagues, Wei Zhuang and Gao Jianli both waved their hands. Instructed Chi Lian and Xue Nu not to quarrel.

And then, it was Wei Zhuang who spoke first.

He directly said: "I was really worthless for Lin Tian, ​​and I helped you for a long time, but I helped you a group of white-eyed wolves. With his strength, it is already a blessing to be able to help you to the present. You are fighting now. Well, within three days, you regret not having to take the medicine."

After finishing the talk, Wei Zhuang gave a glance at Chi Lian, and they were about to leave.

He said, listening to the ears of several leaders of the Mohists, it was only ironic. Although they are angry, they will not be more defeated.

But Duan Murong is different, she heard a similar taste from Wei Zhuang's words. This is clearly the same as Lin Tianyao said to her before.

It seemed that a breakthrough was found, and Duan Murong's face suddenly burst into joy. Because of what Lin Tianyao was referring to, it is likely that Wei Zhuang was also informed. In this case, why not ask him?

Thinking, she hurried up, reached out and stopped in front of Wei Zhuang, said: "Don't go in a hurry, make your words clear."

Wei Zhuang turned his head, narrowed his eyes and looked at Duan Murong: "Why, do you want to start?"

Duan Murong saw him misunderstanding and hurriedly said: "I don't care how you mock us, I just want to ask you some questions."

"Oh?" Wei Zhuang's eyes narrowed tighter. He said: "Some things I can tell you, but some can't. Because I am Lin Linyao's men now, not yours!"

He said this, obviously he didn't want to tell the truth. But Duan Murong was anxious in his heart, how could he be given a vague opportunity, she said in a solemn tone: "After three days you said, what is going to happen?"

Wei Zhuang was silent for a moment, and then said: "Isn't this obvious? The giants of the Mo family were taken away, and they will naturally come back and exchange things as chips."

"Swap things?"

As soon as these four words appeared, the big hammer suddenly froze. When Lin Tianyao faced Wei Zhuang before, he was present.

Wei Zhuang seems to have said that he followed the order of someone and came to the Mohists to seize the non-attack!

Thinking of this, he hurriedly shouted: "Weizhuang, are you talking about non-attack?"

As soon as the Big Hammer said this, everyone's eyes gathered on him. Things they didn't know, where did this strong man know?

At the next moment, Wei Zhuang said bluntly: "As you said, I attacked the organ city for this thing. Unfortunately, I failed and made a wedding dress for others."

Such rhetoric made everyone suddenly stunned. Weizhuang came for non-attack, Lin Tianyao also came for non-attack. Why did this Mo's artifact suddenly become so popular?

Before, Wei Zhuang chased Lin Tianyao and Gai Nie in order to catch Tian Ming. Why, in a blink of an eye, the little guy was okay, but instead pointed at the Mojia?

If it is a guise to catch Tianming before, this obviously makes no sense. After all, Da Qin's soldiers and horses are really moving.

For a time, everything became confusing. Among them, what conspiracy is buried.

"You just wait and see, giving up Lin Tianyao's protection is the fuse for your Mo family to perish. The day when you regret it is right in front of you."...