Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 812: 814 pull you out bright

812 Chapter 814

When the old guy was shaken, Lin Tianyao would naturally not let this opportunity go. He hit the railroad while he was hot: "I will give you a chance. I will not interfere with the grievances of your family and the Mo family after I get something. I will let you go! But I have a condition."

This remark is tantamount to a good meal placed in front of a beggar. How can he be unimpressed by such a weak point against the public?

"What conditions?"

Sure enough, the public defeated Qiu immediately agreed.

The big hammer on the side was in a hurry at this time, although the Mo family would not take the initiative to attack others. But the hidden danger of losing the family has always been eyeing them, looking for opportunities everywhere to start.

If the public loses hatred, the family loses. Such a good opportunity to do nothing is simply to return the tiger to the mountain.

Before waiting for the big hammer to open, Lin Tianyao reached out to interrupt him and said, "I am commanding iron commander. I naturally have a sense of personal responsibility. I really don't need to control the personal grievances between you."

The words made the Hammer listen, as if it was a cockfight meeting an opponent, his hair was erected. With a wave of anger, he said, "Lin Shaoxia, you can't agree with you. If you don't do it, my hammer will kill this old guy."

Seeing him like this, Lin Tianyao couldn't help but shook his head secretly. Why the non-attack and love advocated by the Mo family suddenly disappeared? On the real issue, human nature is inevitable.

The words of the big hammer came, and they followed him. Regardless of Lin Tianyao's obstruction, he will kill the male with a hammer and revenge.

"Iron Commander, are you still a Mo family? Do you still remember the four words of non-attack and love?"

Lin Tianyao glared at him and said such a word in his mouth.

The sledgehammer listened, and his hand stopped in midair. He gritted his teeth fiercely, staring at the public to revenge, and after a long while, he hated the hammer away. Then he turned his head to the side and ignored it.

This guy is straightforward and angry is just as common as eating. Lin Tianyao comforted him casually: "Don't forget how the Mozu ancestors treated the losers family at that time. You are not afraid of the crooked shadows. If the Mojia's magic is really better than the losers family, sooner or later, they will be convinced. "

These words have a taste of education. Although the big hammer is still unhappy, but it has also calmed down. At least, the opportunity that Lin Tianyao gave him was a chance to win the family of the public losers.

After leveling the big hammer, Lin Tianyao lost his hatred to the public: "How is it, what are you thinking about now? Is it dead or alive?"

After being frightened by the big hammer, the public lost his revenge and felt the threat of death. Such a death is indeed unwilling. After thinking for a while, he said: "If you want to live, what are your conditions?"

"It's easy!"

Lin Tianyao snapped his fingers, he was still in a good mood. At least the attack plan succeeded in the public revenge.

He said: "You and Weizhuang should be only a cooperative relationship, not a subordinate. I need you to be a hostage now and change me back!" What a big problem the public lost hatred originally thought, but did not expect Lin Tianyao to give him such a simple condition.

Without any hesitation, he nodded quickly and promised, "Who?"

Lin Tianyao smiled mysteriously: "You don't need to ask about this, then you can do what I want. When it's done, I will naturally let you leave."

After talking, Lin Tianyao waved at him, then turned and left the central control room.

The next place he will go is the entrance to the organ city!

After the organ stopped operating for so long, Wei Zhuang must have brought soldiers to the city. Going to meet him at this time, instead walking a little less.

On the way to the entrance of the organ city, the big hammer still couldn't help but ask: "Lin Shaoxia, do you really want to let the public lose the enemy?"

Lin Tianyao nodded and said: "You can rest assured, I will naturally not let him have a chance to do evil. I only said let him go, but did not say that it would not ruin him. Cause me so much trouble, I really think so Can it go cheap?"

Hearing this, the hammer finally showed a smile. This public defeat has almost caused the organ city to lose ground and destroyed so many organs. Although the Mohists advocate non-attack and love, but bullying comes to the head, it is impossible to fight back.

In fact, Lin Tianyao still has a prediction in his mind. If this prediction is really successful, then things will become simpler.

If you follow the expected pattern, the two problems in front of you will be solved together at this time.

These two problems, one is Weizhuang, and the other is the Mojia giant.

As long as Wei Zhuang is not a fool, he will now lead someone to attack, and he will definitely meet Lin Tianyao. Because such a long time has passed, there is still no sign of rescue from the Mo giant.

Those people couldn't see Lin Tianyao's support in the past, and they would definitely bring the giants of the Mo family and all the captives together.

In this way, with the hostage of public revenge, it was not Mo Qilin alone, but a large number of Mo disciples.

After a while, Lin Tianyao had arrived at the entrance of the organ city. This entrance is where the previous class master boasted. The place where the cloud boat was erected.

I don't know what method Wei Zhuang used. He took a team of people and stood on the platform in front of the cloud boat.

At the moment when Lin Tianyao came, Wei Zhuang's face changed. Although he had been mentally prepared for a long time, the moment he saw the facts, he was still unacceptable.


Lin Tianyao clapped while walking, "Oh, how long has it been since we met again. It's really a narrow road!"

There was a taunt in his tone. After Wei Zhuang and others listened, his face became more gloomy, as if the water was dripping.

"Lin Tianyao, we don't want to be an enemy to you. We are here, but we just want to take away a few things."...