Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 808: 810 The ensuing trouble

Chapter 808: 810

Gao Jianli still seems unable to accept the fact that Lin Tianyao failed. Judging from the description of the previous master class, his strength is almost miraculous. How could he be easily destroyed by the organ beast Xuanwu?

If he can't destroy the organ beast Xuanwu, how could he go on an adventure in person? With his understanding of Lin Tianyao, it is not a 100% successful thing, and he will not do it easily.

However, the tentacles were entangled in a ball, still narrowing the scope and constantly rubbing against each other. Not to mention being alone, even a mass of iron has been ground to pieces.

Even though there is hope and fantasy in his heart, he has to believe the facts before him. In desperation, Gao Jianli had to order: "Okay, let's take the time to withdraw to the city and join with several other leaders!"

With Gao Jianli's order, those Mo disciples were still in charge of others, and they began to escape in madness.

Gao Jianli walked the slowest, he couldn't help but glanced at the water a few more times. In any case, Lin Tianyao's death was also for the Mo family, he is the benefactor of the Mo family.

Helplessly sighed, Gao Jianli finally gritted his teeth and turned to leave.

At this moment, a burst of laughter suddenly came from the water: "I thought, how powerful this basalt is, it turned out to be a waste! You will need to make more improvements next time you redo it."

This laughter spread out, and all the disciples of the Mo family, including Gao Jianli, were stunned. Time seemed to freeze, and their movements froze.

The next moment, the color of surprise spread over everyone's face. No one ran away. On the contrary, they all gathered towards the side of the suspension bridge and scrambled to look underwater.

The tentacles, which were still creeping and twitching, had stopped. From a distance, they looked like a giant iron ball.

In the iron ball, a faint golden light began to appear. In the light, there was also the heat of infiltration, so that the surrounding air began to tremble.

Even the crowd above felt a wave of heat. Let them feel as if they were standing on the crater and watching the magma.

Especially underwater, because Lin Tianyao is too close to the water surface, steam began to rise continuously.


A loud noise, like a thunderbolt, completely echoed in the cave. The iron ball formed by the tentacles exploded.

The chains flying around seemed to shoot out a sword with a handle. If it were not Gao Jianli's shot in time to resist, those Mo disciples must be stabbed by these splattered iron.

The large steam formed by the explosion caused the white water to fall into the mist immediately above the water surface. As the heat wave hit, people seemed to be in the bathhouse.

When the white mist disappeared, Lin Tianyao's figure appeared again. He was still standing in the air, never moving his position too far. The scene in front of him was exactly the same as when he had just flown down.

The only change is that the tentacles underwater disappeared, and below the water surface, the previous gear rotation was restored.

After destroying the tentacles, Lin Tianyao raised his head and waved to Gao Jianli: "That core should be less offensive. With that thing, it is easier for you to repair it."

At this moment, Gao Jianli felt that his heart was about to fly out of his chest. Lin Tianyao's troublesome place was so frightening that he was scared to death.

The ups and downs of this moment made everyone panic. Even if Wei Zhuang invaded, it did not make them feel so ups and downs like this.

When Lin Tianyao returned to the suspension bridge, Gao Jianli stammered as he stretched his hands to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead: "Lin Shaoxia, please stop playing this game next time. Our heart can't bear it." "

They look like this, Lin Tianyao's thoughts at a glance. He smiled and patted Gao Jianli's shoulder and said: "I was just to save the core of the organization's Xuanwu. I adopted this method. If I want to destroy that thing, I don't need to go down at all, and it's solved."

After all, the function of the Xuanwu of the institution is to protect the power source below, which is the heart of the institution city. If you can't be damaged, why do you have to die?

Lin Tianyao then said: "Now there is no Xuanwu guard, you hurry to suspend the power source, I am going to get the old guy who lost the enemy!"

Speaking of public feuding, resentment appeared on Mo disciples' faces. For the losers, they still have deep grievances. If it is not a non-attack, and the love of this group training remains, they have long destroyed the loser family.

While Gao Jianli and others were waiting to suspend the power source, Lin Tianyao dared to go in the direction of the central control room. He wanted to see how the old thing could be tossed about when the organ stopped functioning.

Just halfway through, he saw the big hammer hurried over.

When he saw Lin Tianyao, the big hammer was almost excited to cry. He was stunned because of nervousness: "Lin Xiaoxia, I can find you. A big deal!"

Something serious happened, the word seems to be the mantra of the big hammer. But every time he said such a thing, it must be a great thing.

Lin Tianyao stopped and began to listen to him.

The sledgehammer reached out and patted his chest, stabilizing his emotions: "Just now news came that the giant was in trouble. It seemed to be blocked!"

"Broken?" Lin Tianyao frowned and said, "What's the matter, is it the Mo's enemy?"

The big hammer shook his head again and again: "The disciple who came back to spread the word was seriously injured, and he died just after saying this sentence."

Hearing this, Lin Tianyao's hand could not help touching the chin.

Weizhuang led people to attack the organ city. Such a big movement must have caused a lot of snakes and rats.

The Mo family has always been kind to people, and there should be no enemies. So the only possibility is related to Wei Zhuang.

Think of it this way, it can be explained clearly. It must be that Wei Zhuang arranged for others to block the Mohist giants, so as to prevent the arrival of reinforcements.

"It's really a wave, and a wave!" Lin Tianyao sneered. ....