Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 805: 807 forced choice

Chapter 805 Chapter 807

Although it has such an unusual taste, and this feeling is really from the heart of Mo Qilin, Lin Tianyao cannot accept it.

He will give back to his real woman, but these are not radishes and cabbages, they can be taken casually. Feelings are unclear and unknown.

All he could do about Mo Qilin's just-emerged goodwill was a smile.

Just like before him, after Mo Qilin said this, his eyes secretly looked at Lin Tianyao's face. And she was looking forward, looking forward to Lin Tianyao's reply.

Unfortunately, her eyes gradually became disappointed. Because Lin Tianyao gave her only silence.

At this moment, the feeling of loss in Mo Qilin's heart suddenly became strange. He told Lin Tianyao that it was unclear whether he felt something. Perhaps this is a kind of gratitude.

On the one hand, because Lin Tianyao cured her fetal poison, and on the other hand, because this man who didn't know each other was able to get comatose for him.

What these produce is just the emotion that initially sprouted. If you can't germinate at this time, just cut it off, then it will disappear naturally.

Lin Tianyao's silence contains the most rejection. Mo Qilin can understand this meaning naturally. She shook her head secretly, hiding the idea in her heart in a small corner.

Yeah, she was just a killer, a killer who caused the Mohist family to lose a lot. Lin Tianyao helped her, but out of cooperation.

From Fang Cai’s dialogue, it can be easily seen that in her capacity, Lin Tianyao did not relax her vigilance. How could she easily accept it and move towards the direction of almost fantasy?

A little later, Lin Tianyao said: "Since you agree to cooperate with me, I have also helped you cure the fetal poison, then you need to do what I need!"

In the discourse, there is an undoubted tone. Then he said: "People have lost their revenge and don't know that you have turned against the water. The central control room is well-prepared. The only person who can get in is probably you alone?"

The public defeated the enemy to control the underwater animal beast Xuanwu, the power source could not be destroyed, and the control division was a copper wall. The only way before was to attack.

However, Lin Tianyao's strong action hand is equivalent to ruining the core of the Mo School. In this way, even if successful, the organ city was also abandoned, which the Mo family could not tolerate. So he couldn't use this method.

Another method is to go underwater and destroy the animal beast Xuanwu. This will take some time. During these times, it is inevitable that public revenge will not come up with other countermeasures and do something unexpected.

Neither can choose, the only breakthrough is Mo Qilin.

This is why Lin Tianyao chose to conquer Mo Qilin. Gong Xuanqi and her two are the only two who invade the inside of the organ city. It is also the existence of covering each other.

If Mo Qilin wants to enter the interior of the control room, the public revenge is definitely open.

After listening to Lin Tianyao's request, Mo Qilin smiled lightly: "I don't need to guess and I know you will let me do this. Unfortunately, this method will not work now. In other words, you saved me, it is simply in vain strength."

"How do you say this?" Lin Tianyao frowned, and he didn't expect Mo Qilin to say that. Isn't this woman really surrendering?

Mo Qilin continued: "I only have one task to enter the city of organs, which is to attract your attention and disrupt the rhythm of your defense. As far as the public is lost, he only listens to Master Wei Zhuang and has no communication with me."

As soon as she said this, Lin Tianyao's eyelids jumped. It seems that this time, he really made a big mistake. After a long time, the price spent on Mo Qilin is useless work, and there is no return at all.

However, although Lin Tianyao was somewhat disappointed, he was not in a hurry. Because he wouldn't be hanged on a tree, in other words, while saving Mo Qilin, he had already figured out the way out.

No matter what you do, you have to leave a path, which is the key to acting.

Immediately, Lin Tianyao waved his hand and said: "Since you can't enter the control room, that's nothing. At least your mission is completed, you need to return to Wei Zhuang?"

Mo Qilin nodded and said, "Yes, my task is completed. If it is not exposed, I must go back to life. But now that the time has been delayed for so long, even if I go back, Master Weizhuang will have doubts in his heart, not necessarily believe me, Will even kill me!"

"No, no, no!" Lin Tianyao smiled and shook his head: "Weizhuang has doubts in his heart, but he will not kill you. You just have to go back and tell all the things you have encountered!"

"What do you mean?"

Mo Qilin was stunned. She didn't expect Lin Tianyao to say this. If you let her go back to Wei Zhuang, can she really be safe and sound? How could he come up with such a dangerous practice?

Going back this time, if there are some mistakes, she will definitely die in Wei Zhuang's hands.

Thinking of this, Mo Qilin felt even more sad. Lin Tianyao really regarded her as a chess piece. Although healed the fetal poison, he has to give up his life. All of this, after all, is a link in Lin Tianyao's plan.

Lin Tianyao didn't know these thoughts in her heart. But he knew that Mo Qilin would definitely hesitate. After all, life-related matters, even if he let her surrender, there is no guarantee that nothing will happen.

If Mo Qilin went back this time and Wei Zhuang wanted to kill her, she would definitely not be at the mercy of Lin Tianyao. Maybe it will backfire again.

However, if she really turned against the water, it was exactly what Lin Tianyao wanted. All he wanted was this result.

Once the internal news of the organization was disseminated, Mo Qilin failed, and the public defeated the enemy in the central control room alone. With Lin Tianyao's ability, it can definitely be solved.

If the public defeated the enemy, then the Mo family returned to the iron bucket. Even if Wei Zhuang was carrying thousands of troops, what could he do in front of Lin Tianyao's absolute strength? ....