Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 801: 803 dizzy

Episode 801

After that **** light emerged, it began to grow stronger and stronger, and finally filled Lin Tianyao's eyes.

At this moment, he seemed to be an angry beast, a bloodthirsty light flashing in his eyes.

It's just that his bloodthirsty is more of a desire, a desire to be released.


After a loud roar, Lin Tianyao suddenly took his hands away from Mo Qilin's head. As his hand was removed, the internal force sphere and Jin Wuyan also disappeared instantly, dissipating into the air.

Now look at Mo Qilin's face, there are no signs of fetal poison on the surface. The half of the original dark face has been completely restored as usual, and the other half of the face is like a copy, and it is completely combined.

A charming, with a cold and proud face, so exposed to the air.

This face appeared, even Gai Nie was stunned, this woman was even more beautiful than Duan Murong. Who would have thought that people who were ugly like ghosts before could become so beautiful!

But Lin Tianyao has no way to appreciate his masterpiece now, even if Mo Qilin is beautiful as a fairy, he has no time to take care of it. Because of Fang Cai's strong spiritual overdraft, he was caught in chaos.

Only then did he try his best to pull out Mo Qilin's fetal poison completely. But that's it. He has no way to recover those internal forces slowly. This is like a water pipe that was suddenly pulled out when filling. The pouring water overflowed instantly!

The internal force was used completely, but it was not withdrawn. At this moment, Lin Tianya was already extremely empty. All the muscles and veins that have lost their internal strength have become empty.

Without the support of internal force and the excessive overdraft of mental power, Lin Tianyao is now completely in a state of weakness. This is like a big tree, suddenly losing water and being cut off at the same time, waiting for him to dry.

If Lin Tianyao is conscious, he can re-run the Demon Emperor Yantian to absorb the internal force to fill the empty body. But he is unconscious now.

His body, like the grass swaying in the wind, suddenly fell forward after shaking for a while.

On the other side, Mo Qilin did not suffer much damage. On the contrary, although she was burned by the golden black flame before, she almost lost consciousness, but later, she suddenly felt a coolness. It was as if the person who had been roasted by fire suddenly dropped into the cold water.

This reason is entirely dependent on Lin Tianyao. He was about to collapse his consciousness before, so in order to save time to complete the detoxification, he released his internal force substantially. The consequence of this is to make Mo Qilin’s pain lessen, and the speed of detoxification is very fast, which is a good thing for her. But for Lin Tianyao, this is now the situation, and the whole person is almost collapsed. He didn't use this method before, he just didn't want to consume too much of himself.

After Shu Shuang, Mo Qilin's consciousness gradually recovered, and when she woke up, she saw Lin Tianyao comatose and fell forward.

Almost subconsciously, she moved quickly and hugged Lin Tianyao's fallen body in the air.

Although Lin Tianyao was comatose, he was as though he was asleep, and the outside world felt like a dream in his mind. This sentence was also unconsciously revealed by him.

Lin Tianyao fainted suddenly, and Gaieni immediately squeezed sweat. When his mind was slack, Tianming several people also broke free of his shackles, can't wait to look in front of him.

At the previous moment, they were blindfolded, as if they were blind. For the first time, they had such a longing for light.

However, when he saw the scene in front of him, the three of Tianming suddenly froze!

"Ok... What a pretty big sister, uncle, it's very serious to see you on weekdays. Why are you looking at a beautiful woman today and not letting us see it?"

Tianming pointed at Mo Qilin and complained to Gaie for a while.

Even Yueer on the side came together and said, "It's so beautiful, a little prettier than Sister Rong! There is such a beautiful woman in the world. Is she a disciple of our Mo family, how have I never seen it?"

Compared with the two of them, Shaoyu seemed calmer. He just hummed: "This woman seems to have a simple relationship with Brother Lin!"

Their series of questions suddenly made Gainier a big head. He didn't know how to explain it, let alone he was a stupid person.

Moreover, the situation is a bit unusual now. Although Mo Qilin agreed to cooperate, Lin Tianyao now fell down, still in her arms. The identity of the hostage and the hunter were instantly exchanged. If she started now, no one would be saved!

When worried, Gaie Nie pulled Yuan Hong out of his hand and stared at Mo Qilin with cold eyes: "I advise you not to think about other crooked brains. If you dare to touch Lin Shaoxia, I will let you head down!"

After Mo Qilin lifted Lin Tianyao, because he was pressed by his body, he could only hold him in his arms. Turning back to see Gain so nervous, a smile suddenly appeared on her face, but in that smile, there were a few teardrops in the corners of her eyes.

The words of Tianming and others have been heard clearly by her. An ugly person who can only cover his face forever, suddenly heard someone call her a beautiful woman, this contrast of heaven and earth, so that her heart instantly mixed.

All this, thanks to the man in front of me, the man in front of him who was tired and comatose in order to treat her fetal poison.

At this moment, she no longer needs to speak other words, her face was completely cured. ....