Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 771: 773 The weather is dim

Chapter 771: 773 The weather is dim

While Donghuang Taiyi turned around, Wei Zhuang reached out and threw a dark thing.

He took a look, and in his hand was a wooden box. At the corner of the box, there is this raised small switch.

After pressing the switch, the wooden box started to shake in an instant. Almost in a blink of an eye, the complex transformation ended in an instant.

At the next moment, what appeared in his hand turned out to be a small organ wood snake.

Looking at the marvelous wooden snake in front of him, Emperor Dongyi said in a low voice: "This is really magical, but what do you mean to me, do you have a spy inside the Mo family?"

Wei Zhuang nodded, and then shook his head again: "Today, Mo Jia's organ surgery is indeed crying ghosts and gods, but it is not only his family who can do it."

Hearing this, the Emperor Taiyi immediately spit out eight words: "Bronze opening, to ask the public lose?"

"Yes, I have contacted the public to revenge before. But the situation was too urgent at that time. Before he came to support me, I had already fought with Lin Tianyao." Wei Zhuang's eyes shot a gleam, he continued Dao: "This time attacking the Mojia government city, if you have the help of a loser family, you will do more with less."

Donghuang Taiyi finally heard Wei Zhuang's meaning. He has the support of a family of losers, but in battle, he has already lost his soldiers and suffered heavy losses. The Emperor Donghuang has a lot of masters. If the two join forces, they can naturally fill in their deficiencies.

After a moment of contemplation, Emperor Donghuang shook his back and shoved the wooden snake in his palm: "I can cooperate with you, but you must listen to me!"

When the two giants cooperate, the right to command becomes the most important issue.

Surprisingly, Wei Zhuang did not object, but said indifferently: "You can do whatever you want, but leave me alone!"



This knot is a nightmare that haunts him. The inability to condense Jian Qi is due to the inability to untie the heart. Wei Zhuang himself knew that his heart knot was Gaie. To make a breakthrough in the martial arts in the future, he must do so.

But as he turned to leave, Wei Zhuang's brows quietly twisted together. A smile from his heart suddenly appeared on his always gloomy face.


At this moment, among the Mo family, Lin Tianyao's heart began to drift to another place.

That place is the purpose of his coming here-the Mojia Forbidden Land.

Of course, he is just coming here as a guest. No one except the giant can easily enter the Mo's forbidden area. He wants to go in, that is naturally impossible.

Therefore, the only way to overcome this difficulty is to find the giant of the Mo family.

With this in mind, Lin Tianyao directly found the master class, and now everyone else is entering the organ city to cultivate, and naturally gave him a free opportunity.

Speaking this idea with Master Ban, he was a little surprised, but all he got was a refusal.

Just about to ask the reason, Master Class waved his hand and said: "Lin Shaoxia, I won't hide you. The giant, he knows you are coming, but he is not ready to see you, he just said that the time has not arrived, and I will not. Clear."

This **** Mohist giant, even made such a set. Is it prettier?

This was the case with the mysterious big magician before, and now it is the case with the giant Mojia. Whatever he does hides and hides. Does it really make him keep guessing like this?

When the two were discussing, they suddenly heard a Mo disciple rushing outside the door. He panicked and did not knock on the door. He rushed in and said: "Master Master, the master is not good, High Commander is back!"

"Xiao Gao?"

Master Ban's eyes widened, and he quickly threw away the work in his hand and took Lin Tianyao's arm and said: "Lin Shaoxia, you can help me with this matter! If Xiao Gao and Gaie meet, let's The organ city will not be peaceful."

Lin Tianyao, who is familiar with history, instantly understood the word Xiao Gao. This small height should be Gao Jianli!

Jing Ke and Gao Jianli are good friends. He is a vocal master in history.

After Jing Ke stabbed King Qin, Gao Jianli only found a chance to stabb once. Unfortunately, it also ended in failure.

Now everyone in the world knows that the reason why Jing Ke stabbed King Qin failed and finally died was because of Gaie's shot.

Therefore, if Gao Jianli learns that Gaie is in the government city, then it must be upset.

Seeing Master Class so anxious, I must have worried about this matter to a certain extent. Gao Jianli and Gaie Nie are first-class masters. The two of them fought together. No one here can really dissuade them.

The only possibility is that only Lin Tianyao has such strength.

Without thinking too much, Master Class directly pulled him out regardless of Lin Tianyao's answer.

Sure enough, when he came to the Central Yanwuchang, it was already full of Mo disciples.

It was none other than Gainie and Gao Jianli who stood in the middle of the scene.

The two stood with their swords, and the spurting momentum made the surrounding air begin to freeze.

Master Class saw this situation and hurriedly said to Lin Tianyao: "Lin Shaoxia, you should hurry and persuade it. If they fight, it doesn't matter if the person is injured. If you break something, you need my old man to take the time to show Now!"

After hearing what he said, Lin Tianyao almost didn't kick the old one to kick fly. This old guy is worried about this.

Although there were other ideas in his heart, Lin Tianyao did not refuse. He moved under his feet, and his body disappeared from the place like a phantom.

The next moment, he had appeared in the center of Yanwuchang, just standing between Gaie and Gao Jianli.

His sudden appearance surprised everyone around him. This is the daytime and it will definitely not be haunted. But a big living person appeared out of nowhere, which is still surprising. ....