Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 767: 769 Comfortable Go to Mojia

Chapter 767: 769

Lie on the back of the white bird and put your head on Duan Murong's soft and smooth white legs. Lin Tianyao felt that his heart began to drift towards the clouds.

The pair of white and soft little hands, changing the touch across the body, is simply refreshing.

After so long, Lin Tianyao has never felt the taste of massage. This kind of battle has no effect on his body. On the contrary, fighting in battle has the same effect as exercising.

However, he only dealt with Donghuang Taiyi, and his internal energy consumption is indeed a bit much. Enjoying Duan Murong's massage now, I started to feel a little tired.

As soon as his mind relaxed, Lin Tianyao also felt a little tired, and soon he fell asleep in Duan Murong's arms.

Seeing Lin Tianyao fall asleep, Duan Murong's mouth showed a happy smile. She gently reached out and lifted Lin Tianyao's forehead hair, then lowered her head and kissed deeply.

It seemed to be a little embarrassed to steal the fish. Duan Murong's face became more red, and the entire white and tender neck turned pink.

All the tensions and worries completely disappeared at this moment. All the thoughts in my heart are like this vast sky, returning to tranquility again. The rest, only the breeze blowing by the ear.

I didn't know how long I slept. When Lin Tianyao opened his eyes again, the surroundings became dark.

There was no light at all in this darkness, as if he were a blind person, and suddenly became blind. Suddenly in front of him, Lin Tianyao was also surprised, he quickly reached out and fumbled around.


A scream came suddenly from all around. In this silent darkness, it seemed particularly harsh.

"Duanmu girl, what's wrong with you?"

Ears are slightly old voice. Lin Tianyao naturally heard this voice, it was Master Class.

When Lin Tianyao withdrew from the battlefield before, he had not yet seen Master Class come to support him. This old guy is really unreliable. If you really count on him, the daylily is cold.

But now, since he is here, everyone has almost merged with the Mo's reinforcements. But even in the middle of the night, why is there no light at all?

When in doubt, Lin Tianyao couldn't help but shake his hands.

"Ah, it hurts me!"

Duan Murong's cry came out again. This time Lin Tianyao heard it very clearly, because it was in his ear, especially close to him.

"Miss Duanmu, what happened? My password has been told above, there will be no fire!"

Master Class's voice was a little nervous, and he didn't know what happened.

At this time, Lin Tianyao felt a cold touch in his hand. Judging from the feeling, it was a hand, a woman's hand.

Immediately afterwards, a fragrant body was attached to his arms. Duan Murong's familiar voice appeared in his ear, she whispered softly: "Big scoundrel, are you already waiting for the present? While you can't see anyone around you, do you secretly spoil it?"

Duan Murong put his body in his arms, he finally knew what was in his hand. He hurriedly opened his mouth and explained quickly: "Xiaorong, you misunderstood me. I can't see anything now. I really don't know it's you..."

This explanation is really crappy. They rode on the white bird and slept in Duan Murong's arms. Waking up and groping, naturally the first time she met her.

Now when I say this, even if I don't really know it, I sometimes wipe out my mouth and refuse to admit it.

Sure enough, after listening to his explanation, Duan Murong bit his mouth on his shoulder and said: "You are a bad guy, it's ok to sneak it, and it's so powerful, do you want to pinch me?"

After being bitten by her, Lin Tianyao suddenly secretly complained. However, he was dumb to eat Coptis chinensis, unable to tell the bitterness, and could only choose to bear it.

At this time, Master Class shouted again: "Miss Rong, what the **** are you doing, why didn't you speak?"

After being questioned like this, Duan Murong hurriedly replied: "Master Class, I'm fine, but I'm a little scared!"

After Master Class heard it, he laughed and said: "Rong girl, you are not here for the first time, why are you so scared?"

Such a crappy reason, Master Class even believed. If it was really scared, how could Duan Murong be sore?

But it's a good reason to fool it. The perfection of excuses is less important.

After a while, there was a burst of light above the head. Looking like that, something seems to be opened.

At this time, the people regained their light before seeing everything around them, and Lin Tianyao was amazed not to enter. The position where everyone is now is in a cave.

Around the walls of the cave, there are countless small holes, among which there are green light, which is clearly covered with poisonous arrows.

This place is so dark, if anyone enters rashly, it is certain that due to the limitation of sight, they cannot see the surroundings. The arrows of such cheats are absolutely inescapable.

A hole was opened at the top, and after the light came in, Master Class looked up and said: "Lao Zhang, why are you so grueling, are you busy gambling again last night? Hurry, I'm in a hurry!"

Lao Zhang listened, laughed and scolded, then closed the hole again, and the darkness returned to everyone's eyes.

After the hole was closed again, Lin Tianyao began to feel a shock under his feet, and the ground began to move quickly.

This scene, this familiar dynamic, suddenly made three words appear in his mind-roller coaster! ....