Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 761: 763 ended

761 Chapter 763 Ends

Knowing the power of Tianxian Feixian, everyone else could not help but shrink back, hiding behind Donghuang Taiyi.

Right now, Donghuang Taiyi has become the pillar of all of them. It is only him who can fight Lin Tianyao!

After flying for a while in the air, Feixian Tianwai suddenly stopped above Lin Tianyao's head.

As it stopped, Lin Tianyao's closed eyes also opened, he raised his hand, pointed at Dong Huangtai gently, and spit out a word in his mouth: "Luo!"

As soon as he dropped the word, Tianxian Feixian suddenly began to dissipate. When it spread out, the subtle light spots began to shoot towards Donghuang Taiyi and others.

When I shot it, the light spots suddenly expanded in mid-air and became a giant sword with a full height.

Countless giant swords, crammed in the air like a sword rain out of thin air. Moreover, the countless light spots are arranged one after another, and a lineup has been formed.

According to this situation, these sword rains are full of 108 waves.

If this trick is used to fight, even if there are thousands of troops on the opposite side, it can be shot directly into a meat mountain, and there will not be a live mouth!

Feeling the coercion of the giant lightsaber shot over, everyone swallowed secretly. At this time, they looked at Lin Tianyao's eyes, and there was no hostility at all. All that remained was only deep fear.

Before they lost money, they still felt that they could fight Lin Tianyao, and they still tried to use tricks. Now it seems that their ideas are so naive and so ridiculous.

If Lin Tianyao directly made this move, I am afraid they have no one to talk about now.

At this moment, they really felt very happy. At least, Lin Tianyao did not kill them. Although they did not know the reason, they survived!

However, even if he survives now, he is not sure that he can escape this time. After all, the teleportation array has not yet played a role. Whether they can escape or not is still a very serious problem.

However, it takes time to start the teleportation array. At this time, can the Emperor Taiyi stop Lin Tianyao's sword rain?

This question was already answered in the moment it was formed in everyone's mind. Because Donghuang Taiyi has already shot.

Gently reach out, the slight degree seems to be saying goodbye to someone. Donghuang Taiyi raised his hand so easily.

While raising his hand, a circular light escaped from the top of everyone's head. This light shield is exactly the same as that used by the Star Soul before. But the power is obviously much worse. The light escape from the star soul is just a dark purple circular light mirror. The Emperor Taiyi used not only the light mirror, but also an intricate magic array on it.

This difference can be said to be qualitative. The magic circle itself can form a kind of operation, and the consumption of people can be reduced a lot. The light shield used by Star Soul is completely supported by his own internal force.

Seeing that the Emperor Dongyi used this trick, Lin Tianyao finally understood it. This guy is probably not just the person in charge of the Yin Yang family. To be precise, the secret techniques of the Yin-Yang family are all related to magic.

Even to say too much, Taiyi the Emperor Donghuang is a magician!

However, in this copy of Qin Shimingyue, obviously ten martial arts worlds, how is it possible for such a chaotic character as a magician to appear?

With such a thought, Lin Tianyao thought of the familiar tone that Dong Huangtai had spoken before. Could it be that... this guy is not a person in this world?

This idea came out, Lin Tianyao trembles involuntarily. He had doubted more than once after he came out of Chonghonghong's pupil. There must be someone else like him who was selected by the system and then entered the world of copybooks.

But this idea has not been confirmed, but his wishful thinking.

However, seeing Emperor Donghuang today, he finally no longer feels that he is fantasizing. This guy is likely to come from the outside world and not belong to the copy world.

But after this idea appeared, he encountered a fatal denial. If the Eastern Emperor Taiyi does not belong to this world, if he is an experienced person, then there must be a task.

With his current strength, he can also fight against Shang Lin Tianyao. It is impossible to complete the mission until now.

In this way, does this guy take the initiative to stay, or is there any other reason why he can't leave?

With so many questions, Lin Tianyao couldn't bear it anymore. He shouted to the Emperor Dong: "Emperor Dong, you tell me now, are you a person in this world!"

Hearing Lin Tianyao's inquiry, the Emperor Dong Huang shivered obviously. His body trembles, causing the light shields on his hands to tremble. Under the impact of the sword rain, the people around them are inevitably affected.

The Emperor Dong Huang heard such a big response from him, which made Lin Tianyao's guess more credible.

But after only a tremor, Emperor Donghuang returned to normal again, and he said plainly: "Lin Tianyao, you don’t have to ask me anymore, I told you, the next time you see me again, I Will tell you everything!"

"Still not willing to say?"

Lin Tianyao can't wait until that time, he now wants to clarify this problem, has reached an urgent level. Before entering this copy, this problem had troubled him. Now it's hard to find a chance, he can't let it go so easily.

Thinking, he shouted: "Emperor Dong, you don't tell me today, you just want to leave! Today is to kill you, and I will dig these secrets out of your mind!"

After finishing the speech, Lin Tianyao's hands stretched out toward the sky. The sword rain in the sky seemed to hear his order, and a long sword began to shake violently. ....