Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 759: 761 Teleportation Array

759 761 Teleportation Array

If Lin Tianyao is another descendant of the East Emperor Taiyi, then all this can be said. The secret skills of the Yin and Yang family, such young age, such unpredictable martial arts.

And under this association, what I can think of more is that Lin Tianyao was originally in the Yueyue Valley, and did not hurt the two fatalities. On the contrary, he also brought less life to his side.

Even when Dai Siming returned to his life, Donghuang Taiyi didn't say much. If others dare to take away the lives of the elders and young men of the Yin and Yang families, the ending will definitely be extremely tragic. How could it be possible to just laugh away at will?

After this idea appeared, it became more and more vigorous, which caused the star soul to look at Lin Tianyao's eyes differently. A bit of jealousy and resentment had been born in his eyes.

Such a sudden change in Star Soul was unexpected by Lin Tianyao. The little fart boy was defeated in his hands, and resentment was understandable. How did he feel jealous of him?

Da Siming, who was on the side, saw that Star Soul was restrained by Lin Tianyao, and his heart raised his throat. If the Soul of the Stars prevailed before, there is still a way to reverse the situation. This time, he was really poor.

At this critical moment, a strong wind suddenly came from afar. The target attacked by this strong wind is Lin Tianyao!

Feeling the danger behind him, Lin Tianyao turned around and didn't care about the Star Soul for the moment, but grabbed it with his backhand and caught the attack in his hand.

When you let go of that palm, it turned out to be a green leaf!

Looking in the direction of the attack, Lin Tianyao couldn't help but reveal a playful smile. This girl finally couldn't help it!

At this juncture, Lin Tianyao sold no one else, but the young master who had been quietly following him.

The girl never spoke, almost no sense of existence. If it does not appear at this time, no one even knows that this character is still there.

Young desperately standing in the distance, that elegant posture, as always quiet. The white gauze on that face, the mighty wind gently blowing, let her small white tender chin looming, giving people a kind of want to spy, but hazy.

"Are you finally unable to resist the shot?"

Lin Tianyao threw the green leaf in his hand to the ground and asked with a smile.

Young Commander did not speak, but turned his attention to the Grand Commander in the distance. Her eyes seemed to have quietly conveyed what she wanted to say.

Da Siming did not lose but was always partner with Young Siming, she nodded seriously. Then the body flew down towards the star soul.

While in the air, her blood-red hands stretched out, forming a handprint at an extremely fast speed.

This trick is exactly the masterpiece of Da Siming's mastery, and the Yin and Yang handprints!

Is this woman crazy? At this time, she suddenly shot against Lin Tianyao, did she not measure her strength? didn’t care about Da Siming’s attack at all, Lin Tianyao just waved, and a blade of air appeared out of nowhere, drifting towards her body in the air.

Gathering energy into a blade, although Star Soul can use time to stand still, but only he can do it after all. There is no way for Da Siming to resist.

Drifting lightly, Da Siming has no focus, her body has no way to move at all, and naturally she can't avoid it.

Now that the air blade is floating towards her heart, how can she resist it?

When Lin Tianyao pulled away to deal with Da Siming, Shao Siming's body almost moved at the same time. Her figure is like a ghost, flashing back and forth on the ground, every move seems to be just a step out, but the next time the body appears, it is already more than ten steps!

"Shrink to an inch?"

Lin Tianyao naturally knew the trick of young master. This kind of footwork can move instantaneously with the same principle, except that the moving distance is not very far. Compared with the technique of flying thunder god, it is naturally a heaven and an underground!

However, at such a short distance, shrinking to an inch has the same effect as Flying Thor. It took only two breaths for Young Commander to come to Lin Tianyao.

A fingerprint was quickly formed on her hand, and under Lin Tianyao's feet, several vines appeared, trying to entangle him.

Lin Tianyao threw an air blade to Da Siming, and did not continue to control her. After all, even if this air blade could not hurt her, it would be fine to hold her back. Now Shao Mingming shot him, and he turned his attention to this side too.

Almost at a moment, a golden flame appeared around Lin Tianyao's legs. The moment the flame came out, it was to roast the surrounding land directly.

The vine that had just been born was roasted by flames and turned into fly ash.

But for such a short period of time, Star Soul had changed, and on the ground below his body, a light blue light suddenly appeared.

The light showed the shape of a circle, and there were various intricate cross lines in the circle.

If this graphic is seen by others, it will definitely not be recognized. But Lin Tianyao was different. As he saw it, his pupils contracted slightly. How did he not recognize this array? Teleportation!

Seeing the teleportation array appear, a smile appeared on Xinghun's face. It was a relaxed smile, a kind of pleasure for the rest of the life!

After the teleportation array appeared, a ray of light was pulled up flatly.

The blue light curtain appeared as a cylinder, spouting out two meters high. After more than ten breaths, the light gradually dissipated.

After the light dissipated, a figure appeared in front of everyone.

Star Soul's body is being caught by this person, as if carrying a chick.

The man was wrapped in a black robe, and he also wore a mask on his face. The only characteristic is the crown on his head. This crown, exactly the same shape as the emperor, but the golden panlong pattern, but slightly different.

But even so, this kind of crown is also a big injustice. This crown can only be worn by the emperor! ....