Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 731: 733 shocked again and again

Chapter 731: 733

Looking at the scene that appeared in the sky, everyone's heart stopped beating almost at that moment.

This is simply impossible. If the two collide, it is almost a foregone conclusion. Why did the white bird and the wood bird stop at the same time?

What is even more terrifying is that Lin Tianyao was so critical that he broke off the five-meter iron gun on the head of the wooden bird. What strength and speed is this?

In the sky, Lin Tianyao is also under tremendous pressure at the moment. Although the demon king can make space still, but can only maintain a short period of time.

Once the force disappears, the machine wood bird will collide with the white bird.

So now he must take advantage of this short time when time is still, to separate the two, otherwise it is simply a delay, and cannot solve the trouble in front of him.

Thinking, he shouted at the master of the class: "Old man, you haven't driven your institution wooden bird away yet, when did you want me to stay?"

Master Class was frightened before, but Lin Tianyao's roar was also reflected. He hit a jerking spirit, and then quickly pulled the joystick to make the machine wooden bird back away.

Bai Feng naturally knew the seriousness of the situation. He didn't wait for Lin Tianyao to speak. He directly reached out and patted on the back of the bird. Shiratori had already closed his eyes in horror, and now he received the master's order, and he also fluttered his wings, kicked his feet on the ground, and flew away.

The two separated, and Lin Tianyao felt a sudden lightness in his body. That kind of feeling, like a person carrying a big stone, suddenly put the stone down.

To maintain the space at rest with internal force, it is necessary to constantly output internal force. This feeling is the same as pulling carts with cattle and sheep. It consumes a lot of money.

"Where are you going?"

Lin Tianyao glared at Bai Feng. This guy actually wanted to take the opportunity to let Shiratori fly away.

At this moment, he even doubted that only Cai Feng Feng had seen Master's trace before making that look. Obviously, he wanted to use the collision between the wooden bird and the white bird to create chaos, and then took the opportunity to escape.

Unfortunately, this plan fell through.

Bai Feng didn't speak. He directed the white bird to hover in the air for a few laps before slowly falling to the ground.

After landing, Lin Tianyao grabbed him over and stared at him coldly: "You discovered Master Class before, are you still a thief?"

Bai Feng tilted his head to the side, and he sneered across the corner of his mouth: "You haven't found the old man of the Mo family, can I find it?"

He said this, Lin Tianyao immediately understood. His strength is not aware of the old classmates lurking around, how can Bai Feng find out?

However, if he really said so. What did he see before that, and then suddenly became so relaxed?

A series of doubts in my heart made Lin Tianyao confused.

With the lessons learned by Master Class, he began to look around for a while. But this move has already seemed a bit futile.

After all, there was such a big upheaval that Wei Zhuang, even a fool, would not choose to start at this time. However, all suspicions are not as accurate as actual actions.

However, the development of things often exceeds the expectations of others.

When Lin Tianyao was exploring, he found the clue exactly. Amidst the surrounding grass, suddenly there was a wave of abnormal disturbances.

This movement is very slight, if you don't pay attention to it, you won't find it at all.

Feeling this strange, Lin Tianyao suddenly recalled that he had had such a disturbance when he first arrived at Jinghu Medical Estate. It's just that he thought it was the recovery of the spring hibernation creature that would be so active.

However, it seems that this is no longer the normal phenomenon. On the contrary, this is a cover-up, a clever disguise that draws on actual phenomena.

"Yue'er, what's wrong with you?"

Just as Lin Tianyao was thinking about the matter in front of him, there was a burst of exclamation among Gainie and others in the distance. Listen to that voice, it should be from Duan Murong.

When something happened in the crowd, Lin Tianyao could only put down his thoughts and rushed to Baifeng.

When I looked at it recently, I found that Yue'er didn't know what the reason was, and had passed out.

Duan Murong was on the sidelines, but saw her feelings more and more solemn. At a glance, she knew she was in trouble.

Duan Murong, who can be called Jinghu Medical Immortal, shows such an expression, Yue Er's coma is definitely not that simple. But on the way, including this area, no outsiders came. What happened to Yue'er?

After a long time, Duan Murong took back the hand of the pulse. Seeing her diagnosis ended, Tianming first asked: "Sister Duanmu, what happened to Yue'er?"

Duan Murong shook his head gently: "Nothing, it was caused by overwork."

When she said that, everyone else gave a sigh of relief.

But in Lin Tianyao's view, this matter is not so simple. Yueer's physique is pretty good. Besides there is no other exercise than just riding a carriage, how could it be overworked?

He is not alone, I am afraid that Gaie and Fan Zeng and others all see it clearly.

The reason why Duan Murong chose to hide is partly because there are so many people here. On the other hand, it is also not to cause commotion.

After Yue'er was revealed, everyone's attention instantly turned to Lin Tianyao.

Before the colliding wooden bird and the white bird collided, such earth-shattering things were actually digested by him in one hand, what a miracle? At this moment, the people of the Xiang clan looked at Lin Tianyao's gaze, almost half-respected to see the fairy.

Tianming and Shaoyu, two little guys, could not help kneeling and apprentice.

However, as everyone looked at Lin Tianyao, they also noticed Bai Feng who was holding his neckline.

Seeing this guy, everyone's eyes instantly changed from reverence to disgust and hatred. If it weren't for this guy, how could they encounter such a big trouble? ....