Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 728: 730 Wei Zhuang's plan

Chapter 728 730 Wei Zhuang's plan

Although he was unwilling, Bai Feng had no way to refute it. After all, the facts before me have proved everything. Lin Tianyao's speed is indeed superior to him countless times.

Lin Tianyao stood on the spot and pointed his finger at him: "Is there anything else? Just come out. If you have this skill, it will disappoint me."

The strong will always have an arrogant look at the world. Especially when dealing with enemies, that kind of arrogance tends to naturally form a kind of contempt.

The so-called battle between the two not only requires great strength, but also has a great effect on psychological and spiritual repression.

Lin Tianyao's attitude now is naked insult in Bai Feng's eyes. Stimulating him like this will make him emotional.

Once the emotion is agitated, even if he still hides some killer skills, it will become uncool, and it is not bad for the plan to appear flawed.

Of course, in the face of opponents like Bai Feng, Lin Tianyao does not need to use mentality at all. He is now fully restored, without the shackles of the seal, no one in this world will be his opponent.

Although it is not necessary, but said this, the blow to Bai Feng is still great. His body began to tremble.

But in a flash, Bai Feng sneered suddenly. There was a hint of sadness and loneliness in his laughter. He said: "If you don't want to tell me my name, then I won't ask more. You can beat me, but you can't kill me. In the future, I will definitely return the humiliation I suffered today to you tenfold. !"

There was a threatening taste in his words, but more of it was still a kind of self-confidence. He was confident that he could escape from Lin Tianyao's hands.

Hearing this, Lin Tianyao raised his eyebrows slightly, and said with a smile in his tone: "You are so confident, can you slip away from me?"

"That's natural!" Bai Feng snorted: "If I rely on my strength, I can't escape your palm. And if you want to kill me, it's just as easy as raising your hand. I know this very well. But you Have you ever thought that I will deal with you here, what is Master Wei Zhuang doing now?"

Having said that, Bai Feng doesn't want to continue to play with dumb mysteries. Since Lin Tianyao has the courage to come to Bainiao to deal with him, he must have a full grasp.

But speaking of Wei Zhuang, Lin Tianyao's complexion gradually began to dignify. That guy is still hidden in the dark, and I don't know what tricks to paint.

After carefully reviewing Bai Feng's words, Lin Tianyao's gaze immediately turned to the direction in which Gaie and others moved. Did the guy in Weizhuang know so well that he knew he would stay and deal with Bai Feng?

If this is the case, it may not necessarily be that ambush has been encountered by Gaine and others.

Wei Zhuang can keep Gaie directly. Although the two have a slight difference in strength, they can only be described as quite powerful.

The remaining Xiang family and Duan Murong are not very strong. For the killers of the high-speed sand organization, it is absolutely a big loss. The more I think about it, an unknown hunch appears in Lin Tianyao's mind.

Bai Feng looked at the expression on Lin Tianyao's face and couldn't help laughing. "How is it, did you realize what the problem is? Do you think that if you suddenly appear, will there be any accident for Master Weizhuang?" To tell you the truth, what our killers are best at is dealing with emergencies."

"Although you have only been around for a few days, we have basically figured out your laws of action. Your strength is very strong, and the organs Wushuang and Canglang are not as good as you. But I am different, I can Hold your foot."

In his words, he has already made a simple outline of Wei Zhuang's plan. Before the appearance of Wushuang and Canglang Wang, Lin Tianyao was taken lightly.

This is to show weakness to the enemy, and then take advantage of each other's slack and take the opportunity to act.

This plan does have unexpected effects when it comes to masters. After all, masters will have a self-confidence. This kind of psychology is hidden in the heart of others, and it is simply not that the mind can be contained.

Seeing Lin Tianyao not speaking, Bai Feng's smile became even more rampant, he cried, "How do you feel regretful and unwilling? You look like a loser, I'm no different from seeing flowers and plants , Already used to it."

"Did you say enough?"

Lin Tian raised his head slowly, his eyes narrowed into a gap. In the middle of the eyes, there was a faint hurry. The cold light, like an awl, pierced into Bai Feng's heart.

Such a change made Bai Feng a little wrong for a while. The smile on his face disappeared instantly, but instead it was a kind of panic. He himself did not know why the plan was successful, but he was so panicked in his heart.

Lin Tian walked slowly towards him, and said, "I didn't want to kill you, but you said this now, but you have to die!"

"Want to kill me, you don't want to!"

Bai Feng retreated, almost without hesitation, he jumped directly from the white bird with a move.

His light work is unique in the world, with the bird feather symbol on his body, so falling from the sky, there is no danger at all.

However, all this was just wishful thinking. How can Lin Tianyao watch him escape?

Seeing Bai Feng jump off the white bird, Lin Tianyao stepped on the foot fiercely, and the huge force caused the white bird to wail. Immediately afterwards, it seemed to have lost all its strength, and its wings stopped waving and fell from the air.

The white bird fell, and Bai Feng's heart was bleeding. This bird cannot be overstated. Without the white bird, how can the white phoenix be called the phoenix?

But he couldn't care about that much either. Lin Tianyao was about to kill, and the fish and bear's paw couldn't do both.

"When do you want to float?"

Just as Bai Feng threw a bird feather symbol, the sound of Lin Tianyao appeared beside his ear as soon as he tapped on his feet. ....