Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 726: 728 Mocking Bai Feng

Episode 726

"Baidu, who is that?"

Bai Feng apparently did not know what the two words Lin Tianyao meant, and couldn't help wondering for a while.

Seeing him like this, Lin Tianyao laughed inwardly. Baidu is a real-world search engine. If he knew it, wouldn’t it be like him?

But he still enjoyed the expression of Bai Feng. For the arrogant people, the others asked him one question and three questions, and no such thing made him feel more humiliated.

Sure enough, after seeing Lin Tianyao smiling, Bai Feng's face became pig liver color. He didn't think the smile was peaceful, but a kind of mockery, a kind of mockery with great hidden meaning.

The more he thought about it in his heart, the more he felt bored. At that moment, Bai Feng felt that his chest was stuffy for a while, and there seemed to be something coming out of his throat.

Lin Tianyao reached out and touched his chin, and said indifferently: "Do you feel uncomfortable?"

"How do you know" Bai Feng's eyes widened, Lin Tianyao even knew his feelings at the moment, is this guy a monster?

Before waiting for him to speak, Lin Tianyao suddenly began to shake his head, sighing and practicing: "Boy, young people do whatever they want, don't hide it. If you deflate, beware of getting sick."

What he said was a little bit headless, making Bai Feng stunned.

"What do you mean, I hold my back?"

Bai Feng felt that he was wronged to the extreme. The guy in front of him didn't play cards according to common sense. Who can understand these unremarkable words?

Lin Tianyao saw that he didn't understand, he breathed a long breath, and regretted: "This little man looks pretty and handsome, why is his mind so dumb? I don't know what you mean, if you want to vomit blood, hurry up Spit up, don't hold back!"


As soon as the words fell, Bai Feng couldn't bear it any more, and opened his mouth directly, a mouthful of **** old blood. The bright red blood fell on the white bird's white back, and it was extremely dazzling.

In fact, he could resist the urge to vomit blood before. But Lin Tianyao said that he was handsome and dumb. What makes Bai Feng's brain power so proud?

Such outspoken insults made him unable to bear it anymore. The mouthful of blood was completely out of control and spewed out on its own.

"Tu..." Lin Tianyao sucked again and again after seeing him vomit blood.

Suddenly, he pointed to Bai Feng's right hand and asked, "I said Bai Feng, why do you wear a ribbon on your right shoulder?"

Asked about this, Bai Feng's original depressed face suddenly showed a look of pride. He raised his head and proudly said: "This is my unique sign. If I and you both wear ordinary clothes, wouldn't it be the same as you?" "Oh..."

Lin Tianyao made an unexpected expression and nodded gently. Then he made a contemplative look and muttered to himself: "People often say that men are left and women are right. You big man has such a sign on the right. Does it mean..."

Halfway through the talk, Lin Tianyao suddenly raised his head and snapped his left finger in the air, pointing at Bai Feng’s nose: "Are you without a girlfriend!"

Although his girlfriend has some real-world taste, Bai Feng still understands it. He replied a little puzzledly: "I don't have a match yet, what do you ask about this?"

Lin Tianyao smiled with deep meaning: "I said Bai Feng, you are still young, and it's too late to make changes in time. You said that you are dressed like a big man so fancy and so white with a little face, why is it necessary? Now in this world, you can't accommodate your avant-garde thinking!"

Bai Feng listened to the cloud and fog, and raised his hand to his chin and asked: "What are you talking about, how do I dress up and do with you?"

Lin Tianyao clapped his hands and said, "I saw your dress, and said it has nothing to do with me? I really want to go to Daqin's prison to find some prisoners coming to you and still soap!"

"Soap? What's that thing?" Bai Feng was going crazy. He didn't understand what Lin Tianyao said.

However, looking at his expression, Bai Feng seemed to understand. From the beginning, this guy seemed to be making fun of him. And he used some adjectives that he didn't understand.

Thinking of this, Bai Feng looked cold. Lin Tianyao ridiculed him face to face, and he couldn't bear it anymore.

Almost at the same time, he stretched out his hand holding his chin, pointing to the position of Lin Tianyao's neck.

With the depths of his hands, a white feather shot out of his sleeve like an arrow. The speed is so fast that people can't see clearly.

Rao is like this. The hidden weapon of this speed seems so weak in Lin Tianyao's eyes. Such a speed seemed to him just like a child's javelin.

Without any ideological preparation, Bai Feng saw Lin Tianyao's body not moving a moment ago, and thought he was going to be shot by a hidden weapon. But in a blink of an eye, the feather dart disappeared out of thin air.

This situation is like a ghost event that happened at midnight. The feather dart he shot out disappeared at the moment he was about to hit Lin Tianyao's neck.

Lin Tianyao stood still, smiling. As if nothing had happened, I didn't know there was a feather dart shooting.

"This... what's the situation? Why did my bird feather rune suddenly disappear?"

Astonished in his heart, Bai Feng seemed to be unbelieving, and once again raised his hand, another bird feather charm shot out.

But as before, the bird feather symbol disappeared again as soon as he approached Lin Tianyao.

Bai Feng's eyes widened, and he said to himself in wonder, "This, this is impossible, what happened?"

He kept looking at his hands, as if the nightmare had just awakened, unable to distinguish reality from dreams.

Seeing him like this, Lin Tianyao smiled and asked him: "Bai Feng, what's wrong with you, can't you withstand the excitement of a few words, are you crazy?"...