Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 718: 720 The blue wolf dies, the white phoenix appears

Chapter 718: 720 The Cang Wolf is Dead

On this stunned moment, Lin Tianyao's fingers flicked across. A red blood line crossed quietly under the night.

King Cang wore his eyes wide, his hands involuntarily covered his neck. The mouth that was still roaring before started to open and close.

But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't breathe any air at all. The neck was cut by Lin Tianyao's sword gas, and his throat had been completely broken.

Looking at the appearance of the blue wolf king's asthma, Lin Tianyao extended his **** and hit him on the head, directly flicking out his entire body.

As the forehead was pushed, the huge rift in the neck of the blue wolf king burst instantly. It made his neck open like a mouth, and opened a big mouth.

At this moment, the king of the wolf twitched on the ground for a while, and then he didn't move at all.

"Anyway, it can be regarded as one of the four kings, but it has no strength at all!"

Looking at the body of King Wolf, Lin Tianyao couldn't help shaking his head again and again. This blue wolf king is just relying on the domesticated wolves to make waves. Its own strength is really terrible.

That being said, this guy is much stronger than that beam. At least before he started, he also killed more than one hundred wild wolves.

Now the four heavenly kings, except for Wushuang and Wanglang, are left with Chilian and Baifeng. Wei Zhuang this guy, still hiding. Can't these men be sent all at once?

Come one by one to die, there is no concept of team war. Originally they had some advantages together. In this way, can he fight a group?


At this moment, a long bird sound suddenly came from above the head. This sound is louder than the eagle, and there is lightness in it, like the sound of a lark.

Lin Tianyao raised his head and looked. Under the moonlight, a huge silver-white shadow floated across the top of his head.

It was an unknown giant bird with silvery white feathers and no hair. In terms of body shape, it is simply an eagle magnified nearly a hundred times.

Seeing this big bird, two words instantly appeared in Lin Tianyao's mind-Bai Feng.

The head of the four kings of Weizhuang is Bai Feng. Among his whereabouts, the most classic is this mount.

After the big bird floated in the sky, it rose directly into the sky and disappeared into the sky. There is no intention of falling.

This move was somewhat unexpected. Cangwolf King and Wushuang were killed and injured. Isn't Bai Feng ready to start?

With a little thought in his heart, Lin Tianyao picked up the body of King Canglang and walked towards where Xiang Liang and others stayed.

Xiang Liang and others put out a circular guard formation on the spot, and several bonfires were burning around the formation. Obviously they followed Lin Tianyao's suggestion and guarded against wolves' offense at any time.

But after so long, no wolf came over except the wolf howling. This makes them feel a little strange.

However, when Lin Tianyao's figure appeared, their pupils shrank. Because they saw the dead wolf king who couldn't die anymore.

Lin Tianyao dropped the body of King Cang Wolf on the ground and waved to everyone: "This wild dog is dead, don't worry about it!"

Xiang Liang looked at the body of King Wolf in front of him and swallowed hard. His beard shuddered with his jaw.

Canglang Wang is one of the four kings of Weizhuang's men, not to mention his identity. His own strength is also extremely powerful. The average person was scared of diapers when he heard his reputation. Not to mention killing him.

But now, the facts are in front of us. Not only was the organization Wushuang abolished, but even the king of the blue wolf was also killed in the tea ceremony.

Even Gainie had spent a lot of effort to kill Wushuang Gui. The ranking of the Cangwolf King is still above the unparalleled ghost, and it is also very difficult to meet in the inside.

Lin Tianyao wiped out these two ruthless people so easily, to what extent is this strength?

Think about the fact that he used to teleport to Lin Tian. Xiang Liang now regrets his intestines. With Lin Tianyao's strength, destroying him is just a matter of flick.

Taking a sip of calming emotions, Xiang Liang walked in front of Lin Tianyao and bowed deeply: "Lin Shaoxia, I was offended before, I hope you don't mind."

Such movements are naturally seen by Fan Zeng. He was finally relieved at this moment. How difficult is it for Xiang Liang to bow his head? But the current state of affairs, if you don't bow your head, there is only a dead end.

However, things did not go to such an extreme point. The body of King Cang Wolf completely made Xiang Liang subdued. This is also a lucky luck.

"Mr. Xiang does not need to do this. I don't like fancy things. There are wolves before and tigers behind. If we can't unify, the next steps will be difficult!"

Lin Tianyao stretched out his hand to lift Xiang Liang, and then raised his finger to heaven: "You, the big bird that flew in the sky before, have you ever seen it?"

When he asked this question, everyone shook his head.

Gaie Nie's left eye narrowed slightly and asked Lin Tianyao: "Have you seen Bai Feng?"

He directly guessed Bai Feng's identity from Lin Tianyao's endless words.

Lin Tianyao nodded and said, "If you haven't seen it, then you need to be more careful next. If I guess well, the king of the wolf and the organization Wushuang are nothing but cannon fodder for testing. Wei Zhuang now wants , Maybe not our head!"

"Aren't you going to kill us?"

Tian Ming's eyes widened, and he grabbed Lin Tianyao's clothing corner and asked, "Brother Lin, aren't those bad guys coming to kill me?"

Lin Tianyao smiled slightly and reached out to pat on Tianming’s little head: "You are right, they really want to kill me. But before killing us, he still wants to get more!"

As soon as these words came out, it seemed that Gainie, Fan Zeng and others had received some terrible news, and their heads were all lowered. ....