Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 676: 678 soldiers under the city

Episode 676

"It's all dead, then why are you still alive!"

Osnet yelled and slapped in the past. The soldier hadn't understood what was happening, but it was dark. The next moment, his head was already flattened!

The soldiers and generals around him heard what the soldier came to report, and their bodies almost shrank back at the same time!

Lin Tianyao and Najieta, in their hearts, are nightmarish names!

The former is the one who killed General Bude! The latter is the leader of the revolutionary army. No one can mess with these two! Even said that it is not weaker than Estes!

Osnet really regretted it now, he regretted it too early!

The two guys attacked at night, but I didn't expect to get into the jail! If he shoots later, after these two guys are executed, then suppress Esdes, this beauty is definitely still in his pocket!

He did not expect that after waiting for so long, he was too anxious!

Now, Estes has completely torn his face! It is absolutely impossible to let her go again!

Thinking of this, Osnet turned and walked towards the emperor's bedroom. Right now, I don't know how to use Supreme Emperor Gu, so I can't deal with these guys!

However, what Osnett couldn't understand was that he let Niu assassinate Najieta and Lin Tianyao with poison. Why did those two guys not die now, but turned upside down?

This change, he could not think of it anyway!

Suddenly, Osnet seemed to think of something. He slammed his forehead and howled: "Damn, Niu, the **** guy, dare to betray me!"

He looks like this, and is really seen by Eszter and others. They are finally relieved at the moment!

Before Lin Tianyao made Niu a traitor, almost everyone was against it, but now it seems that he is right.

At this moment, the Royal Palace is another scene!

On the way to the little emperor's bedroom, a figure appeared!

This guy suddenly jumped out of the grass beside him, but scared the little emperor.

"No, there are assassins!"

Almost at the same time, the guard and the little emperor's mouth came out with such a sentence!

But after the figure rushed out, he kneeled directly in front of the little emperor! Look at his costume, it is the costume of the Imperial Defense Army! The position is still the captain! Seeing him kneeling on the ground, the little emperor also breathed a sigh of relief. If it were an assassin, I am afraid it would have already been done!

"Who are you, why do you come to scare me in the middle of the night? If you can't tell me why, I still want to kill you!" After all, the little emperor is an emperor, and there is still some majesty!

The captain looked up, and then his face was clearly seen by the little emperor and others. This person is no one else, it was the captain who had peeped in the prison before!

He exhaled for a long time, desperately suppressing the excitement. After all, this little person has few chances to see the emperor in his life! If it weren’t for Esdes’s dinner, which made the surrounding defenses lax, he couldn’t come here anyway!

After calming his emotions, the captain raised his head and said, "Your Majesty, I want to expose one thing to you! Minister Osnet, he is a spy, he is a gang with the night raid!"


The little emperor could not believe his ears! Whether Osnet is a spy or a revolutionary army person, this is an amazing story!

Without listening to any explanation, the little emperor said directly to the guard: "Come here, drag me out of this guy who intends to make a rumor!

The captain heard that he was going to kill him, and he screamed: "Your Majesty, I said that the truth is true! I am the captain of the guard at the Imperial Capital Prison. If it is not for reporting, give me ten guts. Break into the palace!"

He said this, but it made the little emperor interested. This captain is the guard captain of the Imperial Capital Prison, and Lin Tianyao and Najieta are also under his care! "

The little emperor motioned for the guard to wait, and then asked the captain: "You said Osnet was a spy, is there any evidence?"

The captain nodded hurriedly: "Your Majesty, when I fell into the night today, Osnet's men took his warrant to let me open the door, and then he went directly to visit the two members of the night raid! I thought the minister's men were The two guys were going to be killed, but he didn't expect him to let them go!"

As soon as these words came out, the little emperor shuddered for a while! Since this little captain came here at the risk of his life, he definitely did not want to frame Osnet!

However, the identity of the person holding the Osnet warrant is still somewhat suspicious!

Either he is from Osnet or the Revolutionary Army is posing!

Either way, it is extremely bad news! Of course, of these two points, the little emperor still hopes that person is a person of the revolutionary army!

However, what he cares about now is not the identity of this person, but what is happening to Lin Tianyao and Najieta!

Thinking in his heart, the little emperor said in a hurry: "Since that person is about to release the two members of the night raid, why didn't you find someone to arrest, but came to me?"

The captain said with a heavy face and a pained expression: "It's too late. When I went out to call someone, they rushed out! The two guys who attacked at night also released the prisoners! More than two thousand The prisoners dealt with our five hundred guards, and our sergeants were basically killed!"

As soon as these words came out, the little emperor's body shivered. Originally a perfect victory, but because of the mistakes in detention, now the trouble is completely in trouble!

These two dangerous men attacked at night, plus two thousand prisoners, if these guys make trouble in the emperor, the consequences will be disastrous!

Just as the little emperor digested the shocking news, there was a loud explosion at the south gate of the imperial capital. Then, the fire that reflected the sky made his face flushed!

Seeing this, the little emperor closed his eyes directly. He whispered in his mouth: "Oops, this is really bad! Osnet, I really started to regret it. Regret helps you suppress General Estes!"...